A service provided to a client and/or a person and defined by a service type, such as:
- financial advice;
- corporate super management;
- membership to a superannuation or pension fund;
- life insurance; or
- investment portfolio management.
Services are used to manage pipeline of possible opportunities, estimated and actual revenue (often via instalments), work performed (via processes and tasks) and costs incurred.
Field Label | API Name | Type | Notes |
Actual Cost | cloupra__Actual_Cost__c | Currency (9, 2) | The total of actual costs incurred on all tasks for this service. |
Actual Effort | cloupra__Actual_Effort__c | Number (7, 2) | The total of actual effort spent on all tasks for this process. |
Actual Sale Amount | cloupra__Service_Actual_Sale_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | The amount charged to the client for this service, which may include or exclude tax (according to Tax Applicability). |
Actual Sale Amount | cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | IF ( ISBLANK(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Instalment_Option__c), cloupra__Service_Actual_Sale_Amount__c, cloupra__Instalment_Actual_Amount__c ) |
Actual Sale Amount (ex Tax) | cloupra__Sale_Amount_ex_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) | Help text: The sale amount of the service, excluding tax. Formula: CASE ( cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r.cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAEXEMPTED', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c/(1 + cloupra__Current_Tax_Rate__r.cloupra__Percentage__c), cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c ) |
Actual Sale Amount (inc Tax) | cloupra__Sale_Amount_inc_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) | Help text: The sale amount of the service, including tax. Formula: CASE ( cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r.cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c * (1 + cloupra__Current_Tax_Rate__r.cloupra__Percentage__c), 'TAEXEMPTED', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c, cloupra__Actual_Sale_Amount__c ) |
Agreement Id | cloupra__Agreement_Id__c | Text (18) | |
Balance | cloupra__Account_Balance__c | Formula (Currency) | IF(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Allocation_Option__r.cloupra__Group_Code__c = 'ALOENABLED', cloupra__Allocation_Balance__c, cloupra__Balance__c) |
Balance | cloupra__Balance__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Balance | cloupra__Allocation_Balance__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Balance Date | cloupra__Balance_Date__c | Date | |
Batch | cloupra__Batch__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Batch__C) | |
Beneficiary Percentage | cloupra__Beneficiary_Percentage__c | Percent (9, 2) | |
Benefit Class | cloupra__Benefit_Class__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Client | cloupra__Client__c | Lookup (Account) | The client for whom the service is being performed. |
Collection Id | cloupra__Collection_Id__c | Text (255) | |
Created By ID | CreatedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Created Date | CreatedDate | Datetime | Required |
Credit Card Token | cloupra__Credit_Card_Token__c | Text (24) | |
Current Tax Rate | cloupra__Current_Tax_Rate__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The prevailing sales tax rate (configured by the system administrator). |
Date Joined Company | cloupra__Date_Joined_Company__c | Date | |
Declined Date | cloupra__Declined_Date__c | Date | The date on which the client declined this service. |
Deleted | IsDeleted | Checkbox | Required |
Description | cloupra__Description__c | Textarea (255) | A short description of the service being provided. |
Employer | cloupra__Employer__c | Lookup (Account) | |
Employer Contribution | cloupra__Employer_Contribution__c | Currency (5, 2) | The contribution made by the employer towards the annual premium for each employee's policy under this group scheme. |
End Date | cloupra__End_Date__c | Date | |
Estimated Close Month | cloupra__Estimated_Close_Month__c | Date | |
Estimated Sale Amount | cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | IF ( ISBLANK(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Instalment_Option__c), cloupra__Service_Est_Sale_Amount__c, CASE(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Instalment_Option__r.cloupra__Code__c, "INSOPACTUAL", cloupra__Service_Est_Sale_Amount__c, "INSOPTESTACT", cloupra__Instalment_Est_Amount__c, 0 ) ) |
Estimated Sale Amount | cloupra__Service_Est_Sale_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | The estimated charge to the client for this service, which may include or exclude tax (according to Tax Applicability). |
Estimated Sale Amount (ex Tax) | cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount_ex_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) | CASE ( cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r.cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAEXEMPTED', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c/(1 + cloupra__Current_Tax_Rate__r.cloupra__Percentage__c), cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c ) |
Estimated Sale Amount (inc Tax) | cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount_inc_Tax__c | Formula (Currency) | CASE ( cloupra__Tax_Applicability__r.cloupra__Code__c, 'TAEXCLUSVE', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c * (1 + cloupra__Current_Tax_Rate__r.cloupra__Percentage__c), 'TAEXEMPTED', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c, 'TAINCLUSVE', cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c, cloupra__Est_Sale_Amount__c ) |
Exchange Date | cloupra__Exchange_Date__c | Date | The date of contract exchange (for property/mortgage services). |
External Id | cloupra__External_Id__c | Text (100) | Unique, External ID |
External Id 2 | cloupra__External_Id_2__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the service. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Id 3 | cloupra__External_Id_3__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the service. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Id 4 | cloupra__External_Id_4__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the service. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
External Id 5 | cloupra__External_Id_5__c | Text (255) | Help text: A unique identifier for the service. Used for matching when uploading related files or integrating systems. Populate this field if there are variations on a single number from external sources (e.g. commission files). Attribute: External ID |
Fee Basis | cloupra__Fee_Basis__c | Picklist (% of AUM; Flat Fee) | |
First Contact Date | cloupra__First_Contact_Date__c | Date | |
Flag 1 | cloupra__Flag_1__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 2 | cloupra__Flag_2__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 3 | cloupra__Flag_3__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 4 | cloupra__Flag_4__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flag 5 | cloupra__Flag_5__c | Checkbox | Required |
Flat Fee | cloupra__Flat_Fee__c | Currency (9, 2) | |
Gross Sale Amount | cloupra__Service_Gross_Sale_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | |
Gross Sale Amount | cloupra__Gross_Sale_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | IF ( ISBLANK(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Instalment_Option__c), cloupra__Service_Gross_Sale_Amount__c, CASE(cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Instalment_Option__r.cloupra__Code__c, "INSOPACTUAL", cloupra__Service_Gross_Sale_Amount__c, "INSOPTESTACT", cloupra__Instalment_Gross_Amount__c, 0 ) ) |
Instalment Actual Amount | cloupra__Instalment_Actual_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | |
Instalment Estimate Amount | cloupra__Instalment_Est_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | |
Instalment Gross Amount | cloupra__Instalment_Gross_Amount__c | Currency (9, 2) | |
Instruction Date | cloupra__Instruction_Date__c | Date | |
Insurance Option | cloupra__Insurance_Option__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The insurance option selected for a superannuation or pension member account. |
Last Activity Date | LastActivityDate | Date | |
Last Modified By ID | LastModifiedById | Lookup (User) | Required |
Last Modified Date | LastModifiedDate | Datetime | Required |
Last Referenced Date | LastReferencedDate | Datetime | |
Last Renewal Date | cloupra__Last_Renewal_Date__c | Date | The date on which the client most recently agreed to this service |
Last Review Date | cloupra__Last_Review_Date__c | Date | |
Last Statement Sent | cloupra__Last_Statement_Sent__c | Date | |
Last Viewed Date | LastViewedDate | Datetime | |
Likelihood | cloupra__Likelihood__c | Picklist (Hot; Warm; Cold) | |
Member Number | cloupra__Member_Number__c | Text (80) | |
Next Renewal Date | cloupra__Next_Renewal_Date__c | Date | The date that the next renewal is due, as calculated based on the renewal interval specified on service type. |
Next Statement Date | cloupra__Next_Statement_Date__c | Date | The date that the next statement is due, based on the service type. |
Originator | cloupra__Originator__c | Lookup (User) | |
Owner ID | OwnerId | Lookup (Group, User) | Required |
Person | cloupra__Person__c | Lookup (Contact) | |
Potential AUM | cloupra__Potential_AUM__c | Currency (16, 2) | |
Potential Fee Rate % | cloupra__Potential_Fee_Rate__c | Percent (3, 3) | |
Potential Revenue | cloupra__Potential_Revenue__c | Formula (Currency) | IF(ISPICKVAL(cloupra__Fee_Basis__c,"Flat Fee"), cloupra__Flat_Fee__c,cloupra__Potential_AUM__c * cloupra__Potential_Fee_Rate__c) |
Price | cloupra__Price__c | Currency (6, 2) | |
Pricing Method | cloupra__Pricing_Method__c | Picklist (Service Amount; Price & Quantity; Line Items) | |
Primary Division | cloupra__Primary_Division__c | Lookup (Account) | Record Owner's Primary Division |
Provider | cloupra__Provider__c | Lookup (Account) | The service provider involved in the service (e.g. an insurer, fund, lender, etc.). |
Quantity | cloupra__Quantity__c | Number (4, 2) | |
Record ID | Id | Id (18) | Required |
Related Policy | cloupra__Related_Policy__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Policy__C) | |
Related To | cloupra__Related_To__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Service__C) | |
Renewal Due | cloupra__Renewal_Due__c | Formula (Date) | Help text: The date by which we must next confirm the client’s agreement for this service. Formula: cloupra__Next_Renewal_Date__c |
Renewal Exempt | cloupra__Renewal_Exempt__c | Checkbox | Required |
Renewal Notification Due | cloupra__Renewal_Notification_Due__c | Formula (Date) | Help text: The date by which we should request the next agreement from the client for this service Formula: cloupra__Renewal_Due__c - cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Notice_Period__c |
Renewal Notification Sent | cloupra__Renewal_Notification_Sent__c | Date | The date on which we last requested agreement from the client for this service. |
Renewal Response Due | cloupra__Renewal_Response_Due__c | Formula (Date) | Help text: The date by which must receive a response from the client to opt into or out of this service. Formula: cloupra__Renewal_Notification_Sent__c + cloupra__Service_Type__r.cloupra__Deemed_Response_Period__c |
Renewal Update | cloupra__Renewal_Update__c | Checkbox | Required |
Review Date | cloupra__Review_Date__c | Date | |
Review Interval | cloupra__Review_Interval__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Review Month | cloupra__Review_Month__c | Formula (Text) | IF ( NOT(ISBLANK(cloupra__Review_Date__c)) ,TEXT(MONTH(cloupra__Review_Date__c)) ,"" ) |
Review Period | cloupra__Review_Period__c | Text (50) | |
Review Reminder Email | cloupra__Review_Reminder_Email__c | Formula (Text) | "&id=" + Id + "&queryid=a0S9000000VoGEy?pv0=" + Id + "&sc0=1" + "&sc1=Google" + "&qmode=SendEmail" |
Review Update | cloupra__Review_Update__c | Checkbox | Required |
Sale Amount (Line Items) | cloupra__Sale_Amount_Line_Items__c | Formula (Currency) | |
Service Item OSPEntitlement | cloupra__Service_Item_OSPEntitlement__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Service Item Review | cloupra__Service_Item_Review__c | Date | |
Service Name | Name | Text (80) | |
Service Type | cloupra__Service_Type__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | The type of service being provided to the client |
Settlement Date | cloupra__Settlement_Date__c | Date | The date of settlement (for property/mortgage services). |
Stage | cloupra__Stage__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | |
Stage Duration | cloupra__Stage_Duration__c | Formula (Double) | Help text: The number of days the service has been at its current stage. Formula: TODAY() - cloupra__Stage_Entry_Date__c |
Stage Entry Date | cloupra__Stage_Entry_Date__c | Date | The date on which the service entered its current stage. |
Start Date | cloupra__Start_Date__c | Date | The commencement date for the service. |
Statement Due | cloupra__Statement_Due__c | Formula (Date) | cloupra__Next_Statement_Date__c |
Statement Exempt | cloupra__Statement_Exempt__c | Checkbox | Required |
Statement Update | cloupra__Statement_Update__c | Checkbox | Required |
Syndicate | cloupra__Syndicate__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Syndicate__C) | |
System Modstamp | SystemModstamp | Datetime | Required |
Tax Applicability | cloupra__Tax_Applicability__c | Lookup (Cloupra__Category__C) | Denotes whether tax is included or excluded from the amount entered, or if the service is tax exempt. |
Tax Rate | cloupra__Tax_Rate__c | Percent (3, 2) | |
Temp Agreement | cloupra__Temp_Agreement__c | Text (18) | |
Termination Date | cloupra__Termination_Date__c | Date | |
Text Id | cloupra__Text_Id__c | Formula (Text) | Id |
Total Sale Amount | cloupra__Total_Sale_Amount__c | Formula (Currency) | CASE (TEXT(cloupra__Pricing_Method__c), "Service Amount",cloupra__Sale_Amount__c, "Price & Quantity", cloupra__Price__c * cloupra__Quantity__c, "Line Items", cloupra__Sale_Amount_Line_Items__c, 0 ) |
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