Users in Practifi can add members to Households or Organizations. An added member becomes part of the Entity for whom the Advisor will be developing financial advice and plans. The process of adding members is the same regardless of whether the member is being added to either a Household or an Organization. To add a member, you will either search for an existing member in Practifi and add them or create a new member. This article outlines how to add an existing member to a Household or Organization and create a new member for these Key Entities. For more information about members, please consult our Managing Members and Other Relationships article.
Actions menu
The addition of members to a Household or Organization, regardless of if they are an existing or new member, is initiated by selecting the Actions menu drop-down on the record side panel located beside the entity's name.
The option to add a member will be labeled according to the type of entity you wish to add the member, either Add Household Member or Add Organization Member.
In both cases, a panel will appear asking whether to add an existing member meaning one already recorded in Practifi or add a new member by creating a record for them for the first time in Practifi.
Adding an Existing Member
When selecting to add an existing member, the member's relationship to the Household or Organization needs to be specified. This is done by selecting from the dropdown list of relationship types for the entity type.
In the "Who are you adding?" field, type a few letters of the member's name and select the name from the results.
Please note: If the required name does not appear within the results, you must create a new member and add it to Practifi. To do so, click the Previous button and select the other radio button shown. This process applies to adding a member to either a Household or Organization.
Click Next to add the selected existing member to the Household or Organization.
If the member is added correctly, a success message will appear on your screen.
Adding a New Member
If the Create a new member radio button is selected, a panel will appear asking for basic details about the member. Note the mandatory fields, one of which is where you should select the relationship of the new member. Once this information is entered, click Next to create the new member and add them to the Household or Organization.
When the existing member is correctly added, a success message will appear on your screen. Click the X on the right of this message to close this alert.
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