A revenue instalment against a service, often related via an asset, liability or policy, e.g. a commission payment, an invoice, etc. Can also be held directly via an asset, liability or policy without relating to a service.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Actual Amount | cloupra__Actual_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) |
The actual amount of the instalment, which may include or exclude tax according to Tax Applicability on the service. |
Actual Amount (ex Tax) | cloupra__Actual_Amount_ex_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The actual amount of the instalment, excluding tax. cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r. cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Amount__c , 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Amount__c/(1+ cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Tax_Rate__c) , cloupra__Actual_Amount__c ) |
Actual Amount (inc Tax) | cloupra__Actual_Amount_inc_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The actual amount of the instalment, including tax. cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r. cloupra__Code__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Amount__c , 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Amount__c/(1+ cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Tax_Rate__c) , cloupra__Actual_Amount__c ) |
Actual Gross Amount | cloupra__Actual_Gross_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) |
Total instalment amount prior to dealer group fee etc. |
AMP Payment | cloupra__AMP_Payment__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Amp_Payment__C) |
The AMP payment record that this instalment was generated from. |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Comments | cloupra__Comments__c | Textarea (32768) |
Any comments that explain this instalment record. |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Date | cloupra__Date__c | Date | The effective date of the instalment. |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Estimated Amount | cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) |
The estimated amount of the instalment, which may include or exclude tax according to Tax Applicability on the service. |
Estimated Amount (ex Tax) | cloupra__Estimated_Amount_ex_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The estimated amount of the instalment, excluding tax. cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r. cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c , 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c/(1+ cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Tax_Rate__c) , cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c ) |
Estimated Amount (inc Tax) | cloupra__Estimated_Amount_inc_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The estimated amount of the instalment, including tax. cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r. cloupra__Code__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c , 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c/(1+ cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Tax_Rate__c) , cloupra__Estimated_Amount__c ) |
Instalment Date | cloupra__Instalment_Date__c | Formula (Date) | Help text: Returns the effective date for the instalment, or if that is blank, returns the paid date. Formula: IF( NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Date__c)) , cloupra__Date__c , cloupra__Paid_Date__c ) |
Instalment Number | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Paid Date | cloupra__Paid_Date__c | Date | The date the instalment was fully paid. |
Policy | cloupra__Policy__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Policy__C) | The policy to which this instalment applies (typically used for commission payments). |
Portfolio Holding | cloupra__Portfolio_Holding__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Portfolio_Holding__C) | The asset or liability to which this instalment applies (typically used for commission payments). |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Related Client | cloupra__Related_Client__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Related Service | cloupra__Related_Service__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | |
Service | cloupra__Service__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | The service against which this instalment is paid. |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The stage (or status) that the instalment is at in its lifecycle. |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Type | cloupra__Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The type of instalment, e.g. invoice, up front commission, trailing commission, etc. |
Xero Invoice Id | cloupra__Xero_Invoice_Id__c | Text (128) | Unique, External ID, Case Sensitive |
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