An insurance benefit related to a client's insurance policy.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Accelerated Option | cloupra__Acceleration_Option__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Is the benefit standalone or accelerated? |
Asset/Liability | cloupra__Asset_Liability__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Portfolio_Holding__C) | |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Benefit Amount | cloupra__Benefit_Amount__c | Currency (10, 6) | The benefit amount payable, either as a single lump sum (e.g. for life, TPD/disability, trauma) or monthly instalments (e.g. for income protection, business expense). |
Benefit Amount Currency | cloupra__Benefit_Amount_Currency__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Currency__C) | |
Benefit Excess | cloupra__Benefit_Excess__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Benefit Name | cloupra__Benefit_Name__c | Text (80) | The benefit's descriptive name (often the name of the specific insurance product). |
Benefit Number | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Benefit Payment Frequency | cloupra__Benefit_Payment_Frequency__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The frequency upon which the benefit pays out, e.g. lump sum payment, monthly payment, etc. |
Benefit Period | cloupra__Benefit_Period__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Benefit Premium | cloupra__Benefit_Premium__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Benefit Premium Structure | cloupra__Benefit_Premium_Structure__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Benefit Type | cloupra__Benefit_Type__c | Picklist (Term Life; TPD/Disability; Trauma; Whole of LIfe; Income protection; Redundancy; Mortgage Protection; Household Expenses; Business expense; Key Person; Startup Income Protection; Business Debt Protection; Ownership Buyout; Waiver of Premium; Other) | |
Benefit Units | cloupra__Benefit_Units__c | Number (14, 4) | |
Claim Wait Period | cloupra__Claim_Wait_Period__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The claim waiting period for income protection benefits. |
Covered Occupation | cloupra__Covered_Occupation__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Is the insured covered for any occupation or just their own? |
Cover Option | cloupra__Cover_Option__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Cover_Option__C) | |
Cover Type | cloupra__Cover_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Data Feed | cloupra__Data_Feed__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Data_Feed__C) | |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
End Date | cloupra__End_Date__c | Date | |
Exclusions | cloupra__Exclusions__c | Textarea (1000) | Details of the exclusions that apply to this benefit. |
Exclusions Apply? | cloupra__Exclusions_Apply__c | Checkbox | Help text: Do exclusions apply to this benefit? Attribute: Required |
External Id | cloupra__External_Id__c | Text (255) | External ID |
Future Insurability | cloupra__Future_Insurability__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Does the policy include guaranteed future insurability for this benefit? |
Income Protection Type | cloupra__Income_Protection_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The type of income protection provided by this benefit, e.g. agreed value, indemnity, loss of earnings, etc. |
Inside Super? | cloupra__Inside_Super__c | Checkbox | Required |
Insured | cloupra__Insured__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Life Cover Buy Back | cloupra__Life_Cover_Buy_Back__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Is a life cover buy back option included with this benefit? |
Life Cover Type | cloupra__Life_Cover_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The specific type of life cover provided by this benefit. |
Loadings | cloupra__Loadings__c | Textarea (1000) | Details of the loadings that apply to this benefit. |
Loadings Apply? | cloupra__Loadings_Apply__c | Checkbox | Help text: Do loadings apply to this benefit? Attribute: Required |
Medical Cover | cloupra__Medical_Cover__c | Multipicklist (Hospital; Specialists and Tests; GP; Optical; Dental) | |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Payment Term | cloupra__Payment_Term__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Policy | cloupra__Policy__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Policy__C) | The policy to which this benefit relates. |
Post Claim Indexation Rate | cloupra__Claim_Indexation_Rate__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | If benefits are indexed while on claim, this specifies the indexation rate. |
Pre Claim Indexation Rate | cloupra__Benefit_Indexation_Rate__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | If the benefit amount is indexed prior to making a claim, this specifies the indexation rate. |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Service | cloupra__Service__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | |
Specifics | cloupra__Specifics__c | Textarea (255) | Any conditions or specifics associated with the benefit, such as waiting periods, exclusions, loadings, continuation options, etc. |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Stage Entry Date | cloupra__Stage_Entry_Date__c | Date | The date on which the benefit entered its current stage. |
Start Date | cloupra__Start_Date__c | Date | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Taxable Benefit | cloupra__Taxable_Benefit__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Is the agreed benefit amount taxable? |
Trauma Cover Buy Back | cloupra__Trauma_Cover_Buy_Back__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Is a trauma cover buy back option included with this benefit? |
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