Create a Client Wizard - SPA


Practifi's Create a Client wizard allows you to easily create new household clients in a standardised format to make data entry easy and more accurate for your staff. 

To create a household client using the Create a Client wizard:

  1. Go to the Launcher menu  in the top nav bar and select Create a Client. 
  2. Complete the Basic Details for your Primary Contact for this household in Step 1 of the wizard and click Next. If you omit any required fields, they will appear in red. 
  3. Complete the details of the household in Step 2 of the wizard. Practifi creates a name for the household, but you can change this if your business has a standard naming convention. You can also capture the source of the client on this screen. Click Next. 
  4. In Step 3 of the wizard, you can enter the Partner details for the household. If your practice has configured predefined tasks to be completed for every new household created, those tasks will appear in the follow up tasks table. You can also add additional tasks by clicking the  icon.
  5. Once complete, click Save & Finish. Practifi will create your new client household and the primary and partner contact person records for the household.

Note: You cancel out of the Create a Client wizard at any point by simply clicking Cancel. 

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