The standard Salesforce Account object is relabelled as Entity and represents an organisation.
An entity may be one of the following types of organisation, depending on the value in the Orgn Type field:
- Client
- Provider
- Prospect
- Practice (or business division)
- Fund
- Client Entity (such as a trust, SMSF, family business, etc.)
- Employer (used in superannuation)
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
ABN | cloupra__Entity_Number_2__c | Text (20) | |
Account Description | Description | Textarea (32000) | |
Account Fax | Fax | Phone (40) | |
Account ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Account Phone | Phone | Phone (40) | |
Account Rating | Rating | Picklist (Hot; Warm; Cold) | |
Account Type | Type | Picklist (Analyst; Competitor; Customer; Integrator; Investor; Partner; Press; Prospect; Reseller; Other) | |
Active Members | cloupra__Active_Members__c | Number (18, 0) | |
Active Service Package | cloupra__Active_Service_Package__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | A reference to the active service package for this client. |
Annual Revenue | AnnualRevenue | Currency (18, 0) | |
Assets Current Value Managed | cloupra__Assets_Current_Value_Managed__c | Currency (16, 2) | The total current value of assets under advice or management for this client. |
Average Age | cloupra__Average_Age__c | Number (3, 2) | |
Average Balance | cloupra__Average_Balance__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Balance | cloupra__Balance__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Billing Geocode Accuracy | BillingGeocodeAccuracy | Picklist (Address; NearAddress; Block; Street; ExtendedZip; Zip; Neighborhood; City; County; State; Unknown) | |
Client Revenue | cloupra__Client_Revenue__c | Formula (Currency) | IF($Setup.cloupra__PractiFI_Setting__c.cloupra__Revenue_Roll_Up_To_Client__c = 'Last 12 Months', cloupra__Instalments_Value_Last_12_Months__c , IF($Setup.cloupra__PractiFI_Setting__c.cloupra__Revenue_Roll_Up_To_Client__c = 'Financial Year To Date', cloupra__Instalments_Value_FYTD__c , null) ) |
Client Stage | cloupra__Client_Stage_Picklist__c | Picklist (Lead; Prospect; Client; Qualified Out; Cancelled) | |
Company Liability | cloupra__Company_Liability__c | Picklist (Proprietary limited by shares; Proprietary unlimited with share capital; Public limited by shares; Public limited by guarantee; Public unlimited with share capital; No liability company) | |
Company Type | cloupra__Company_Type__c | Picklist (Private; Public) | |
Complying Fund | cloupra__Complying_Fund__c | Checkbox | Required |
Contact (Primary) | cloupra__Primary_Contact__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Contact (Spouse) | cloupra__Partner_Contact__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required | Key | Jigsaw | Text (20) | |
Date Moved To Current Address | cloupra__Date_Moved_To_Current_Address__c | Date | |
Days Since Last Interaction | cloupra__Days_Since_Last_Interaction__c | Formula (Double) | CASE(DATEVALUE(cloupra__Last_Interaction_Date__c), TODAY(), 0.11 , TODAY()- DATEVALUE( cloupra__Last_Interaction_Date__c )) |
Deed of Variation | cloupra__Deed_of_Variation__c | Date | Date trust deed was last varied. |
Default Fund | cloupra__Default_Fund__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
EBA Date | cloupra__EBA_Date__c | Date | Enterprise Bargaining Agreement date. |
cloupra__Email__c | Email (80) | ||
Email (Primary Contact Preferred) | cloupra__Primary_Contact_Preferred_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Employees | NumberOfEmployees | Number (8, 0) | |
Employer Stage | cloupra__Employer_Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | What stage is this employer? |
Employer Type | cloupra__Employer_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Entity Name | Name | Text (255) | Required |
Entity Number | AccountNumber | Text (40) | |
Entity Number 1 | cloupra__Entity_Number_1__c | Text (20) | |
Entity Owner | OwnerId | Lookup (User) | Required |
Entity Site | Site | Text (80) | |
Entity Source | AccountSource | Picklist (Advertisement; Employee Referral; External Referral; Partner; Public Relations; Seminar - Internal; Seminar - Partner; Trade Show; Web; Word of mouth; Other) | |
Entity Statutory Date | cloupra__Entity_Statutory_Date__c | Date | |
Entity Trading Name | cloupra__Entity_Trading_Name__c | Text (100) | |
Entity Type | cloupra__Client_Entity_Type_Picklist__c | Picklist (Household; Company; Sole Trader; Partnership; Superannuation Fund; Trust; Other; Orion Account) | |
Entity Type | cloupra__Client_Entity_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
External Id | cloupra__External_Id__c | Text (100) | Unique, External ID |
Extra Address | cloupra__Extra_Address__c | Textarea (255) | |
Extra Address Description | cloupra__Extra_Address_Description__c | Text (255) | |
Extra Email | cloupra__Extra_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Extra Phone | cloupra__Extra_Phone__c | Text (255) | |
Flag 1 | cloupra__Flag_1__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 2 | cloupra__Flag_2__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 3 | cloupra__Flag_3__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 4 | cloupra__Flag_4__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 5 | cloupra__Flag_5__c | Checkbox | Required |
Formal Name | cloupra__Formal_Name__c | Text (80) | |
From Web | cloupra__From_Web__c | Text (30) | |
FSG Date | cloupra__FSG_Date__c | Date | The date that the FSG was most recently provided to the client. |
FSG Version | cloupra__FSG_Version__c | Text (50) | The version of the FSG that has been most recently provided to the client. |
Fund Type | cloupra__Fund_Type__c | Picklist (Corporate; Self Managed) | |
Google Drive Folder ID | cloupra__Google_Drive_Folder_ID__c | Text (255) | |
Housing Status | cloupra__Housing_Status__c | Picklist (Own Home; Own Home (Mortgage); Renting; Living With Family; Other) | |
Icon Name | cloupra__Icon_Name__c | Formula (Text) | CASE( cloupra__Orgn_Type__c , 'Provider','briefcase', 'Client','heart', 'Practice','building', 'Client Entity','gem', 'Employer','suitcase', 'Prospect', 'road', '') |
Include In Search? | cloupra__Include_In_Search__c | Formula (Checkbox) | Formula: IF(Text(cloupra__Orgn_Type__c) == 'Void' || (Text(cloupra__Orgn_Type__c) == 'Employer' && cloupra__Employer_Type__r.cloupra__Group_Code__c == 'ETCNTRBTNG'), false, true) Attribute: Required |
Industry | Industry | Picklist (Agriculture; Apparel; Banking; Biotechnology; Chemicals; Communications; Construction; Consulting; Education; Electronics; Energy; Engineering; Entertainment; Environmental; Finance; Food & Beverage; Government; Healthcare; Hospitality; Insurance; Machinery; Manufacturing; Media; Not For Profit; Other; Recreation; Retail; Shipping; Technology; Telecommunications; Transportation; Utilities) | |
Industry | cloupra__Industry__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Influencer | cloupra__Influencer__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Instalments Value FYTD | cloupra__Instalments_Value_FYTD__c | Currency (12, 2) | |
Instalments Value Last 12 Months | cloupra__Instalments_Value_Last_12_Months__c | Currency (12, 2) | |
Investment Objective | cloupra__Investment_Objective__c | Text (255) | |
Issued Shares | cloupra__Company_Issued_Shares__c | Number (10, 0) | |
Jigsaw Company ID | JigsawCompanyId | Text (20) | |
Last Activity | LastActivityDate | Date | |
Last Interaction By | cloupra__Last_Interaction_By__c | Text (255) | |
Last Interaction Date | cloupra__Last_Interaction_Date__c | Datetime | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Synced to Midwinter | cloupra__Last_Synced_to_Midwinter__c | Datetime | The datetime stamp of the last time this record was synced with Midwinter. |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Likelihood | cloupra__Likelihood__c | Picklist (Hot; Warm; Cold) | The likelihood of a prospect becoming a client. |
Location Address | ShippingAddress | Address | |
Location City | ShippingCity | Text (40) | |
Location Country | ShippingCountry | Text (80) | |
Location Latitude | ShippingLatitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Location Longitude | ShippingLongitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Location State/Province | ShippingState | Text (80) | |
Location Street | ShippingStreet | Textarea (255) | |
Location Zip/Postal Code | ShippingPostalCode | Text (20) | |
Mailing Address | cloupra__Mailing_Address__c | Formula (Text) | Help text: The address for postage, which is the postal address if one exists, otherwise the location address. Typically used for physical mailouts. Formula: IF(NOT(ISBLANK(BillingAddress)), IF(NOT(ISBLANK(BillingStreet)), BillingStreet & BR(), "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(BillingCity)), BillingCity & ", ", "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(BillingState)), BillingState & " ", "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(BillingPostalCode)), BillingPostalCode, "") , IF(NOT(ISBLANK(ShippingAddress)), IF(NOT(ISBLANK(ShippingStreet)), ShippingStreet & BR(), "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(ShippingCity)), ShippingCity & ", ", "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(ShippingState)), ShippingState & " ", "") & IF(NOT(ISBLANK(ShippingPostalCode)), ShippingPostalCode, ""), "" ) ) |
Marital Status | cloupra__Marital_Status__c | Picklist (Single; Married; De Facto; Separated; Divorced) | |
Master Record ID | MasterRecordId | Lookup (Account) | |
Midwinter Resource | cloupra__Midwinter_Resource__c | Text (255) | The HREF for the resource in the Midwinter API. |
Orgn Ref | cloupra__Orgn_Ref__c | Text (7) | External ID |
Orgn Type | cloupra__Orgn_Type__c | Picklist (Client; Provider; Practice; Partner; Fund; Client Entity; Other; Employer) | |
Overall Goals | cloupra__Overall_Goals__c | Textarea (2000) | The overall financial goals articulated by the client. |
Overall Strategy | cloupra__Overall_Strategy__c | Textarea (2000) | The overall financial strategy we recommend for this client. |
Ownership | Ownership | Picklist (Public; Private; Subsidiary; Other) | |
Parent Account ID | ParentId | Lookup (Account) | |
Phone (Primary Contact Preferred) | cloupra__Primary_Contact_Preferred_Phone__c | Phone (40) | |
Photo URL | PhotoUrl | Url (255) | |
Postal Address | BillingAddress | Address | |
Postal City | BillingCity | Text (40) | |
Postal Country | BillingCountry | Text (80) | |
Postal Latitude | BillingLatitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Postal Longitude | BillingLongitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Postal State/Province | BillingState | Text (80) | |
Postal Street | BillingStreet | Textarea (255) | |
Postal Zip/Postal Code | BillingPostalCode | Text (20) | |
Potential AUM | cloupra__Potential_AUM__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Potential Fee Rate | cloupra__Potential_Fee_Rate__c | Percent (3, 3) | |
Potential Revenue | cloupra__Potential_Revenue__c | Formula (Currency) | cloupra__Potential_AUM__c * cloupra__Potential_Fee_Rate__c |
Preferred Address Type | cloupra__Preferred_Address_Type__c | Picklist (Location; Postal; Extra) | |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | Record Owner's Primary Division |
Prospect Stage | cloupra__Prospect_Stage_Picklist__c | Picklist (Unqualified; Qualified; Needs Analysis; Presentation; Qualified Out) | |
Prospect Start Date | cloupra__Prospect_Start_Date__c | Date | |
Provider Type | cloupra__Provider_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Provider Type | cloupra__Provider_Type_Picklist__c | Picklist (Accountant; Lending Institution; Wealth & Asset Institution; Doctor; Fire and General Broker; Insurance Agent; Insurance Company; Personal Banker; Lawyer; Solicitor; Broker Adviser; Other; Broker; Superannuation Fund) | |
Record Type ID | RecordTypeId | Lookup (Recordtype) | |
Relationship Health | cloupra__Relationship_Health__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Review Date | cloupra__Review_Date__c | Date | |
Segment | cloupra__Orgn_Segment__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Segment | cloupra__Client_Segment_Picklist__c | Picklist (Platinum; Gold; Silver; Bronze) | |
Shipping Geocode Accuracy | ShippingGeocodeAccuracy | Picklist (Address; NearAddress; Block; Street; ExtendedZip; Zip; Neighborhood; City; County; State; Unknown) | |
Short Name | cloupra__Short_Name__c | Formula (Text) | IF(LEN(Name)>30, LEFT(Name,27) & "...", Name ) |
SIC Code | Sic | Text (20) | |
SIC Description | SicDesc | Text (80) | |
Source | cloupra__Client_Source_Picklist__c | Picklist (Referral; Website Enquiry; Email Campaign; Telephone Enquiry; Purchased Book) | |
Source | cloupra__Client_Source__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Source Identification | cloupra__Source_Identification__c | Textarea (255) | |
Stage | cloupra__Client_Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Stage Entry Date | cloupra__Stage_Entry_Date__c | Date | The date on which the account entered its current stage. |
Start Date | cloupra__Client_Start_Date__c | Date | The date that the client stage changed to client. |
Summary Note | cloupra__Summary_Note__c | Textarea (2000) | |
Sync to Midwinter | cloupra__Sync_to_Midwinter__c | Checkbox | Help text: Indicates that this client should be synced with Midwinter. Attribute: Required |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Tax Number | cloupra__Tax_Number__c | Text (20) | Help text: The social security/government/tax identifier for this person as issued by the relevant government authority, i.e. social security number (US), National Insurance number (UK), tax file number (Australia), etc. Attribute: Unique |
Tax Number Recorded | cloupra__Tax_Number_Recorded__c | Checkbox | Required |
Ticker Symbol | TickerSymbol | Text (20) | |
Trustee Type | cloupra__Trustee_Type__c | Picklist (Corporate; Individual) | |
Trust Type | cloupra__Trust_Type__c | Picklist (Discretionary; Unit; Hybrid) | |
View URL | cloupra__View_URL__c | Formula (Text) | CASE( TEXT( cloupra__Orgn_Type__c), "Client", "/apex/practifi?context=client&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "Client Entity", "/apex/practifi?context=cliententity&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "Employer", "/apex/practifi?context=employer&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "Provider", "/apex/practifi?context=provider&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "Prospect", "/apex/practifi?context=prospect&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "Practice", "/apex/practifi?context=division&tab=&action=view&id1=" & Id , "" ) |
Website | Website | Url (255) | |
Xero Contact Id | cloupra__Xero_Contact_Id__c | Text (255) | Help text: Xero Contact Id Attribute: Unique, External ID, Case Sensitive |
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