Holds the payment records uploaded from AMP payment files prior to the processing of payments to instalment records in PractiFI. While all fields from the source files are imported to the AMP Payment object, not all fields are transferred to instalment records.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
AMP Transaction Type | cloupra__AMP_Transaction_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Amp_Transaction_Type__C) | |
Appl-Code | cloupra__Appl_Code__c | Text (255) | The product code used to identify the product or company from where the fee or commission originates. |
Client-Name | cloupra__Client_Name__c | Text (255) | |
Comments | cloupra__Comments__c | Text (255) | |
Contract Matched Amount | cloupra__Contract_Matched_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | IF(cloupra__Matched__c, cloupra__Net_Paymt__c , 0 ) |
Contract Matched Count | cloupra__Contract_Matched_Count__c | Formula (Double) | IF(cloupra__Matched__c, 1 , 0 ) |
Contract-No | cloupra__Contract_No__c | Text (255) | The identifying number of the account or policy to which the fee or commission relates. |
Contract Unmatched Amount | cloupra__Contract_Unmatched_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | Help text: Used in aggregate queries. Formula: IF( cloupra__Matched__c, 0 , cloupra__Net_Paymt__c ) |
Contract Unmatched Count | cloupra__Contract_Unmatched_Count__c | Formula (Double) | Help text: Used in aggregate queries. Formula: IF(cloupra__Matched__c, 0 , 1 ) |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Created Date Only | cloupra__Created_Date_Only__c | Formula (Date) | DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Gross-Paymt | cloupra__Gross_Paymt__c | Currency (16, 2) | The gross payment amount, exclusive of GST and before discounting or rebating. |
GST-Amt | cloupra__GST_Amt__c | Currency (16, 2) | The amount of GST for the payment. |
Instalment Type | cloupra__Instalment_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The instalment type to which the payment relates. |
Invoice-No | cloupra__Invoice_No__c | Text (255) | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Licensee-Fee | cloupra__Licensee_Fee__c | Currency (16, 2) | The licencee fee portion of the payment. |
Matched? | cloupra__Matched__c | Checkbox | Help text: Indicates that the contract number for this payment has been matched against client information (policy, asset/liability or service) in PractiFI. Attribute: Required |
Movt-Eft-Date | cloupra__Movt_Eft_Date__c | Date | The effective date of the payment transaction. |
Net-Paymt | cloupra__Net_Paymt__c | Currency (16, 2) | The amount of the payment, excluding GST and licencee fee. |
Net Paymt Band | cloupra__Net_Paymt_Band__c | Formula (Text) | Help text: Banding within which the Net Paymt amount falls. Formula: IF(cloupra__Net_Paymt__c = 0, "$0.00", IF(cloupra__Net_Paymt__c > 0 && cloupra__Net_Paymt__c <= 20, "$0.01 to $20.00", IF(cloupra__Net_Paymt__c > 20 && cloupra__Net_Paymt__c<= 50, "$20.01 to $50.00", IF(cloupra__Net_Paymt__c > 50 && cloupra__Net_Paymt__c<= 200, "50.01 to $200.00", "Over $200.00" ) ) ) ) |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Owner-Name | cloupra__Owner_Name__c | Text (255) | |
Owner-No | cloupra__Owner_No__c | Text (255) | |
Payee-No | cloupra__Payee_No__c | Text (255) | |
Payment Number | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Payment-Regime | cloupra__Payment_Regime__c | Text (255) | The nominated upfront, level or hybrid commission option. |
Paymt-Base | cloupra__Paymt_Base__c | Currency (16, 2) | The amount on which the commission or fee is calculated. |
Paymt-Rate | cloupra__Paymt_Rate__c | Text (255) | The equivalent monthly rate of any ongoing service fees or trail commission. |
Policy | cloupra__Policy__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Policy__C) | The matching policy for the payment. |
Portfolio Holding | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Portfolio_Holding__C) | The asset or liability to which the payment relates. |
Processed? | cloupra__Processed__c | Checkbox | Help text: Indicates that this record has been processed and a matching installment record has been created. Attribute: Required |
Product-Name | cloupra__Product_Name__c | Text (255) | |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Retention-Pct | cloupra__Retention_Pct__c | Percent (12, 6) | The percentage of the fee or commission being retained by the planner. |
Sales-No | cloupra__Sales_No__c | Text (255) | |
Service | cloupra__Service__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | The service to which the payment directly relates. |
Settlement-Date | cloupra__Settlement_Date__c | Date | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Transn-Type | cloupra__Transn_Type__c | Text (255) | The type of fee or commission to which the payment relates. |
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