An insurance policy, which typically relates to multiple Benefits.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Annual Premium | cloupra__Annual_Premium__c | Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The annualised premium for the policy, based on the premium and the premium frequency. Formula: /* Calculates the policy's annual premium based on the premium frequency entered. */ cloupra__Premium_Frequency__c ), |
Automatic Renewal? | cloupra__Automatic_Renewal__c | Checkbox |
Help text: Denotes that the policy automatically renews for the same term. Attribute: Required |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Benefit Annual Premium | cloupra__Benefit_Annual_Premium__c | Formula (Currency) |
/* Calculates the policy's annual premium based on the premium frequency entered and Benefit Premium summed from Benefit. */ |
Benefit Premium | cloupra__Benefit_Premium__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Broker/Agent | cloupra__Broker__c | Lookup (Contact) |
The broker or agent through whom the policy was purchased. |
Client | cloupra__Client__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Data Feed | cloupra__Data_Feed__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Data_Feed__C) | |
Data Feed Latest Sync | cloupra__Data_Feed_Latest_Sync__c | Datetime | |
Data Feed Resource | cloupra__Data_Feed_Resource__c | Textarea (2048) | |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Employee Premium Contribution |
cloupra__Employee_ Premium_Contribution__c |
Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The employee's contribution to the annual premium for this group policy. May be calculated based on the annual premium and the employer's contribution (defined on the group scheme), or specified directly on the policy. cloupra__Product_Channel__c) == 'Group'), cloupra__Premium_Split_Source__c) == 'Use Group Default'), cloupra__Related_To__r. cloupra__Employer_Contribution__c < cloupra__Annual_Premium__c), cloupra__Service__r. cloupra__Related_To__r. cloupra__Employer_Contribution__c, |
Employer Premium Contribution |
cloupra__Employer_ Premium_Contribution__c |
Formula (Currency) |
Help text: The employer's contribution to the annual premium for this group policy. May be the employer's contribution (defined on the group scheme), or calculated based on the annual premium and the employee's contribution specified on this policy. Formula: IF((TEXT(cloupra__Product_Channel__c) == 'Group'), == 'Use Group Default'), cloupra__Employer_Contribution__c < cloupra__Annual_Premium__c), cloupra__Employer_Contribution__c, |
External Id | cloupra__ExternalId__c | Text (100) | Unique, External ID |
External Number | cloupra__External_Number__c | Text (255) |
Help text: A unique identifier for the policy. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. |
External Number 2 | cloupra__External_Number_2__c | Text (255) |
Help text: A unique identifier for the policy. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). |
External Number 3 | cloupra__External_Number_3__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the policy. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Number 4 | cloupra__External_Number_4__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the policy. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Number 5 | cloupra__External_Number_5__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the policy. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
General Insurance Type |
cloupra__General_ Insurance_Type__c |
Multipicklist (Personal Risk; Health; Funeral; Home; Property; Contents; Car/Auto; Boat; Caravan; Business; Other) | The type of insurance (select multiple types if applicable). |
Inside Super? | cloupra__Inside_Super__c | Checkbox | Required |
Insurance Provider | cloupra__Insurance_Provider__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Last Activity Date | LastActivityDate | Date | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Launch Context | cloupra__Launch_Context__c | Picklist (User-Initiated; Automated; Both) | Defines that this process type can be launched manually by users, automatically by workflow, or both. |
Medical Cover | cloupra__Medical_Cover__c | Multipicklist (Ambulance; Dental; Extras; GP; Hospital; Hospital Cash; Optical; Orthodontic; Private Hospital; Specialist and Tests) | |
Notes | cloupra__Notes__c | Textarea (255) | Any other relevant information about the policy. |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Policy Fee | cloupra__Premium__c | Currency (6, 2) | |
Policy Number | cloupra__Policy_Number__c | Text (40) | |
Policy Owner Account | cloupra__Policy_Owner_Account__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Policy Owner Person | cloupra__Policy_Owner_Person__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Policy Owner Type | cloupra__Policy_Owner_Type__c | Picklist (Client; Client Person) | |
Policy Ref | Name | Text (80) | Required |
Policy Related To Names | cloupra__Policy_Related_To_Names__c | Textarea (131072) | |
Policy Type | cloupra__Policy_Type__c | Picklist (General; Life; Medical) | |
Premium Currency | cloupra__Premium_Currency__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Currency__C) | |
Premium Frequency | cloupra__Premium_Frequency__c | Picklist (Weekly; Fortnightly; Monthly; Quarterly; Half-Yearly; Yearly; Single) | |
Premium Split Source | cloupra__Premium_Split_Source__c | Picklist (Use Group Default; Specify on Policy) | |
Premium Structure | cloupra__Premium_Structure__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The structure of premium pricing, e.g. rate for age, indexed, etc. |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Product | cloupra__Product_Name__c | Text (150) | |
Product Channel | cloupra__Product_Channel__c | Picklist (Retail; Group) | |
Provider | cloupra__Provider__c | Formula (Text) |
Help text: The insurance provider, either directly related to the policy (for retail channel) or via a group scheme (for group channel). cloupra__Insurance_Provider__r.Name, "_self"), cloupra__Provider__c, cloupra__ZZZZ_Group_Insurance_Scheme__r. cloupra__Provider__r.Name, "_self") , cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Code__c, ("/apex/ProviderView?id=" & cloupra__Service__r. cloupra__Related_To__r.cloupra__Provider__c, cloupra__Provider__r.Name, "_self"), |
Provider Name | cloupra__Provider_Name__c | Formula (Text) |
CASE(cloupra__Service__r. cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Code__c, cloupra__Provider__r.Name, |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Related Client | cloupra__Related_Client__c | Formula (Text) | Help text: Returns the related client Id, either through the related recommendation and then service (if there is one), or direct. Used in system logic. Formula: IF(NOT(ISBLANK( cloupra__Service__c)) && cloupra__Under_Advice__c = true, CASESAFEID(cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Client__c), CASESAFEID(cloupra__Client__c) ) |
Related Client Name | cloupra__Related_Client_Name__c | Formula (Text) | Help text: Returns the related client name, either through the related recommendation and then service (if there is one), or direct. Used in system logic. Formula: IF(NOT(ISBLANK( cloupra__Service__c)) && cloupra__Under_Advice__c = true, (cloupra__Service__r.cloupra__Client__r.Name), (cloupra__Client__r.Name) ) |
Renewal Date | cloupra__Renewal_Date__c | Date | |
Service | cloupra__Service__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | |
Specific Employee Contribution |
cloupra__Specific_ Employee_Contribution__c |
Currency (5, 2) | The employee premium contribution, where the premium split is specified on the policy (rather than inherited from the group scheme). |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Stage Entry Date | cloupra__Stage_Entry_Date__c | Date | The date on which the policy entered its current stage. |
Start Date | cloupra__Start_Date__c | Date | |
Sum Insured | cloupra__Sum_Insured__c | Currency (8, 2) | The insured value, for non-life policies. |
Sum Insured Currency | cloupra__Sum_Insured_Currency__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Currency__C) | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Termination Date | cloupra__Termination_Date__c | Date | |
Total Annual Premium | cloupra__Total_Annual_Premium__c | Formula (Currency) | cloupra__Benefit_Annual_Premium__c + cloupra__Annual_Premium__c |
Total Premium | cloupra__Total_Premium__c | Formula (Currency) | cloupra__Benefit_Premium__c + cloupra__Premium__c |
Under Advice? | cloupra__Under_Advice__c | Checkbox | Help text: Is the policy under advice from our practice? Attribute: Required |
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