Roussanne - July 2021


These release notes cover what's new in our Roussanne release from the perspective of a Practifi super user or administrator: someone who needs a detailed understanding of everything that's changed, how new features work, how to enable them, and any additional considerations that should be taken into account.

We use emojis throughout these notes to highlight important points as you go:

  • ⚠️ means there's potential for unintended consequences if you're not careful, so be sure to follow the instructions provided.
  • 🛠️ means there are some enablement steps required before you can make use of this feature.
  • 🔧 means there are some additional enablement steps, but only if your firm has customized specific areas of the product, such as Lightning pages or page layouts.
  • 📚 means there's additional reading available to deepen your understanding of the area, such as other articles in this knowledge base, or content from Salesforce's Help & Trailhead portals.
  • 💭 means you and your firm will want to do some thinking on the topic before moving on.
  • 💡 means we've got some helpful hints for you to consider.

Read on to learn about the release, and remember that if you have any questions or would like to learn more, your Client Success Manager will be happy to help.

Practifi Overall

Mass Edit for Record Tables

Perform mass data transformations with limitless scale using our Edit action, which appears on every record table in your app's navigation menu.

Selecting records and clicking the action opens a form which contains the same columns that were visible in the table you accessed it from. Make your desired changes in the form, then complete the action to push those changes to all the selected records:



  • Some fields in the Edit action have been flagged with an ⚠️ or a 🚫 icon in their top-right. Read the tooltips that appear on hover to find out more about them.
    • ⚠️ means you should be aware of certain considerations when editing these fields, but they're still available to be edited.
    • 🚫 means the field cannot be edited using this action.
  • Upon submitting the action, you'll receive a toast notification telling you the update is processing, and a notification when the process is complete.
    • This is particularly useful when monitoring large-volume data transformations (tens of thousands of records), as these can take over a minute to process at times.
    • Updates with more typical data volumes process more or less instantaneously, but still send a notification to the user.
  • Any errors encountered during the update process, such as failing to adhere to a validation rule, will cause that record to be skipped. Skipped records and their related error messages are stored in an error log, which is available from the update's related Batch record.
    • Access the Batch record by clicking the notification that you receive when the update process is completed.

Data Management App

For times when the set of records you want to edit is greater than any existing table in your app, or maybe it's missing a column you wish to update, the Data Management app is here to help.

Rather than an app for opening and interacting with records, this app enables super users and administrators to access all areas of their Practifi database by presenting the raw data tables that sit behind the scenes, rather than the user-facing versions in other apps. For example, rather than pages like Directory, Clients & Pipeline, we instead have Entities, Contacts & Deals.

Each page in the app only contains one record table, which will show you every record in that object you have access to, as defined by your firm's 📚record sharing rules. We've provided lots of filtering options in the sidebar, with the intent being that you start with everything at your fingertips, then search & filter your way to the records you intend to edit. We've also included lots of columns out of the box to maximise its usefulness with our new mass Edit action:


Enabling App Access

🛠️ Add the Practifi - Assigned Apps - Data Management permission set to the relevant users to make the Data Management app appear in their App Launcher. Consider adding it to the Super User or Administrator permission set groups if you want every user in that group to have access.

Improved System Performance

We've turned our eye towards the general speed and responsiveness of the system in this release, and delivered two enhancements that make a major difference:

  • Record tables now make use of lazy loading, i.e. their contents only load when the table is on-screen, rather than when you initially load the page. The extent of the performance increase depends on how many tables a page initially loads; in certain cases such as the Client record page with all of its page sections, the gains are seriously noticeable.
  • All our configurable Practifi components - tiles, charts, tables, Key Records sections, action menus and more - make use of our 📚Platform Cache allocation to store their configuration files. This means that once you load these components for the first time, each subsequent load will occur in a fraction of the time.


Deliverables for Services

Automatically generate a schedule of recurring client entitlements that advisors are tasked with delivering, to ensure that your standards of service are being met across the firm's book of clients.

Once set up, each Service maintains a schedule of Deliverables, which are fulfilled by linking Tasks and Events to them with our dedicated sidebar assistant. Over time, each Deliverable gathers a history of successful and unsuccessful fulfillment, which forms the basis for a deeper understanding of client success outcomes, like add-ons or churning away, through reporting.

Enabling the Feature

🛠️ There's several steps involved in switching on the Deliverables feature in your Practifi instance, all accessed from Salesforce Setup:

  1. Go to Activity Settings and either confirm Allow Users to Relate Multiple Contacts to Tasks and Events is enabled, or do so if it isn't.

    • This is a platform feature used to allow singular Tasks and Events to fulfill deliverables across multiple clients.

  2. Go to Custom Settings and click 'Manage' next to Practifi Trigger Settings. Click Edit, enable the Deliverable and Deliverable Rollups settings by checking their boxes, then click Save.

  3. Go to Permission Set Groups and add the Practifi - Additional Features - Deliverables permission set to the Standard User, Super User & Administrator 📚permission set groups.

  4. Go to Lightning App Builder and open the Practifi - Event Deliverables Record Page and Practifi - Task Deliverables Record Page items. For each page, click the Activation button, then set it as the Org Default.

    • This is required because the sidebar assistant introduces a new page region to these Lightning record pages, and page regions can't be conditionally rendered in Lightning App Builder; a separate page is needed.

    • 🔧 If your firm has customized your existing Task and/or Event record pages, then you'll need to replicate those changes in the Deliverables page versions as a part of the enablement process. This includes the actions visible in the Highlights Panel, but not the fields on the page; those are controlled by the page layout.
  5. Go to Apex Classes and click the Schedule Apex button. Schedule the DeliverableOverDueAction and DeliverableReminderTaskAction Apex classes to run every day outside of business hours, one after the other, e.g. at 6:00 a.m. & 7:00 a.m. respectively.

    • Timings will vary between instances depending on what automation you already have scheduled. Try and avoid any overlaps in your scheduling if possible.
  6. 🔧 Changes have been made to some Lightning pages as a part of this feature. If your firm has customized any of these pages, you will need to replicate those changes manually. You can refer to our default pages as a point of comparison; they've still available to you from the Lightning App Builder section of Salesforce Setup.
    • Practifi - Category Record Page
      • Added the Deliverable Types related list at the bottom of the page.
        • Conditionally rendered to only appear to users with the Practifi - Deliverables custom permission assigned (it appears in the Practifi - Additional Features - Deliverables permission set).
    • Practifi - Client Record Page
      • Added a second Tabs component in the Services & Pipeline page section which replicates the existing one, but includes a Deliverables tab. 
        • Conditionally rendered to only appear to users with the Practifi - Deliverables custom permission assigned.
          • The Deliverables tab includes a Practifi - Datatable (Record Page) component with the Related - Deliverables configuration file specified in its settings.
      • Added conditional rendering to the original tabset in the same page section, so that it only appears to users who do not have the Practifi - Deliverables custom permission assigned.
        • 💡 If your firm is enabling Deliverables as a whole-of-firm undertaking, then instead of replicating the conditional rendering described here, you should simply add the Deliverables tab to the existing Tabs component.
    • Practifi - Service Record Page
      • Added a second Tabs component to the record page which replicates the existing one, but includes a Deliverables tab.
        • Conditionally rendered to only appear to users with the Practifi - Deliverables custom permission assigned.
          • The Deliverables tab includes a Practifi - Datatable (Record Page) component with the Related - Deliverables configuration file specified in its settings.
      • Added conditional rendering to the original tabset in the same page section, so that it only appears to users who do not have the Practifi - Deliverables custom permission assigned.
        • 💡 If your firm is enabling Deliverables as a whole-of-firm undertaking, then instead of replicating the conditional rendering described here, you should simply add the Deliverables tab to the existing Tabs component.

Creating Templates for Your Service Types


In the Settings app, go to the Categories page and open the All Service Types list view to see the active and inactive Service Types currently available in your Practifi instance. On the record page for each of these, you'll now see a Deliverable Types table at the bottom of the page; each of the records you create here represents a Deliverable in the eventual Service record.

Click the New button and complete the form to create each item in your template. We've included a series of tooltips in the form to help you out, but here's some other things to keep in mind when creating Deliverable Types:

  • 💭 The Type field doesn't do anything on its own, it's just a way of categorizing your Deliverables so you can report on them more effectively. As a part of creating your Deliverable Types, consider whether you need to add more options to this field to properly categorize your data.
  • The calculation basis fields determine how the Next Due Date field is calculated on Deliverable records:
    • Initial Calculation Basis sets Next Due Date when a Deliverable is first created.
      • Based on Service Start Date means the Next Due Date will be calculated as "Service Start Date plus the interval length defined by the Deliverable Type's Frequency".
        • e.g. if my Deliverable's frequency is Quarterly, and the Service has a Start Date of July 15th, than the Deliverable's initial Next Due Date will be October 15th.
      • Based on calendar period means the Next Due Date will be calculated as "the end date of the nearest calendar interval as defined by the Deliverable Type's Frequency".
        • e.g. if my Deliverable's frequency is Quarterly, and the Service has a Start Date of July 15th, than the Deliverable's initial Next Due Date will be September 30th, as that's the last day of the third calendar quarter.
    • Ongoing Calculation Basis sets Next Due Date when a Deliverable is fulfilled.
      • Based on Due Date means the Next Due Date will be calculated as "Next Due Date plus the interval length defined by the Deliverable Type's Frequency".
        • e.g. if my Deliverable's frequency is Quarterly, and I fulfill it on July 15th, but it had a Next Due Date of September 30th, then the Deliverable's updated Next Due Date will be December 31st.
      • Based on Fulfillment Date means the Next Due Date will be calculated as "Fulfillment Date plus the interval length defined by the Deliverable Type's Frequency".
        • e.g. if my Deliverable's frequency is Quarterly, and I fulfill it on July 15th, then the Deliverable's updated Next Due Date will be October 15th.
  • Check the Set Reminder box to automatically notify the Deliverable Owner of the upcoming due date with a Task assigned to them.
    • Use the Days Before Due Date field to set the number of days before the Next Due Date when the reminder Task will appear.
  • ⚠️ The default owner of a Deliverable record will be the owner of the Service's Related Entity, typically the client's financial advisor. If you wish to assign a Deliverable to another team member, do so manually after it's been created.

💡 Some tips on Next Due Date calculation:

  • If you want absolute consistency on a period-by-period basis - to enable like-for-like comparisons between periods, for example - then set the Initial Basis to Based on calendar period, and the Ongoing Basis to Based on Due Date.
    • The downside to this approach is the potential for long stretches of time without a Due Date elapsing, e.g. if my Deliverable's frequency is Quarterly, and I fulfill it on July 1st, then the Deliverable's updated Next Due Date will be December 31st, effectively two full quarters away.
  • If you want to ensure that the Frequency represents the most time a Service goes without fulfilling a Deliverable, then set the Ongoing Basis to Based on Fulfillment Date.
    • Setting this value ultimately makes the sorts of like-for-like period comparisons described above not possible. Because of this, Based on Service Start Date is the recommended value for the Initial Basis, as it avoids setting Next Due Dates too soon.

Once your Deliverable Type records are created, every new Service created subsequently will automatically receive its own copy of the template, accessible from the Deliverables tab on the Service's record page. If you have existing Services that you'd like to push a copy of your Deliverable Types to, the Add Deliverables to Services action on the Service Type record page will take care of it:


💭⚠️ Before you continue: keep in mind when setting up these templates that your firm needs to be on board with the schedule of Deliverables you're committing your users to! Before creating any Deliverable Types, you may want to conduct some discussions as a business to agree on what exactly it is that your clients are entitled to, and how to represent that using Deliverables.

Accessing a client's Deliverables

You can access these from either the Client or Service record page from their record tables, as in the first two screenshots below. The third one displays the Deliverable record page itself.


Here are some things to look out for on the Deliverable record page:

  • The Fulfillment tab contains a history of all the successful and unsuccessful fulfillments of this Deliverable; we'll cover this in more detail below.
  • The System tab includes fields that only tend to matter to system administrators, as well as a list of changes made to fields on the Deliverable record itself, which is useful when investigating changes different users have made.
  • The Dates & Reminders field section in the Basics tab contains everything you need to know about when a Deliverable was last fulfilled, when it's next due, and what its reminder settings are.

Adjusting the Deliverables for Specific Services


Users can modify the Deliverable record directly if necessary to give specific clients their agreed-upon entitlements. In the example screenshot above (left), we're changing the frequency on this check-in Deliverable from Semi-Annually to Monthly to provide the customer with a higher standard of service than is included in our Deliverable Types template.

Users can also add new Deliverables to a Service using the New Deliverable action (right screenshot) in the page's action menu. Creating records here works just the same as it does when creating Deliverable Types, only it exclusively applies to the Service in question.

⚠️ Please note that when editing a Deliverable or creating a new one, the Frequency Recalculation Basis field is mandatory. This field determines how the Deliverable’s Next Due Date is recalculated when the Frequency value is changed. The calculation takes the basis field specified in the field, and adds the specified Frequency value.

Fulfilling Deliverables


When it comes time to record a Deliverable that you've met successfully, you'll do so from the record page of the Task or Event that did the job, using the sidebar assistant on the right side of the page.

In the screenshot above (top left), we've created an Event record to capture the service review we recently conducted with the client, and are about to fulfill the Service Review for the related Client. Simply check the box for that Deliverable in the sidebar, click Save, and confirm the fulfillment. You'll see that Deliverable move into the Fulfilled section and disappear from the Open one (top right), and if you go to the related Deliverable's Fulfillment tab, you'll see a record created for successful fulfillment of the Deliverable (bottom).

Here are some things to keep in mind for Deliverable fulfillment:

  • Badges in the sidebar:
    • By default, the sidebar assistant displays the Next Due Date of Open Deliverables, and the Fulfillment Date for Fulfilled ones.
    • 💡 In Lightning App Builder, system administrators can check the Enable Service Type badge checkbox in the Lightning Component's attributes to see those alongside the date field badges. This can be useful for firms who support multiple Service Types, and need to differentiate between them when fulfilling Deliverables.
  • Missing due dates: If a Deliverable's Next Due Date passes without fulfillment, then a Deliverable Fulfillment record is created with no Fulfillment Date, Fulfilled By, or Fulfilled checkbox values provided. These missed fulfillment records help when reporting on Fulfillment Rate (see below), which uses the Fulfilled checkbox as its basis.

Reporting on Deliverables

Every firm has different reporting goals, however we've included a handful of sample reports alongside this feature to help you get started on tracking your Deliverable Fulfillment performance. You can access these from the Deliverable Reports folder:

  • Fulfillment % by Division, Owner & Type YTD: See what percentage of deliverables have been fulfilled by your divisions and team members so far this year, grouped by their Types.
  • Fulfillment % by Owner YTD: See what percentage of deliverables have been fulfilled by each team member so far this year, grouped by their Types.
  • Fulfillment % by Service Type & AUM YTD: The percentage of deliverables that have been fulfilled so far this year, grouped by the Service Types of their parent Services, and sorted into categories based on their AUM size.
  • My Missed Deliverables by Client YTD: What deliverables have I missed out on fulfilling this year?

Here are some things to keep in mind when reporting on Deliverables:

  • The first three sample reports represent different ways of summarizing Fulfillment Rate, which is a formula field within each report that calculates the percentage of total Deliverable Fulfillment records where the Fulfilled checkbox is ticked, indicating successful fulfillment by a team member for that frequency interval.
    • These reports are intended for managers looking to track indicators of good & bad Deliverable performance over time.
  • The last sample report is intended for end users rather than managers.
  • To control who has access to the sample reports, use the Share action in the folder's actions menu to add & remove users or groups.


Constant Contact Integration


Constant Contact is a popular marketing automation solution for RIA firms due to its strong compliance credentials, and it's been integrated with Practifi in this release. Enrich your household profiles by including Constant Contact marketing activity alongside other information you've captured. Add and remove household members from Constant Contact lists directly within Practifi.

Here's what we've included:

  • An Add/Remove from Constant Contact Lists action on household record pages, allowing you to quickly access list management capabilities from anywhere in their tab workspace.
  • A Constant Contact tab on Contact record pages to display a feed of the person's engagement with emails sent from there.
    • The tab includes a record for each individual engagement the person has with an email, e.g. one for the email being sent, another for it being opened and one more when the link within is clicked.

Dedicated Knowledge Base articles for enabling and using the integration will be published in the coming weeks, in the meantime if you wish to enable this feature or learn more about it reach out to your Client Success Manager.


  • ⚠️ Activities are only displayed on the Contact record page, and do not appear in an aggregated form on the parent household record.
  • ⚠️ Organization & individuals are not supported in this release; only households & contacts.

Processes & Tasks

Task Templates

If your firm has tasks with specific instructions and other information that you find yourself recreating over and over again, then Task Templates will help you cut down on repetitive data entry. 

Creating new templates

In the Settings app, go to the Process Tasks page and select the All Task Templates list view to see all the available templates in your Practifi instance. Click the New button and complete the form to save your new template:


Here are some things to keep in mind when creating Task Templates:

  • Due Date Interval field: It sets the Task Due Date by adding a specified number of business days (standard 5-day workweek) to the Created Date, e.g. if today is July 8th, and I create a templated Task with a Due Date Interval of 5, then the Task will have a Due Date of July 15th, as the weekend days are excluded from the calculation.
  • The Owner field is visible on-screen when creating a new Task Template, but is not one of the default fields prefilled when creating templated Tasks; only those in the Default Fields section are included in the feature.

 Creating Templated Tasks


Use the New Task (from template) action to quickly create Task records based upon the Task Templates you've created. This action is available in various places across Practifi:

  • As a global action accessible from the mceclip9.png menu in the topbar.
  • As a table mass & row action on these record tables:
    • In the Advisor & Management apps, all record tables on the following pages:
      • Directory
      • Clients
      • Pipeline
      • Influence
      • Services
      • Processes
    • In the Client Service & Compliance apps, all record tables on the following pages:
      • Directory
      • Clients
      • Services
      • Processes
    • In the Marketing app, all record tables on the Pipeline page.
  • In the Processes & Tasks section menu on these record pages:
    • Households, Organizations & Individuals
    • Divisions
  • In the actions menu found in the top-right corner of these record pages:
    • Assets
    • Client Entities
    • Contacts
    • Deals
    • Liabilities
    • Processes
    • Services

The action asks you which Task Template you wish to select, displays the fields in an editable form for any final adjustments, then creates the Task record with the values as specified. Depending on the context you launched the action from, the Task will be automatically related to the relevant records.


🔧 The New Task (from template) action has been included in some Lightning pages & Practifi components as a part of this feature. If your firm has customized any of these pages or components, you will need to add the action manually as per below:

  • Lightning record pages:
    • Using Dynamic Actions: In Lightning App Builder, select the Highlights Panel component at the top of the page. From its Settings pane on the right, click Add Action at the bottom of the Actions section, and search for "New Task (from template)". Select the result in the Quick Actions category - not Global Actions - and click Done.
      • Client Entity
      • Contact
      • Deal
      • Service
    • Using page layouts: Open the page layout that's currently assigned, then from the layout editor, drag the New Task (from template) action from the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the item picker at the top of the page, into the same section of the page layout.
      • Asset/Liability
  • Practifi components: Obtain a copy of the configuration snippet used to surface the action from the original Component record you cloned & customized, and paste it into your custom component in the relevant area of the configuration file.
    • Action menus
      • Division - Processes & Tasks Actions
      • Related - Processes & Tasks Actions
    • Record tables 
      • Advisor - Client Directory - My Active Clients
      • Advisor - Client Directory - My Division's Clients
      • Advisor - Client Directory - My Lost Clients
      • Advisor - Directory - My Directory
      • Advisor - Directory - My Division's Directory
      • Advisor - Influence Directory - My Division's Influencers
      • Advisor - Influence Directory - My Influencers
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Active Prospects
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Closed Deals
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Open Deals
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Prospects
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Lost Prospects
      • Advisor - Pipeline Directory - My Open Deals
      • Advisor - Processes Directory - My Active Processes
      • Advisor - Processes Directory - My Division's Processes
      • Advisor - Processes Directory - My Inactive Processes
      • Advisor - Services Directory - My Active Services
      • Advisor - Services Directory - My Division's Services
      • Advisor - Services Directory - My Inactive Services
      • Client Service - Client Directory - My Active Clients
      • Client Service - Client Directory - My Division's Clients
      • Client Service - Client Directory - My Lost Clients
      • Client Service - Directory - My Directory
      • Client Service - Directory - My Division's Directory
      • Client Service - Processes Directory - My Active Processes
      • Client Service - Processes Directory - My Division's Processes
      • Client Service - Processes Directory - My Inactive Processes
      • Client Service - Services Directory - My Active Services
      • Client Service - Services Directory - My Division's Services
      • Client Service - Services Directory - My Inactive Services
      • Compliance - Client Directory - My Active Clients
      • Compliance - Client Directory - My Division's Clients
      • Compliance - Client Directory - My Lost Clients
      • Compliance - Directory - My Directory
      • Compliance - Directory - My Division's Directory
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Active Prospects
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Closed Deals
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Open Deals
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Prospects
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Lost Prospects
      • Compliance - Pipeline Directory - My Open Deals
      • Compliance - Processes Directory - My Active Processes
      • Compliance - Processes Directory - My Division's Processes
      • Compliance - Processes Directory - My Inactive Processes
      • Compliance - Services Directory - My Active Services
      • Compliance - Services Directory - My Division's Services
      • Compliance - Services Directory - My Inactive Services
      • Management - Client Directory - All Clients
      • Management - Client Directory - My Division's Clients
      • Management - Directory - Company's Directory
      • Management - Directory - My Directory
      • Management - Directory - My Division's Directory
      • Management - Division Directory - All Divisions
      • Management - Financial Product Directory - All Financial Products
      • Management - Financial Product Directory - My Division's Financial Products
      • Management - Influence Directory - All Influencers
      • Management - Influence Directory - My Division's Influencers
      • Management - Pipeline Directory - All Deals
      • Management - Pipeline Directory - All Prospects
      • Management - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Open Deals
      • Management - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Prospects
      • Management - Private Investments Directory - All Private Investments
      • Management - Private Investments Directory - My Division's Private Investments
      • Management - Processes Directory - All Processes
      • Management - Processes Directory - My Division's Processes
      • Management - Retirement Plans - All Active Retirement Account Plans
      • Management - Retirement Plans - All Retirement Plans
      • Management - Services Directory - All Services
      • Management - Services Directory - My Division's Services
      • Marketing - Pipeline Directory - My Division's Open Deals
      • Marketing- Pipeline Directory - My Division's Prospects

Support for Task Queues

Salesforce's Queues feature is a way of enabling records to be owned by groups of users rather than specific individuals. We've introduced two components in this release that allow users to access and manage tasks across any queues they're a member of:

  • Open Tasks in My Queues tile, available in the My Tasks row on the home page.
  • My Queues' Open Tasks record table, available from the Tasks page.

Both of these items display Task records where the record owner is a Queue that the logged-in user is a member of. It means that no many how many queues you're involved with, you can always find those records in one place.


  • When viewing queue-owned records in record tables, the Owner field is not a hyperlink. This is because unlike Users, Queues do not have a record page to open upon clicking the link.
  • If your firm wants tiles and tables for specific queues, rather than ones that encompass all queues where the logged-in user is a member, then custom components will need to be created.
    • You can easily do this by cloning Task components that filter by the logged-in user as the record owner, and replacing the [USER] value with the queue's record ID.
  • 🛠️ Salesforce Help contains steps for administrators on how to 📚set up queues, which is a necessary prerequisite before using this feature.
  • 🛠️ To make the tile and record table available, you'll need to relate their Component records to the parent components shown in Lightning App Builder by creating Component Relation records for each of the parent records outlined below:
    • Open Tasks in My Queues tile
      • Parent:
        • Advisor - Tasks
        • Client Service - Tasks & Processes
        • Compliance - Tasks
        • Management - Tasks
        • Marketing - Tasks
        • Team Member - Tasks
      • Child: Always Shared - Related - Open tasks in my queues
    • My Queues' Open Tasks record table
      • Parent:
        • Advisor - Tasks Directory
        • Client Service - Tasks Directory
        • Compliance - Tasks Directory
        • Management - Tasks Directory
        • Marketing - Tasks Directory
        • Team Member - Tasks Directory
      • Child: Always Shared - Related - My Queues' Open Tasks

Below are screenshots of the key steps involved in activating the tile and table. In the Settings app, open each of the parent components described above, and create a new Component Relation record to complete the process.

In this example, we're adding the Open Tasks in My Queues tile to the Advisor app, by creating a Component Relation record linking Advisor - Tasks to Shared - Related - Open tasks in my queues:


Deep Clone Action for Process Types


Available from the Process Type record page, this action allows you to clone the Process Type, including all its related Process Tasks, Stages, Outcomes and Actions. This action makes it easy for system administrators to issue new versions of processes, or create variations.


  • 💡 The cloned Process Type has a slightly different Code value to help you identify it among your list of Process Types; an incremental number added as a suffix, e.g. AccountOpening1 for the first clone, AccountOpening2 for the second, and so on.
  • 🔧 The Deep Clone action has been added to the Practifi - Process Type Record Page Lightning page as a part of this feature. If your firm has customized this page, you will need to add the action manually. You can refer to our default page as a point of comparison; it's still available to you from the Lightning App Builder section of Salesforce Setup.

Other Features and Enhancements

  • Specialty Investor Status field (Entity): Track the different types of regulatory categories that apply to your clients, such as FINRA Licensed or 5130 (restricted person), using a multi-select picklist field.
    • 🔧 The field has been added to the Client Household and Individual Client page layouts as a part of this enhancements. If your firm has customized these layouts, you will need to add the field manually. You can refer to our default page layouts as a point of comparison; they're still available to you from the Object Manager section of Salesforce Setup, with a "v1" appended to the layout name.
  • Key Records: Each section in Key Records can return an unlimited number of records, causing performance issues when large volumes of records are returned.
    • We've implemented attributes in our component's JSON configuration files and their Settings section in Lightning App Builder, enabling you to limit the number of records displayed where appropriate.
    • Our Organization Members section now limits you to the first 10 records by default, but can be customised if you so choose.
    • For firms who wish to only display organization members of certain roles, rather than the generic Employee role provided by default, use the Key Relationship checkbox on the relationship type to control which roles are seen in the Organization Members section.
      • It's been checked for the Employee role by default, but this can be removed and other custom roles included in its place.

Resolved Issues

  • Processes & Tasks:
    • The View Series & Delete Series actions were temporarily missing from the record page for recurring Tasks, but have been reintroduced in this release.
      • 🔧 These actions have been added to the Practifi - Task Record Page Lightning page as a part of this resolution. If your firm has customized this page, you will need to add the actions manually. You can refer to our default page as a point of comparison; it's still available to you from the Lightning App Builder section of Salesforce Setup.
    • In the mobile app, the New Process action on the Process page is non-functional. We've hidden this action and ensured that the Start a Process action is available on all compatible record pages in the mobile app, which is the preferred way to create new Processes.
  • Birthdays in the next 30 days tile: The record table is sorted by Birthdate, which is of limited use when determining which birthdays are closest.
    • The table is now sorted by the hidden Next Birthday field, which removes birth years from the sort logic and enables the table to display correctly.
  • Influence: The AUM & Annual Revenue of referred clients had a blank value on the influencer's record page, but now displays correctly.
  • Sharing Scope: Various fixes to ensure baseline functionality is supported (synchronisation of text values between related records to be used by Salesforce's record sharing rules as a reference point. This facilitates use cases such as record sharing based on Division assignment).
  • Compliance: The Dashboard menu item has been included in the navigation menu.
  • Last Contacted field (Entity): Calculation logic was returning incorrect values, but has been realigned with the expected functionality: Displays the most recent date on which a meeting or phone call was conducted with the Entity.
  • Events: The Create Follow-Up Task button was non-functional, but has been restored.
    • 🔧 This action has been added to the Practifi - Event Record Page Lightning page as a part of this resolution. If your firm has customized this page, you will need to add the action manually. You can refer to our default page as a point of comparison; it's still available to you from the Lightning App Builder section of Salesforce Setup.
  • Relationships: The system would previously return an error when attempting to create a relationship with a Client Entity, this is now supported.
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