The standard Salesforce Contact object is relabelled as Person and represents an individual, such as:
- a contact, partner or child in an advice client household;
- a key employee contact at a business client;
- a fund member; or
- a key staff member at a provider company.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Account Orgn Type | cloupra__Account_Orgn_Type__c | Formula (Text) | TEXT(Account.cloupra__Orgn_Type__c) |
Accumulation Balance | cloupra__Accumulation_Balance__c | Currency (10, 2) | |
Address | MailingAddress | Address | |
Address Different To Client? | cloupra__Address_Different_To_Client__c | Checkbox | Required |
Age | cloupra__Age__c | Formula (Double) |
IF(MONTH(TODAY())>MONTH(Birthdate),YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(Birthdate),IF(AND(MONTH(TODAY())=MONTH(Birthdate),DAY(TODAY())>=DAY(Birthdate)), YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(Birthdate),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(Birthdate))-1)) |
Assistant Email | cloupra__Assistant_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Assistant's Name | AssistantName | Text (40) | |
Asst. Phone | AssistantPhone | Phone (40) | |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Birthday MMDD | cloupra__Birthday_MMDD__c | Formula (Text) |
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Birthdate)), RIGHT('0' & TEXT(MONTH(Birthdate)) ,2) & '-' & RIGHT('0' & TEXT(DAY(Birthdate)), 2), null) |
Birth Month | cloupra__Birth_Month__c | Formula (Text) |
Help text: The month of the person's birthday abbreviated to three letters, e.g. Jan, Feb, etc. |
Birth Name | cloupra__Birth_Name__c | Text (255) |
The family name someone has when he or she is born. Maiden name for women who have taken their husband's name. |
Business Fax | Fax | Phone (40) | |
Business Number | cloupra__Business_Number__c | Text (50) | |
Business Phone | Phone | Phone (40) | |
City | MailingCity | Text (40) | |
Communication Preferences | cloupra__Communication_Preferences__c | Textarea (255) | The person's preferences for verbal and/or written communication. E.g. "Work phone for calls during business hours, mobile after hours (but not after 8pm), email for anything in writing." |
Communications | cloupra__Communications__c | Multipicklist (Birthday Card; Christmas Card; Newsletter; Marketing; Thanksgiving Card) | |
Contact Preference | cloupra__Contact_Preference__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Country | MailingCountry | Text (80) | |
Country Of Citizenship | cloupra__Country_Of_Citizenship__c | Text (100) | |
Country Of Residence | cloupra__Country_Of_Residence__c | Text (100) | |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required | Key | Jigsaw | Text (20) | |
Date Moved To Current Address | cloupra__Date_Moved_To_Current_Address__c | Date | |
Date of Death | cloupra__Death_Date__c | Date | |
Date of Marriage | cloupra__Date_Of_Marriage__c | Date | |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Department | Department | Text (80) | |
Device | cloupra__Device__c | Picklist (Desktop; Mobile; API) | |
Display Name | cloupra__Display_Name__c | Formula (Text) | /*IF(NOT(ISBLANK(pfdev1__Preferred_Name__c)) , IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), pfdev1__Preferred_Name__c & ' (' & FirstName & ') ' & LastName, pfdev1__Preferred_Name__c &' ' & LastName), IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), FirstName & ' ' & LastName, LastName) )*/ /* IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c)) , IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), IF((FirstName <> cloupra__Preferred_Name__c), cloupra__Preferred_Name__c & ' (' & FirstName & ') ' & LastName, FirstName & ' ' & LastName), cloupra__Preferred_Name__c &' ' & LastName), IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), FirstName & ' ' & LastName, LastName) )*/ /* IF(ISBLANK(Preferred_Name__c), IF(ISBLANK(FirstName), LastName, FirstName & ' ' & LastName ), IF(FirstName = Preferred_Name__c, FirstName & ' ' & LastName, Preferred_Name__c & ' (' & FirstName & ') ' & LastName)) */ IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c), IF(ISBLANK(FirstName), LastName, FirstName & ' ' & LastName ), IF(ISBLANK(FirstName), cloupra__Preferred_Name__c & ' ' & LastName, cloupra__Preferred_Name__c & ' (' & FirstName & ') ' & LastName)) & IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Suffix__c), '', ' ' & cloupra__Suffix__c) |
DOB | Birthdate | Date | |
Do Not Call | DoNotCall | Checkbox | Required |
Email (80) | |||
Email Addresses | cloupra__Email_Addresses__c | Formula (Double) | Help text: The number of email addresses held for this person. Formula: IF(NOT(ISBLANK(Email)),1,0) + IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Work_Email__c)),1,0) + IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Personal_Email__c)),1,0) + IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Other_Email__c)),1,0) |
Email Bounced Date | EmailBouncedDate | Datetime | |
Email Bounced Reason | EmailBouncedReason | Text (255) | |
Email Opt Out | HasOptedOutOfEmail | Checkbox | Required |
Email (Preferred) | cloupra__Preferred_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Employer | cloupra__Employer__c | Text (80) | |
Employment Notes | cloupra__Employment_Notes__c | Textarea (32768) | |
Employment Status | cloupra__Employment_Status__c | Picklist (Permanent Employee; Contractor; Casual; Director; Partner; Sole Trader; Homemaker; Retired; Unemployed; Other) | |
Entity Name | AccountId | Lookup (Account) | |
External Id | cloupra__External_Id__c | Text (100) | Unique, External ID |
External Number 1 | cloupra__External_Number_1__c | Text (100) | An identifying number issued by an external entity or agency, for example a HIN issued by a broker. |
External Number 2 | cloupra__External_Number_2__c | Text (100) | |
External Number 3 | cloupra__External_Number_3__c | Text (100) | |
cloupra__Facebook__c | Formula (Text) | IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Facebook_Username__c), "", "" & cloupra__Facebook_Username__c ) |
Facebook Username | cloupra__Facebook_Username__c | Url (255) | |
Fax Opt Out | HasOptedOutOfFax | Checkbox | Required |
First Name | FirstName | Text (40) | |
Flag 1 | cloupra__Flag_1__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 2 | cloupra__Flag_2__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 3 | cloupra__Flag_3__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 4 | cloupra__Flag_4__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 5 | cloupra__Flag_5__c | Checkbox | Required |
Full Name | Name | Text (121) | Required |
General Health | cloupra__General_Heatlh__c | Picklist (Excellent; Good; Average; Poor; Deceased) | |
Health Concerns | cloupra__Health_Concerns__c | Textarea (255) | |
Health Cover Provider | cloupra__Health_Cover_Provider__c | Text (100) | |
Health Cover Type | cloupra__Health_Cover_Type__c | Text (100) | |
Home Phone | HomePhone | Phone (40) | |
ID Verified? | cloupra__ID_Verified__c | Checkbox | Help text: Indicates the person's identification has been verified. Attribute: Required |
Include In Main Search? | cloupra__Include_In_Main_Search__c | Formula (Checkbox) | Formula: TEXT(Account.cloupra__Orgn_Type__c) != 'Prospect' Attribute: Required |
Industry | cloupra__Industry__c | Picklist (Administrative and Support Services; Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Arts and Recreation; Construction; Education and Training; Financial and Insurance Services; Health Care and Social Assistance; Hospitality; Information Technology and Telecommunications; Law; Manufacturing; Media; Mining and Resources; Personal Services; Professional Services; Public Administration and Safety; Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services; Retail Trade; Science and Research; Transport, Postal and Warehousing; Utilities (Electricity, Water, Gas, Waste); Wholesale Trade) | |
Influencer Segment | cloupra__Influencer_Segment__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Interests | cloupra__Interests__c | Multipicklist (Art Exhibitions; Athletics; Australian Rules Football; Ballet; Baseball; Basketball; Cinema; Classical Music; Computers; Cricket; Cycling; Diving; Fashion; Fishing; Gardening; Golf; Handicrafts; Hiking; Hockey; Horse Racing; Horse Riding; Jazz Music; Motorsports; Netball; Opera; Popular Music; Rugby League; Rugby Union; Snow Skiing; Soccer; Squash; Surfing; Swimming; Tennis; Theatre; Travel; Triathlon; Volleyball; Water Sports; Wine and Food) | |
Is Email Bounced | IsEmailBounced | Checkbox | Required |
Jigsaw Contact ID | JigsawContactId | Text (20) | |
Languages | cloupra__Languages__c | Text (255) | |
Last Activity | LastActivityDate | Date | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Name | LastName | Text (80) | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Stay-in-Touch Request Date | LastCURequestDate | Datetime | |
Last Stay-in-Touch Save Date | LastCUUpdateDate | Datetime | |
Last Synced to Midwinter | cloupra__Last_Synced_to_Midwinter__c | Datetime | The datetime stamp of the last time this record was synced with Midwinter. |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Lead Source | LeadSource | Picklist (Advertisement; Employee Referral; External Referral; Partner; Public Relations; Seminar - Internal; Seminar - Partner; Trade Show; Web; Word of mouth; Other) | |
cloupra__LinkedIn__c | Formula (Text) | IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__LinkedIn_URL__c), "", IF(LEFT(cloupra__LinkedIn_URL__c, 4) != "http", "https://" & cloupra__LinkedIn_URL__c, cloupra__LinkedIn_URL__c ) ) |
LinkedIn Photo | cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo__c | Formula (Text) | IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo_URL__c), "", IF(LEFT(cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo_URL__c, 4) != "http", "https://" & cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo_URL__c, cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo_URL__c ) ) |
LinkedIn Photo URL | cloupra__LinkedIn_Photo_URL__c | Url (255) | The URL for the person's photo on LinkedIn. Used to display their photo in PractiFI pages. |
LinkedIn URL | cloupra__LinkedIn_URL__c | Url (255) | |
Mailing Geocode Accuracy | MailingGeocodeAccuracy | Picklist (Address; NearAddress; Block; Street; ExtendedZip; Zip; Neighborhood; City; County; State; Unknown) | |
Mailing Latitude | MailingLatitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Mailing Longitude | MailingLongitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Main Work Duties | cloupra__Main_Work_Duties__c | Textarea (32768) | |
Marital Status | cloupra__Marital_Status__c | Picklist (Single; Married; De Facto; Separated; Divorced; Widowed) | |
Master Record ID | MasterRecordId | Lookup (Contact) | |
Medicare Variation | cloupra__Medicare_Variation__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Member Balance | cloupra__Member_Balance__c | Currency (10, 2) | |
Middle Names | cloupra__Middle_Names__c | Text (50) | |
Midwinter Last Synced | cloupra__Midwinter_Last_Synced__c | Datetime | The datetime stamp of the last time this record was synced with Midwinter. |
Mobile Phone | MobilePhone | Phone (40) | |
Mother's Maiden Name | cloupra__Mothers_Maiden_Name__c | Text (80) | |
Nationality | cloupra__Nationality__c | Picklist (Australia; New Zealand; United Kingdom; United States) | |
Occupation | cloupra__Occupation__c | Text (255) | |
Occupation Class | cloupra__Occupation_Class__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The person's occupation class, for life insurance purposes. |
OmniLife URL | cloupra__OmniLifeURL__c | Formula (Text) |
/* "&gender="&CASE( cloupra__Sex__c , "Female", "F", "M"), "")& "&smoker="&CASE( cloupra__Smoker__c , "Yes", "true", "Occasional", "true", "false"), "")& |
Organisation Role | cloupra__Organisation_Role__c | Picklist (Primary Contact; Secondary Contact) | Denotes whether the person is a primary or secondary contact at the related organisation. |
Other Address | OtherAddress | Address | |
Other City | OtherCity | Text (40) | |
Other Country | OtherCountry | Text (80) | |
Other Email | cloupra__Other_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Other Geocode Accuracy | OtherGeocodeAccuracy | Picklist (Address; NearAddress; Block; Street; ExtendedZip; Zip; Neighborhood; City; County; State; Unknown) | |
Other Latitude | OtherLatitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Other Longitude | OtherLongitude | Number (3, 15) | |
Other Phone | OtherPhone | Phone (40) | |
Other State/Province | OtherState | Text (80) | |
Other Street | OtherStreet | Textarea (255) | |
Other Zip/Postal Code | OtherPostalCode | Text (20) | |
Pension Balance | cloupra__Pension_Balance__c | Currency (10, 2) | |
Pension Income pa | cloupra__Pension_Income_PA__c | Currency (10, 2) | |
Personal Email | cloupra__Personal_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Person Description | Description | Textarea (32000) | |
Person ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Person Owner | OwnerId | Lookup (User) | Required |
Person Record Type | RecordTypeId | Lookup (Recordtype) | |
Person Roles | cloupra__Person_Roles__c | Formula (Text) | IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Influencer_Segment__c), '', 'Influencer') |
Person Segment | cloupra__Person_Segment__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Phone (Preferred) | cloupra__Preferred_Phone_Number__c | Phone (40) | |
Photo File | cloupra__Photo_File__c | Lookup (Skuid__Image__C) | |
Photo URL | PhotoUrl | Url (255) | |
Political Affiliations | cloupra__Political_Affiliations__c | Text (255) | |
Postcode | MailingPostalCode | Text (20) | |
Preferred Email Type | cloupra__Preferred_Email_Type__c | Picklist (Email; Personal; Work; Other) | |
Preferred First Name | cloupra__Preferred_First_Name__c | Formula (Text) | /* IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c)) , cloupra__Preferred_Name__c, IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), FirstName, LastName) ) */ blankvalue(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c, BLANKVALUE(FirstName, LastName)) |
Preferred Full Name | cloupra__Preferred_Full_Name__c | Formula (Text) | /* IF(NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c)) , cloupra__Preferred_Name__c & ' ' & LastName , IF(NOT(ISBLANK(FirstName)), FirstName & ' ' & LastName, LastName) ) */ IF ( ISBLANK(cloupra__Preferred_Name__c), IF ( ISBLANK(FirstName), LastName, FirstName & ' ' & LastName ), cloupra__Preferred_Name__c & ' ' & LastName ) & IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Suffix__c), '', ' ' & cloupra__Suffix__c) |
Preferred Name | cloupra__Preferred_Name__c | Text (40) | |
Preferred Phone | cloupra__Preferred_Phone__c | Text (255) | |
Preferred Phone Type | cloupra__Preferred_Phone_Type__c | Picklist (Mobile; Work; Home; Other) | |
Previous Address Lived From | cloupra__Previous_Address_Lived_From__c | Date | |
Previous Address Lived To | cloupra__Previous_Address_Lived_To__c | Date | |
Previous Residential Address | cloupra__Previous_Residential_Address__c | Text (255) | |
Previous Residential Status | cloupra__Previous_Residential_Status__c | Picklist (Citizen; Permanent Resident; Non-Permanent) | |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Primary Source Of Income | cloupra__Primary_Source_Of_Income__c | Text (255) | |
Private Health Cover? | cloupra__Private_Health_Cover__c | Checkbox | Required |
Qualifications | cloupra__Qualifications__c | Textarea (1500) | |
Regulatory Number 1 | cloupra__Regulatory_Number_1__c | Text (50) | Identifier issued by an authority, examples include Centrelink CRN in Australia. |
Reports To ID | ReportsToId | Lookup (Contact) | |
Residency Status | cloupra__Residency_Status__c | Picklist (Citizen; Permanent Resident; Non-Permanent) | |
Residential Status | cloupra__Residential_Status__c | Picklist (Home has mortgage; Rent/Board; Own home; Live with parents/relatives) | |
Retirement Age | cloupra__Retirement_Age__c | Number (3, 0) | |
Salutation | Salutation | Picklist (Mr; Ms; Mrs; Dr; Prof; Mstr; Miss) | |
Sex | cloupra__Sex__c | Picklist (Male; Female) | |
Smoker | cloupra__Smoker__c | Picklist (Yes; Occasional; Quit Recently; Quit; Never) | |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
State | MailingState | Text (80) | |
Street | MailingStreet | Textarea (255) | |
Subscribers List | cloupra__Subscribers_List__c | Multipicklist (All Client Email List; Current Client Email List; VIP Contact; Others) | |
Suffix | cloupra__Suffix__c | Text (255) | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Tax File Number | cloupra__Tax_Number__c | Text (20) | Help text: The social security/government/tax identifier for this person as issued by the relevant government authority, i.e. social security number (US), National Insurance number (UK), tax file number (Australia), etc. Attribute: Unique |
Tax Residency Status | cloupra__Tax_Residency_Status__c | Picklist (Resident for Tax Purposes; Not Resident for Tax Purposes) | |
TFN Recorded | cloupra__Tax_Number_Recorded__c | Checkbox | Required |
Title | Title | Text (128) | |
cloupra__Twitter__c | Formula (Text) | IF(ISBLANK(cloupra__Twitter_Username__c), "", "" & cloupra__Twitter_Username__c ) |
Twitter Username | cloupra__Twitter_Username__c | Url (255) | |
View URL | cloupra__View_URL__c | Formula (Text) | "/apex/PersonView?id=" & Id |
Will Date | cloupra__Will_Date__c | Date | |
Will Description | cloupra__Will_Description__c | Textarea (2000) | |
Will Location | cloupra__Will_Location__c | Text (100) | |
Work Email | cloupra__Work_Email__c | Email (80) | |
Work Hours | cloupra__Work_Hours__c | Picklist (Full-Time; Part Time: 21-30 hrs/wk; Part Time: 11-20 hrs/wk; Part Time: <10 hrs/wk) | |
Work Phone Extension | cloupra__Work_Phone_Extension__c | Text (255) |
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