Managing a Task - SPA


Tasks can be edited in a number of areas:

  • Within a client record
  • As part of a process
  • For a team member 

To edit a task in a client record:

  1. Navigate to the client via the search box or from your client list (represented by  in Practice View). 
  2. Click the Tasks  icon in the vertical nav.
  3. Click the  icon against the task you wish to edit.
  4. Complete your edits. 
  5. Click Save

To edit a task within a process:

  1. Navigate to the client or service
  2. Click the Processes   icon in the vertical nav.
  3. Click the process you wish to edit. This will take you to the basics page.
  4. Click the Tasks  icon in the vertical nav.
  5. Click the  icon for the task you wish to edit.
  6. Complete your edits.
  7. Click Save.

To edit a task for a team member:

  1. Search a team member in the top nav search bar (team members are denoted by  icon).
  2. Click the team member to be taken to their team member view.
  3. Select the Tasks   icon.
  4. Click the   icon.
  5. Complete your edits.
  6. Click Save.
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