A step within a process type. This object is also used for task templates.
Process steps are instantiated as tasks, launched either within processes or in isolation. Task templates can only be launched in isolation.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Active | cloupra__Active__c | Checkbox | Required |
Assignment Type | cloupra__Assignment_Type__c | Picklist (Specify Now; Specify by Relationship; Assign to Service/Client Owner; Assign to Process Owner) | Specifies how the assignee is determined. Either specify a user or group now to be used in all cases, or specify a relationship. |
Code | cloupra__Code__c | Text (100) | Required, Unique, External ID |
Conga Parameters | cloupra__Conga_Parameters__c | Text (255) | |
Copy Fields | cloupra__Copy_Fields__c | Checkbox | Help text: If checked, Tasks created from this process step/ task template will default with the content of the process step / task template when they are created. Attribute: Required |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Description | cloupra__Description__c | Textarea (131072) | |
Due Date | cloupra__Due_Date__c | Formula (Date) |
/*Adds the due date interval to the day of the process launch and optionally cloupra__Due_Date_Offset__c - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7) , + cloupra__Due_Date_Offset__c + CEILING((cloupra__Due_Date_Offset__c)/5)*2, |
Due Date Interval | cloupra__Due_Date_Offset__c | Number (3, 0) | |
Estimated Effort | cloupra__Estimated_Effort__c | Formula (Double) |
Help text: The estimated effort for the process step, as a decimal. (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Days__c))),(VALUE(LEFT(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Days__c), LEN(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Days__c))-1)) * $Setup.cloupra__PractiFI_Setting__c. cloupra__Standard_Work_Hours__c) , 0)) + (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Hours__c))), (VALUE(LEFT(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Hours__c), LEN(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Hours__c))-1))) , 0)) + (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Minutes__c))),(VALUE(LEFT(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Minutes__c), LEN(TEXT (cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Minutes__c))-1))/60) , 0)) |
Estimated Effort (Days) | cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Days__c | Picklist (0d; 1d; 2d; 3d; 4d; 5d; 6d; 7d; 8d; 9d; 10d) | The estimated effort for the process step, in days. |
Estimated Effort (Hours) | cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Hours__c | Picklist (0h; 1h; 2h; 3h; 4h; 5h; 6h; 7h; 8h; 9h; 10h; 11h; 12h) | The estimated effort for the process step, in hours. |
Estimated Effort (Minutes) | cloupra__Estimated_Effort_Minutes__c | Picklist (0m; 15m; 30m; 45m) | The estimated effort for the process step, in minutes. |
Group Code | cloupra__Group_Code__c | Text (100) | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Launch Docusign | cloupra__Launch_Docusign__c | Checkbox | Required |
Locked | cloupra__Locked__c | Checkbox | Required |
Order | cloupra__Order__c | Number (4, 2) | Required |
Outcome Count | cloupra__Outcome_Count__c | Number (3, 0) | Number of outcomes for this process step |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Priority | cloupra__Priority__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Process | cloupra__Process__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Process__C) | The process to which the step is assigned. |
Process Step Number | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Relationship Type | cloupra__Relationship_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Relationship_Type__C) | Defines the related team member to which this process step should be assigned. |
Sharing Scope | cloupra__Sharing_Scope__c | Picklist (HQ; Practice) | Once sharing mode is enabled use this field in salesforce declarative sharing rule to share reference data with HQ or Practice. |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Subject | cloupra__Task_Subject__c | Text (80) | |
Suppress At Launch | cloupra__Suppress_At_Launch__c | Checkbox | Required |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Task Group | cloupra__Task_Group__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Team Member | cloupra__Team_Member__c | Lookup (User) | The team member to whom the process step will be assigned as a task. |
User | cloupra__User__c | Lookup (User) | TEMPORARY |
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