Understanding and Using Stage Histories



Reporting on stage velocity and yield effectively means knowing what stages represent completion and in what order stages should be completed. Stage Histories give users greater visibility into the status, composition and progress of Deals, Services and Processes across the organization.

Where to Access Stage Histories

Stage Histories are surfaced in the following areas within Practifi on the System tab:

  • Deals 
  • Services 
  • Processes 
  • Tasks
  • Clients

Stage Histories Fields

With the Barolo release, fields were added to the Stage Histories area to provide the information you need to generate meaningful insights via reports and dashboards:

  • Number of Stages displays a count of the total number of values in the picklist, treating all Completed & Closed values as a single stage.
  • Duration shows the number of days spent in a particular stage.
  • Stage Position captures the position the Stage had in the picklist menu at the time the historical record was created.
  • Progress calculates how far the record has progressed along the stage path by dividing Stage Position by Number of Stages and displaying it as a percentage.
    • Progress proves most useful when sorting Stage History records, as it will ensure that display in the correct order even if the number of Stages changed mid-way through the record's life cycle.
  • Stage Category groups Stage values into a small handful of categories such as Active & Inactive or Open & Closed. 
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