Our Orion integration allows advisors to keep client portfolios in sync between Practifi and Orion. This article outlines the integration, how to use the integration and the data field mapping of the integration.
Please note: This functionality will not be available in your organization if the integration has not been enabled.
Integration Summary
Our integration with Orion helps you keep client portfolios in sync with the rest of your business:
- View Orion Accounts & Holding information from the Practifi Client record
- Summarise account performance with an Orion Insight dashboard
- Access more Household information and features from the Orion Links navigation bar
Orion Households need to be linked to a Household in Practifi with Orion Accounts and Assets mapped across to Practifi Assets and Holdings, respectively.
The Orion integration has been designed to have Households in Orion transferred and available in Practifi, subject to some Household activity rules, but are not immediately created as a Practifi Client. Instead, they can be searched in Practifi and promoted to Prospect or Client and they are created as simply Entities in the Practifi system. Clients in Practifi can be created in Orion as a Household manually, initiated from within Practifi, but are not automatically created in Orion.
Once an Orion Household and a Practifi Client have been linked, any updates to information on either side will flow between systems as per the table below.
Practifi |
Sync |
Orion |
Client Account |
< Real-time > |
Household |
Person Account |
< Real-time > |
Household Member |
Asset Liability |
< Real-time |
Account |
Holding |
< Real-time |
Asset |
It is important to note that a user must have both a Practifi license and an Orion license attached to their user profile to use the Orion integration successfully. The user will also need to have authorized the OrionConnect App. Failure to have either of these will cause errors within your organization's sync and can lead to information changes made in Practifi being overwritten during the sync. If a ‘Default User’ is set up in the Orion app, then this user can be used to sync updates from Practifi to Orion and not all the users need an Orion license in the CRM.
Using the Integration
Viewing Orion Account Assets and Holding in Practifi
To view the Orion Account Assets and Holdings, select the Financials button in the Client record's side panel.
Clicking on an Asset record will take you to the Asset page, where you can see all the Holdings within the account.
List of Assets and Liabilities of the Client.
Details of a particular Asset.
List of Holdings under an Asset.
Details of a particular Holding.
Creating and Linking Orion Accounts to Practifi Clients
Alternatively, you can use a custom page prepared by Orion to list Practifi Clients who have not yet been linked to a corresponding Orion Household using a search tool. The link will be supplied by your Practifi Customer Support team on setting up your system.
This produces a list of Practifi Clients who, as yet, do not have a link to an Orion Household.
If a record isn't appearing on this page that you expect to see there, make sure it matches the criteria:
- Orion ID is empty.
- Has Entity Record Type as Household Client.
Clicking on the Create/Link in Orion link will open a panel by which Orion Households can be located.
Here, no match was found for "Daniel Smith" under Keyword Search.
But changing the Keyword Search term and clicking outside the field produces a list of potential Smith Households.
Selecting one of the existing Orion Households gives the options to
- Compare fields between the Practifi and Orion records, to confirm the match
- Link the Practifi Client and Orion Household
If Link has been selected, confirmation messages will appear
On refresh of the Client record, the Orion Id will display as a link in the Orion Status field.
Orion's Sync to Force.com Setting
There is a Sync to Force.com checkbox field in Orion that must be checked before a Household and its related records (Assets & Holdings) will sync to Practifi. Orion can default this field to either be checked or not checked. If it is not checked by default, then a user will need to update it manually after linking the Orion ID to a Practifi Client.
Updating Synchronized Records
- Updates to the Client record in Practifi will automatically synchronize into Orion's Households, and vice-versa.
- Updates to the Asset and Holding records made in Practifi will not be synched back to Orion (not supported).
Accessing a Client's Orion link and Orion Insights
Please note: To see all four Orion Insight charts, the user needs a widescreen or can zoom out on a small screen, otherwise only two charts will display.
Accessing the Orion Connect Salesforce Application
Practifi's Orion integration is powered by Orion Connect, Orion's integration package designed for Salesforce. We've surfaced many of its features inside Practifi, but if you ever want to access the application directly you can do so by clicking Orion Connect under the App Launcher. If it does not appear in your frequently used list, use the App Launcher search to search for Orion Connect.
Field Mapping
Below are the field mappings for the integration between Orion and Practifi. These field mappings are separated into tables by Orion object and their corresponding Practifi object. Any field that is not listed within these tables is not mapped and should be set to the <<NOT SYNCED FROM ORION>> value in the sync mapping settings.
Orion Household to Practifi Entity
Practifi Object: Account
Record Type: Household Client
Orion Field | Practifi Field | Orion API Return Mapping |
Active | Active (OASP__OAS_Active__c) | portfolio.IsActive |
BillingCity | Billing City (BillingCity) | portfolio.city |
BillingPostalCode | Billing Zip/Postal Code (BillingPostalCode) | portfolio.zip |
BillingState | Billing State/Province (BillingState) | portfolio.state |
BillingStreet | Billing Street (BillingStreet) |
portfolio.address1 |
Name | Entity Name (Name) [may be Account Name (Name)] |
portfolio.name |
Performance 1 YR | Performance Last 12 Months (practifi__Performance_Last_12_Months__c) |
Performance 2 YR | Performance Last 36 Months (practifi__Performance_Last_36_Months__c) |
Performance MTD | Performance MTD (practifi__Performance_MTD__c) |
Performance QTD | Performance QTD (practifi__Performance_QTD__c) |
Performance YTD | Performance YTD (practifi__Performance_YTD__c) |
Orion Household Member to Practifi Individual
Practifi Object: Account
Record Type: Individual Member
Orion Field | Practifi Field |
Birthdate | Birthdate (PersonBirthDate) |
Email (practifi__Email__c) | |
Fax |
Entity Fax (Fax) [may be Account Fax] |
FirstName | First Name (FirstName) |
HomePhone | Home Phone (PersonHomePhone) |
Household Orion_Id | Parent Entity (Orion Id) (Parent.OASP__Orion_Id__c) |
LastName | Last Name (LastName) |
MailingCity | Mailing City (PersonMailingCity) |
MailingPostalCode | Mailing Zip/Postal Code (PersonMailingPostalCode) |
MailingState | Mailing State/Province (PersonMailingState) |
MailingStreet | Mailing Street (PersonMailingStreet) |
MobilePhone | Mobile (PersonMobilePhone) |
Orion_Deleted | Orion_Deleted (OASP__Orion_Deleted__c) |
Orion_Id | Orion Id (OASP__Orion_Id__c) |
Title | Title (PersonTitle) |
Orion Account to Practifi Asset/Liability
Practifi Object: Asset/Liability
Record Type: Asset
Orion Field | Practifi Field | Notes |
Account Type | Registration Type (practifi__Registration_Type__C) | |
Closed_Date | Closed Date (practifi__Date_Closed__c) | |
Household.Orion_Id | Client (Orion Id) (practifi__Client__r.OASP__Orion_Id__c) | |
IsManaged | Under Advice (practifi__Under_Advice__c) | |
Name | Account Number (practifi__Account_Number__c) | |
Orion_Id | External Id (practifi__External_Id__c) | |
Starting_Value | Initial Value (practifi_Inital_Value__c) | |
Custodian | Custodian (Custodian__c) [lookup:OAS_Custodian__c] | This field requires additional assistance for mapping to be successful. Please contact Practifi for additional assistance if you are looking to map this field. |
Bill Valuation Method | AUM Valuation Method (practifi__AUM_Valuation_Method__c) | |
Bill Frequency | Billing Frequency (practifi__Billing_Frequence__c) | |
Bill Start Date | Billing Start Date (practifi__Billing_Start_Date__c) | |
Fee Schedule | Fee Schedule Description (practifi__Fee_Schedule_Description__c) | |
Bill Included in Aggregate | Bill Included in Aggregate (Billl_Include_In_Aggregate__c) [checkbox] | This field requires additional assistance for mapping to be successful. Please contact Practifi for additional assistance if you are looking to map this field. |
Performance 1 YR | Performance Last 12 Months (practifi__Performance_Last_12_Months__c) | |
Performance 3 YR | Performance Last 36 Months (practifi__Performance_Last_36_Months__c) | |
Performance MTD | Performance MTD (practifi__Performance_MTD__c) | |
Performance QTD | Performance QTD (Performance_QTD__c) | |
Performance YTD | Performance YTD (Performance_YTD__c) | |
Realized G/L YTD | Realized Gain YTD (practifi_Realized_Gain_YTD__c) | |
Realized G/L Previous Year | Realized Gaint Last Year (practifi__Realized_Gain_Last_Year__c) | |
Unrealized Gain/Loss | Unrealized Gain (pracitifi__Unrealized_Gain__c) |
Orion Asset to Practifi Holding
Practifi Object: Holding
Orion Field | Practifi Field |
Account.Orion_Id | Asset/Liability (External_Id) (practifi__Asset_Liability__r.practifi__External_Id__c) |
Asset Name | Holding Name (Name) |
Asset Value | Balance (practifi__Balance__c) |
Orion_Id | External Id (practifi__External_Id__c) |
Price | Price (practifi__Price__c) |
Price Date | As At (practifi__As_At__c) |
Product Sub Type | Segment Name (practifi__Segment_Name__c) |
Product Type | Class Name (practifi__Class_Name__c) |
Ticker | Product Code (practifi__Product_Code__c) |
Units | Units (practifi__Units__c) |
Orion Receivables to Practifi Installments
Practifi Object: Installments (practifi__Installment__c)
Orion Field | Practifi Field |
Receivables ID | External Id (practifi__External_Id__c) |
Adjustments | Adjustments (practifi__Adjustements__c) |
As Of Date | Date (practifi__Date__c) |
Financial Account | Asset (practifi__Asset__r.practifi__External_Id__c) |
Initial Amount | Initial Amount (practifi__Initial_Amount__c) |
Total Amount | Final Amount (practifi__Final_Amount__c) |
Enhanced Data Model
With our Albariño release, we have added fields to maximize the power of the Orion integration. The new fields appear in the Basics section on Assets and Services; however, for Clients we’ve placed them in the Financials section of the record page to avoid cluttering the Basics section there. These fields are visible in the Specifics tab in that section. Fields are conditionally displayed, so records that don’t have data to present won’t have these fields visible on their record pages.
Implementation Details
The following Lightning pages have been modified to add these fields as part of this enhancement:
- Asset/Liability Record Page
- Client Record Page
If your firm has customized the above pages, an administrator will need to either copy the changes into your customized version or switch to the Practifi version and redo the changes.
Please note the following about the tables below: Field names in italics are editable fields; all other fields are read-only.
Name |
Field Type |
Help text |
Custodian Name |
Text (255) |
AUM Valuation Method |
Picklist (Period End Value, Avg Daily Balance) |
How is the AUM value of this asset factored into its fee calculations? |
Billing Frequency |
Picklist (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually) |
Billing Start Date |
Date |
Fee Schedule Description |
Text (255) |
How are the fees for this asset calculated? |
Exclude from Billing |
Checkbox |
If checked, then the asset is not factored into billing calculations for this client. |
Performance Last 12 Months |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for the asset in the twelve calendar months that precede the current one. |
Performance Last 36 Months |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for the asset in the thirty-six calendar months that precede the current one. |
Performance MTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for the asset so far this month. |
Performance QTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for the asset so far this quarter. |
Performance YTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for the asset so far this year. |
Realized Gain YTD |
Currency (12,2) |
Profit from selling shares so far this year. |
Realized Gain Last Year |
Currency (12,2) |
Profit from selling shares in the previous calendar year. |
Unrealized Gain |
Currency (12,2) |
Gains or losses not yet traded in for cash. |
Name |
Field Type |
Help text |
Performance Last 12 Months |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for this client’s assets in the twelve calendar months that precede the current one. |
Performance Last 36 Months |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for this client’s assets in the thirty-six calendar months that precede the current one. |
Performance MTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for this client’s assets so far this month. |
Performance QTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for this client’s assets so far this quarter. |
Performance YTD |
Percent (7,2) |
Time-weighted return, or compound rate of growth, for this client’s assets so far this year. |
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