What to Know about Salesforce Spring '24



As Practifi clients, your firm benefits from regular product upgrades. In addition to our own Practifi product releases, Salesforce has seasonal product releases you can also take advantage of. The Salesforce Spring '24 release, coming in February 2024, includes an assortment of new features for your Practifi instance. Read on to learn more about what’s new, what’s changed and what items might impact your organization.

Spring '24 Release Benefits

The Spring '24 Release introduces a number of enhancements:

Potential Spring '24 Impact

Sometimes, Salesforce releases can affect existing behavior in Practifi organizations depending on how they've been configured and customized. There's one release item that might have an impact:

  • Allow the New Setup Domain: If your firm’s IT team manages a domain allowlist, they’ll need to add a new domain for Salesforce’s Setup pages for you to continue to access them. This is to comply with Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative, which will start to affect Chrome users in early 2024. 

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