Please note: This content is intended for Practifi System Administrators and is technical in nature. The steps described in this article may not be able to be completed without System Administrator permissions. Please discuss your integration installation plans with your Practifi Customer Support Team for their assistance. |
Paperwork is a necessary element of any advisory firm, but often, it can be time-consuming when the data you’ve captured in your systems needs to be painstakingly reentered into multiple forms. We’ve partnered with Quik!, an industry-leading forms automation solution, to ease that burden.
Using our Active Forms functionality in Practifi, it’s now possible to capture everything you need for your paperwork as part of a workflow, update the Client record and send the information to Quik! ’s comprehensive form library.
This article outlines the steps for enabling the Quik! Forms integration in your Practifi organization.
Before You Begin
To enable the Quik! Forms integration within your Practifi organization, your firm will need access to both Practifi and the Quik! Forms Enterprise edition. You must also be a Practifi System Administrator to complete the following steps.
Enabling the Quik! Forms Integration
Create a Self-Signed Certificate
To begin the enablement process, a self-signed certificate must be created. This certificate will establish the identity provider in the following step. To create a self-signed certificate:
Navigate to Salesforce Setup by selecting the settings cog in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Setup from the drop-down menu.
Use the Quick Find search bar on the left-hand side to search for and select Certificate and Key Management.
Once on the Certificate and Key Management page, select the Create Self-Signed Certificate button. Enter a new Label and a Unique Name. Select Save to finalize the creation of the self-signed certificate.
Once the certificate is created, select the Download Certificate button to download it. There will be a cert file downloaded to your computer.
- Once the Certificate is created, you will need to make it the default certificate, which you can do by setting it as the default Identity Provider Certificate at Setup → Identity Provider → Edit (Button).
Enabling the Identity Provider
To enable the identity provider:
In Setup, use the Quick Find search bar on the left-hand side to search for and select Identity Provider.
On the Identity Provider page, select the Enable Identity Provider button.
Choose the self-signed certificate made in the previous step.
Select Save to finalize your changes.
Create a New Connected App
To continue the enablement process, you must create a new connected app. To create this:
- In Salesforce Setup, use the Quick Find search bar to search for and select App Manager.
- Select the New Connected App button on the Lightning Experience App Manager page.
- Enter the following information to create the new connected app:
Connected App Name - Quik Integration App
API Name - Quik_Integration_App
Enable SAML - Checked
Entity Id -
Subject Type - User ID
Certificate - Select the one that we created in the earlier section
Add the custom attributes - (Please consult the following Quik! resource: Integration Type - Single Sign-on | Referral Account SAML Attributes )
ApplicationID - "36"
CustomerID - Customer ID of the Quik! App account
CustomerUserID - $User.Id
TimeoutRedirectURL - Base URL of your Salesforce org
ClientIDList - $User.practifi__Quik_Contact_ID_List__c
- Press Save to finalize the creation process.
In the Quik! App Integration connected app, add this custom plugin named “practifi.CustomConnectedAppPlugin” in the Apex Plugin Class field.
Custom Apps Permissions Set Allocation
Once the custom app is created, you must manage either the Profiles or the Permission Sets that should have access to this integration. To manage the access to the Quik Connected Apps, follow the below steps:
In the Salesforce Setup Quick Find search box, search for and select App Manager.
On the list of connected apps, search for Quik_Integration_App.
Open the app by clicking on the down arrow and selecting the view option from the drop-down menu.
To grant access by Profiles - Once in the app, select the manage button and navigate to the profiles section on the Connected App page. Then choose the Profile(s) you would like to grant access.
To grant access by Permission Sets - Navigate to the Permission Set Section of the Connected App page and give access to the desired Permission Sets.
Custom Setting Changes
Next, changes will need to be made to the Custom Settings. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Salesforce Setup, use the Quick Find search bar to search for and select Custom Settings.
- Select the Quik! Integration Setting on this list and select the Manage button on this page.
- Click the New button at the top of the page and complete the form as below:
- Enabled - Checked
- Quik! SSO URL - Paste the end of the IdP-Initiated Login URL, which will be as follows: “”, then you’d copy “/idp/login?app=appid”. These values can be obtained from the Connected App.
Data Feed Mapping
Data feed mapping allows teams to insert the defined set of values for some of the Quik base fields. It can be done in two ways: either by inserting using the DataLoader or using the Workbench.
Please follow the below steps for inserting the Data Feed Mapping through Workbench:
Open the URL
Workbench. Once on the Workbench, select either Production or Sandbox. If you are using a Production organization, you should choose Production, and if it is a Development or QA organization, you should select Sandbox.
Once the first step is completed, agree to the terms and conditions and login with your Practifi credentials. A pop-up window will then ask you to allow access.
Select the Data header in the Workbench and click the Insert option from the drop-down menu.
Click the Object Type drop-down on the insert page and select the practifi__Data_Feed_Mapping__c object from the list.
Once the object type is selected, click on the option of From File and browse and select the CSV file that will be shared with you by the Practifi Support team.
Please note: If you do not yet have access to the CSV file needed for loading on this step, you must request access via a Practifi Support ticket.
Then, map the Salesforce fields with CSV Fields, which will be as follows:
Practifi Field CSV Field practifi__Code__c (code__C) practifi__Data_Feed__c (Data_Feed__c) practifi__External_Key__c FieldValue (External_Key__c) practifi__External_Value__c FieldValueName (External_Value__c) practifi__Text_Value__c (Text_Value__c) practifi__Type__C QuikFieldName(Type__c)
7. Click on the Map fields and select Confirm Insert to insert the fields in Practifi. A confirmation message will state that the data has been inserted successfully.
Send an Activation Email to Quik! Team
Send an email to to proceed with the activation process. The following details should be included in the email:
Your Quik! Customer ID
The downloaded Self-Signed Certificate that was created earlier or imported from the Keystore.
Your EntityID, also known as Audience URI
Quik! Forms
Issuer - Issuer from Connected app.
Please note: you can review the image below to reference the Issuer Value.
Replacing a Self-Signed Certificate
The Salesforce self-signed certificate has a one-year validity. Before it expires, the System Administrator must create a new Self-Signed Certificate in Salesforce and share it with the Quik! Team to get it authorized from them.
Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
To create a new Self-Signed Certificate, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Salesforce Setup and use the Quick Find search bar to search for and select Certificate and Key Management.
Once on the Certificate and Key Management page, click the Create Self-Signed Certificate button. Enter a new label and a unique name.
Click on the Save button to finalize the creation.
Once the certificate is created, select the Download Certificate button to download it. There will be a cert file downloaded to your computer.
Send a re-activation Email to Quik! Team
For re-activating the Certificate from the Quik! Team, the Administrator needs to email the following details to
Your Quik! Customer ID
The downloaded Self-Signed Certificate.
Your EntityID, also known as Audience URI
Quik! Forms
Issuer - Issuer from Connected app.
Please note: you can review the image below to reference the Issuer Value.
Updating Connected App
Once Quik! updates the new certificate and gives the confirmations about the update to you via email, you’ll need to update the certificate on the connected app created as a part of the initial setup with the new self-signed certificate. Optionally, set this certificate as the default Identity Provider Certificate at Setup → Identity Provider → Edit.
How to Step-Up Quik on Multiple Orgs
If the admin wants to set up the Quik Integration within multiple Practifi instances (e.g., sandboxes and production), then the same certificate can be used by exporting the Certificate to Keystore from the Org where the self-signed certificate was created and then importing it to the new organization.
Before completing the following steps, you must complete the steps outlined in the Enabling the Quik! Forms Integration section.
Exporting to Keystore
Open the Certificate and Key Management page in Salesforce Setup and select the Export to Keystore button. When this button is selected, it will ask for a password. Set the password. Note this password, which will be used for importing from the Keystore in the other organization.
Once you select the export button, one .jks file will be downloaded to your computer.
Importing Existing the Keystore
To import the existing Keystore file, the System Administrator needs to follow the below steps.
Log into the organization needing the import of this credential and navigate to Salesforce Setup.
Use the Quick Search to search for and select Certificate and Key Management.
Once on the Certificate and Key Management page, click the Import Keystore button.
Click the Choose JKS File, find the relevant JKS file and then enter the previously set password.
Once the Keystore is imported, navigate to the Identity Provider and select the imported certificate to make the certificate the default certificate. Set this certificate as the default Identity Provider Certificate at Setup → Identity Provider → Edit.
Send the Issuer Value to Quik Team
When the above settings are complete, the administrator must copy the issuer value mentioned in the connected App and send that across to the Quik Team for authorization via email to
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