Assets and liabilities held by a client.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Account Number | cloupra__Account_Number__c | Text (50) | The account number that the provider associates with this holding. |
Acquisition Date | cloupra__Acquisition_Date__c | Date | The date the asset or liability was acquired by the client |
Address | cloupra__Address__c | Text (255) | |
Advice | cloupra__Advice__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Advice__C) |
Asset/Liability Current Value | cloupra__Asset_Liability_Current_Value__c |
Formula (Currency) |
IF(AND ( cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Type_Code__c = 'PFLOLIABILIT', cloupra__Current_Value__c > 0) , cloupra__Current_Value__c * -1, cloupra__Current_Value__c) |
Asset/Liability Initial Value | cloupra__Asset_Liability_Initial_Value__c |
Formula (Currency) |
IF(AND ( cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Type_Code__c = 'PFLOLIABILIT', cloupra__Initial_Value__c > 0) , cloupra__Initial_Value__c * -1, cloupra__Initial_Value__c) |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) |
Client | cloupra__Client__c | Lookup (Account) | The client to whom the asset or liability belongs. |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Current Value | cloupra__Current_Value__c | Currency (12, 2) | The current value of an asset, or the current balance of a liability. |
Current Value (Thousands) | cloupra__Current_Value_Thousands__c | Formula (Currency) | cloupra__Current_Value__c / 1000 |
Data Feed | cloupra__Data_Feed__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Data_Feed__C) | The data feed that this record was sourced from. |
Data Feed Latest Sync | cloupra__Data_Feed_Latest_Sync__c | Datetime | |
Data Feed Resource | cloupra__Data_Feed_Resource__c | Textarea (255) | |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Description | cloupra__Description__c | Text (255) | A short description of the asset or liability. |
Documentation | cloupra__Documentation__c |
Picklist (Full Doc; Lo Doc; No Doc) |
External Id | cloupra__ExternalId__c | Text (100) | Unique, External ID |
External Number | cloupra__External_Number__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the asset or liability. Used for matching when uploading commission files or integrating systems. Attribute: Unique, External ID |
External Number 2 | cloupra__External_Number_2__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the asset or liability. Used for matching when uploading commission files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Number 3 | cloupra__External_Number_3__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the asset or liability. Used for matching when uploading commission files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Number 4 | cloupra__External_Number_4__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the asset or liability. Used for matching when uploading commission files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Number 5 | cloupra__External_Number_5__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the asset or liability. Used for matching when uploading commission files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
Fixed Rate Period Expiry | cloupra__Fixed_Rate_Period_Expiry__c | Date | |
Holding Number | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Initial Value | cloupra__Initial_Value__c | Currency (12, 2) | The purchase price of an asset, or the original amount of a liability. |
Interest Rate | cloupra__Interest_Rate__c | Percent (16, 2) | The interest rate that applies to this holding. |
Interest Type | cloupra__Interest_Type__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
The basis upon which interest is calculated for this holding. |
Last Activity Date | LastActivityDate | Date | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Loan Features | cloupra__Loan_Features__c | Multipicklist (Master Limit; Cheque book; Introductory rate; Redraw Facility; Secure rate lock; Offset; Internet banking; Additional payments; Card access) | |
Loan Period | cloupra__Loan_Period__c | Number (16, 2) | The length of the loan, expressed in units that are separately specified. |
Loan Period Units | cloupra__Loan_Period_Units__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
The units that apply to the loan period for this liability. |
Loan Purpose | cloupra__Loan_Purpose__c |
Picklist (Purchase; Refinance; Home Improvements; Construction; Debt Consolidation; Business Use; Other) |
Member Account | cloupra__Member_Account__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) |
New/Existing? | cloupra__New_Existing__c |
Picklist (Add to Existing; New Split) |
Notes | cloupra__Notes__c | Textarea (32768) | |
Occupancy Type | cloupra__Occupancy_Type__c | Picklist (Owner occupied; Investment) | |
Offset Amount | cloupra__Offset_Amount__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Person | cloupra__Person__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Policy | cloupra__Policy__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Policy__C) |
The insurance policy that covers this asset. |
Portfolio Holding Category | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Category__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
Portfolio Holding Stage | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Stage__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
Portfolio Holding Type | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Type__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
Portfolio Holding Type Code | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Type_Code__c | Formula (Text) |
cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Type__r. cloupra__Code__c |
Portfolio Holding Value | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding_Value__c | Formula (Currency) |
IF(cloupra__Member_Account__c <> null, cloupra__Member_Account__r. cloupra__Account_Balance__c, cloupra__Asset_Liability_Current_Value__c) |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Property Type | cloupra__Property_Type__c | Picklist (House/Villa; Unit; Townhouse; Vacant land; Other) | |
Provider | cloupra__Provider__c | Lookup (Account) | The provider related to this holding. |
Recommendation | cloupra__Recommendation__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__ Recommendation__C) |
The recommendation supporting the implementation of this asset or liability. |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Related Client | cloupra__Related_Client__c | Formula (Text) |
Help text: Returns the related client Id, either through the related recommendation and then service (if there is one), or direct. Used in system logic. cloupra__Service__c)), cloupra__Client__c), |
Related Client Name | cloupra__Related_Client_Name__c | Formula (Text) |
Help text: Returns the related client name, either through the related recommendation and then service (if there is one), or direct. Used in system logic. cloupra__Service__c)), cloupra__Client__r.Name), |
Related To | cloupra__Related_To__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Portfolio _Holding__C) |
The asset that relates to this liability. |
Repayment Frequency | cloupra__Repayment_Frequency__c | Picklist (Weekly; Fortnightly; Monthly; Yearly) | |
Repayment Type | cloupra__Repayment_Type__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) |
Interest only repayments, or principle and interest. |
Service | cloupra__Service__c |
Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) |
Source | cloupra__Source__c | Text (255) | |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Under Advice | cloupra__Under_Advice__c | Checkbox | Help text: Is the asset or liability under advice from our practice? Attribute: Required |
Units | cloupra__Units__c | Number (10, 0) | |
Updated by Tamarac Integration | cloupra__Updated_by_Tamarac_Integration__c | Checkbox | Required |
Valuation Date | cloupra__Valuation_Date__c | Date | The date on which the current balance or value was updated. |
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