This article outlines Salesforce objects, their API names, a description of their usage and whether or not they are used within Practifi. What we define as Objects within Practifi can also be thought of as data tables, like a sample Excel spreadsheet, where all the columns in the spreadsheet would be similar to all the relevant fields for each Object, and the rows within the spreadsheet are what we call records in the system. The main Object contains all the fields within it, which are then filled by each record.
Objects help to power all parts of Practifi. Still, most users run into Objects most frequently when attempting to create new Reports or when utilizing the Salesforce Data Loader for firm data uploads or updates. While working in Reports, the description breakdowns below will help provide context to which Objects Practifi uses while allowing teams to determine which items will make sense to include as their Primary or Secondary objects when building new reports for their users. However, the API name field will clarify the name used in the Data Loader to select from when completing data uploads, updates or deletions.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding Objects, please contact Practifi Support.
Object List
Name | API Name | Type | Description |
Action | practifi__Action__c | Custom | The system actions are taken upon completing a Process Task. |
Activity | Activity | Standard | Use this object to manage certain aspects of Task & Event configuration: custom fields, buttons & the search results layout. |
Addepar Portfolio | practifi__Addepar_Portfolio__c | Custom | Stores a record of each linked & unlinked Addepar Portfolio for integration purposes. |
Answer | practifi__Answer__c | Custom | The set of potential answers users can provide to a Question in a Questionnaire. |
Asset | Asset | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Asset Relationship | AssetRelationship | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Asset/Liability | practifi__Asset_Liability__c | Custom | The financial instruments owned by your clients, such as an investment account or property. Investments can optionally include related Holdings. |
Asset/Liability Role | practifi__Asset_Liability_Role__c | Custom | A person's own relationship to an Asset or Liability within their household or organization, including their ownership percentage. |
Associated Location | AssociatedLocation | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Authorization Form | AuthorizationForm | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Authorization Form Consent | AuthorizationFormConsent | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Authorization Form Data Use | AuthorizationFormDataUse | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Authorization Form Text | AuthorizationFormText | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Batch | practifi__Batch__c | Custom | Either a processing job related to a mass action or a dataset representing a group of related records across objects imported into the system. |
Black Diamond Portfolio | practifi__Black_Diamond_Portfolio__c | Custom | Used by the Black Diamond integration to link assets between systems. |
Campaign | Campaign | Standard | A marketing initiative aimed at leads, prospects or clients, involving coordinated activity such as emails & events. Requires the Practifi Promote add-on. |
Campaign Member | CampaignMember | Standard | Track a person's inclusion, or membership, within a marketing campaign. |
Case | Case | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Category | practifi__Category__c | Custom | Contains Service Types, which represent templates of the service offerings you provide to your clients. |
Communication Subscription | CommSubscription | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Communication Subscription Channel Type | CommSubscriptionChannelType | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Communication Subscription Consent | CommSubscriptionConsent | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Communication Subscription Timing | CommSubscriptionTiming | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Component | practifi__Component__c | Custom | The building blocks of Practifi's apps, including their configuration details. Tiles, charts, record tables, action menus, Key Records sections and more. |
Component Relation | practifi__Component_Relation__c | Custom | Relate Practifi components to one or more "container components," such as a tile row or a table viewer menu, to use them in multiple contexts. |
Contact | Contact | Standard | All the people with who the firm has a relationship. Some Contacts represent members of a household or organization that the firm has its key relationship with, while others represent one-half of an individual, which is both a Contact and an Entity at the same time. |
Contact Point Address | ContactPointAddress | Standard | Individual addresses, each related to a Contact. |
Contact Point Consent | ContactPointConsent | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Contact Point Email | ContactPointEmail | Standard | Individual email addresses, each related to a Contact. |
Contact Point Phone | ContactPointPhone | Standard | Individual phone numbers, each related to a Contact. |
Contact Point Type Consent | ContactPointTypeConsent | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Contact Request | ContactRequest | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Content Version | ContentVersion | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Contract | Contract | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Data Feed Mapping | practifi__Data_Feed_Mapping__c | Custom | Maps Practifi objects and fields with their equivalents in other systems. |
Data Use Legal Basis | DataUseLegalBasis | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Data Use Purpose | DataUsePurpose | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Deal | practifi__Deal__c | Custom | An opportunity to win business, either new business from prospects or add-ons from existing clients. |
Deployment Job | practifi__Deployment_Job__c | Custom | |
Division | practifi__Division__c | Custom | The structural entities within your firm that you intend to use for rollup & reporting purposes. Divisions may be based on geography, service offering, or other forms of segmentation. |
Division Member | practifi__Division_Member__c | Custom | Stores the link between a User and a Division they're assigned to. Each user can have only one Primary Division assigned but multiple secondary ones. |
Duplicate Record Item | DuplicateRecordItem | Standard | An individual record within a Duplicate Record Set. |
Duplicate Record Set | DuplicateRecordSet | Standard | A collection of records that's triggered a Matching Rule. Users can create Record Sets and add Items to merge non-duplicate records if required. |
Email Message | EmailMessage | Standard | An email, sent either to or from someone at your firm, that's been linked to a Contact. May be sourced from the Salesforce Outlook add-in or other third-party alternatives. |
eMoney Client | practifi__Emoney_Client__c | Custom | Used by the eMoney integration to link clients between systems. |
eMoney User | practifi__Emoney_User__c | Custom | Used by the eMoney integration to link users between systems. |
Engagement Channel Type | EngagementChannelType | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Entity | Account | Standard | The households, organizations and individuals that your firm has its key relationships with. |
Entity Team | AccountTeamMember | Standard | The team members servicing a particular client or prospect. |
Envestnet Client | practifi__Envestnet_Client__c | Custom | Used by the Envestnet integration to link clients between systems. |
Envestnet Proposal | practifi__Envestnet_Proposal__c | Custom | Proposals generated in Envestnet and made available on the Client record page. |
Event | Event | Standard | Scheduled meetings involving one or more Users or Contacts. May be created manually, sent from the Salesforce Outlook add-in, or synchronized using Lightning Sync or other third-party alternatives. |
Fee | practifi__Fee__c | Custom | The structure of fees a client agrees to in return for ongoing service delivery. A Fee record's structure is shared between all the Deals and Services of the same Service Type linked to the same Entity. |
Financial Product | practifi__Financial_Product__c | Custom | Investment vehicles are offered to your clients by the firm. Examples include retirement plans or a private investment such as a real estate project. This is an additional feature your firm may choose to enable. |
Goal | practifi__Goal__c | Custom | A financial target belonging to a client, with a known purpose and target date. This is an additional feature your firm may choose to enable. |
Holding | practifi__Holding__c | Custom | Financial securities linked with Assets, typically sourced from a portfolio management tool. |
Image | Image | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Income/Expense | practifi__Income_Expense__c | Custom | The regular deposits & withdrawals clients make that inform their cash flow. This is an additional feature your firm may choose to enable. |
Income/Expense Role | practifi__Income_Expense_Role__c | Custom | Links a Contact with an Income/Expense record, including their ownership percentage. |
Individual | Individual | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Individual | PersonAccount | Standard | A person who the firm has a key relationship with directly, either instead of or in addition to their relationship with that person's household or organization. It exists as both an Entity and a Contact simultaneously; page layouts, compact layouts and record types are managed here, while another object configuration happens in those objects instead. |
Instalment | practifi__Instalment__c | Custom | This object has been deprecated and replaced with an object using the American spelling (see below). |
Installment | practifi__Installment__c | Custom | A revenue installment (e.g. a commission, an invoice) against a service, often related to an asset, liability or policy. |
Integration Log | practifi__Integration_Log__c | Custom | The API-level communication between Practifi and connected systems, including error messages when an integration's event or scheduled job fails. Refer to the records created in this object when troubleshooting integration issues. |
Lead | Lead | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
List email | ListEmail | Standard | Mass email communications are sent with Salesforce's list email feature, each delivered to multiple Contacts. |
Location | Location | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Location Trust Measure | LocationTrustMeasure | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Lookup Child | practifi__LookupChild__c | Custom | |
Lookup Parent | practifi__LookupParent__c | Custom | |
Lookup Rollup Calculate Job | practifi__LookupRollupCalculateJob__c | Custom | |
Lookup Rollup Summary | practifi__LookupRollupSummary__c | Custom | Data processing jobs summarize a record's related records and store the calculated output in a field. |
Lookup Rollup Summary Log | practifi__LookupRollupSummaryLog__c | Custom | |
Lookup Rollup Summary Schedule Item | practifi__LookupRollupSummaryScheduleItems | Custom | |
Macro | Macro | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. The Macro feature is not available to Practifi users. |
Opportunity | Opportunity | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Opportunity Contact Role | OpportunityContactRole | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Opportunity Product | OpportunityLineItem | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Party Consent | PartyConsent | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Pershing Account | practifi__Pershing_Account__c | Custom | Used by the Pershing integration to link financial accounts between systems. |
Plan | practifi__Plan__c | Custom | A financial plan is generated for a client in a third-party system, such as eMoney. Used for tracking purposes rather than planning itself. |
Policy | practifi__Policy__c | Custom | An insurance policy owned by a client comprised of multiple coverage areas captured as related Policy Coverage records. |
Policy Coverage | practifi__Policy_Coverage__c | Custom | A specific type of insurance coverage a client has. It may be part of a Policy or directly linked to a client and managed independently. |
Policy Coverage Role | practifi__Policy_Coverage_Role__c | Custom | Links a Contact with a Policy Coverage record, including the nature of their relationship with it. |
Policy Role | practifi__Policy_Role__c | Custom | Links a Contact with a Policy record, including the nature of their relationship with it. |
Price Book | Pricebook2 | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Price Book Entry | PricebookEntry | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Process | practifi__Process__c | Custom | A business process that's been executed in relation to a record in the system, such as an Entity or Asset. Process logic is taken from the related Process Type. |
Process Exception | ProcessException | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Process Stage | practifi__Process_Stage__c | Custom | The stages a Process moves through as it progresses, defined as part of the Process Type. Stage Categories enable consistent grouping of stages between processes. |
Process Task | practifi__Process_Task__c | Custom | The templated Tasks created during a Process - defined as part of the Process Type - and the singular ones available when using the "New Task (from template)" action. |
Process Type | practifi__Process_Type__c | Custom | The combination of tasks, stages, outcomes, actions & business logic that provides the template for a business process. |
Product | Product2 | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Question | practifi__Question__c | Custom | An individual question asked as part of a Questionnaire. |
Questionnaire | practifi__Questionnaire__c | Custom | A set of questions asked of a Contact at a specific point in time and their answers. |
Quick Text | QuickText | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. The Quick Text feature is not available to Practifi users. |
Recommendation | Recommendation | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Reference Document | practifi__Reference_Document__c | Custom | A specific document related to a client that requires formal monitoring, such as an identity document with an expiry date. |
Relationship | practifi__Relationship__c | Custom | A relationship between Contacts and Entities, in any combination. Includes a From and a To party and the Role of the From party. |
Relationship Type | practifi__Relationship_Type__c | Custom | The set of available roles when creating and editing Relationships. |
Risk Band | practifi__Risk_Band__c | Custom | The different ways of categorizing the risk appetite of a client. Each Risk Profile Questionnaire assigns a Band based on its Risk Score. |
Schwab Account | practifi__Schwab_Account__c | Custom | Used by the Schwab integration to link financial accounts between systems. |
Schwab Alert | practifi__Schwab_Alert__c | Custom | Alerts issued by Schwab Advisor Center, such as status updates for a digital account opening. |
Scorecard | Scorecard | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Scorecard Association | ScorecardAssociation | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Scorecard Metric | ScorecardMetric | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Service | practifi__Service__c | Custom | An agreement between the firm and a client to provide a set of ongoing entitlements in return for a fee. |
Shape Representation | ShapeRepresentation | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Social Persona | SocialPersona | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. The Social Customer Service feature is not available on this version of Salesforce. |
Social Post | SocialPost | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. The Social Customer Service feature is not available on this version of Salesforce. |
Stage History | practifi__Stage_History__c | Custom | The time a Deal, Process, Service, or Task spends with a given Stage or Status value, and therefore the extent of its completion at that time. |
Task | Task | Standard | A to-do item for a team member, either created manually or automatically with a Process or other piece of platform automation. |
Task Outcome | practifi__Task_Outcome__c | Custom | The options presented to users when completing certain Tasks within a Process. Used to determine which Actions to execute upon Task completion. |
Team Member | practifi__Team_Member__c | Custom | Replicates the information found in the Entity Team Member object. Used for Practifi Portals to overcome access limitations. |
User | User | Standard | A user within your Practifi instance. |
User Provisioning Request | UserProvisioningRequest | Standard | 🚫 This is a standard Salesforce object not used by Practifi. |
Xplan Client | practifi__Xplan_Client__c | Custom | Used by the Xplan integration to link clients between systems. |
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