Understanding Household and Organization Members



To effectively capture the complexity of the relationships advice firms manage, Practifi allows you to structure them in three different ways: HouseholdsOrganizations and Individuals. Individuals are self-contained, so this article focuses on Households and Organizations as each contains two or more members. This article will cover how members fit into the structure of households and organizations in Practifi, how they're different from other individuals, how to create and manage members and what to do if you experience issues with a member record. 

What is a Member?

Members are also individuals but exist as part of a Household or Organization. This means that the relationship is managed at the parent level instead because the parent record is the member's primary entity. The member's primary entity name is displayed on the record side panel when viewing the member record. 

In this example, I've searched for Dirk Feldman in the search bar at the top of the page and opened his member record. His primary entity, "Feldman, Dirk & Anya," is displayed on the left-hand side within the record's side panel as his member record is nested within this record.


The right-hand side of the screen shows me Dirk's record page, which includes basic information, contact details, activities, relationships, notes, files and Dirk's record Feed. These options are all accessible by selecting the page's tabs.

The left-hand side of the screen shows us the side panel for the "Feldman, Dirk & Anya" Household, which includes their assigned topics, servicing team, notes, files and contact details of the household's primary contact (Dirk) and partner (Anya).

Creating Members

Users can create Household members in several different contexts:

  • Selecting the Create Household and Create Organization Global Actions when setting up a new Household or Organization.
  • Using the Add to Household and Add to Organization action on an Individual record to add them to a new or existing Household or Organization.
  • Selecting the Add Household Member or Add Organization Member action on a Household or Organization record.

After selecting one of these actions, you'll be asked to provide some basic information about the member, such as their name and contact details, before submitting the form and creating the record. Answering the "How do they relate to this household/organization?" question defines the member's role within the Key Entity. Some roles afford certain extra benefits to the member. 

  • The Contacts Details section in the side pane contains information about members with Primary Contact or Partner.
  • The Preferred Phone and Preferred Email fields on Household and Organization records allow you to select fields from the Primary Contact and send any changes made directly to the member record.

Role Requirements

Household members must be either a primary contact (one, required), partner (one, optional), or dependent (any number, optional). Organization members must be either a primary contact (one, required) or an employee (any number, optional).

If there was something you wanted to add to the member record which wasn't available on the form, you could do so from their new record page, which is accessed via the People & Relationships section of the Household or Organization.

Troubleshooting Members

We've highlighted known issues users may encounter when dealing with members and provided suggestions on how to resolve them below. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your System Administrator, CSM or our Practifi Support team.

  • If you open a member record and the side pane isn't visible, check that the Primary Entity field on the record's Basics tab contains the right value.
  • Currently, Practifi does not support assigning definitions to members, meaning they cannot be recorded as Influencers, Prospects or Clients as these definitions sit with the primary entity. 
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