Understanding and Using Address Sync Settings



The members included in a Household or Organization often have the same addresses as their related Household or Organization. However, maintaining these addresses after a change can be a time-consuming process. Within Practifi, Households and Organizations can synchronize their Location and Postal Address values by default with the same-named fields on their member's records. Alternatively, you can disable address sync at the Entity level or organization-wide.

This article explains address sync settings within your organization and shows you how to use this functionality.

Understanding Address Sync Settings

Your organization's address sync settings can be controlled at the individual Entity level by enabling checkboxes located on a Household or Organization record. Once enabled, the address entered in either the Location or Postal Address fields will sync from the Household or Organization record to all the members associated with the Key Entity.

The sync can be entirely disabled on the Household or Organization. The sync can also be disabled on a specific member level to control which members of the Household or Organization have the same addresses as their related Household or Organization. Once the sync is set, your team members will only need to update the address at the Household or Organization level to sync the address information across the sync-enabled members.

There is also a custom setting called Contact Address Sync Control that determines whether or not Entity addresses are synced to Member addresses across all records in your organization. When the Contact Address Sync Control setting is enabled, addresses are not synced.

Using Address Sync Settings

Enabling Entity-Level Address Sync Settings

Please note: Address sync settings were introduced as part of our Barolo release and are enabled by default on records created within your organization. For Household and Organization records created in your organization before this release, syncing fields will need to be checked manually.

To enable address sync settings:

  1. Navigate to the Household or Organization record that you would like to disable the sync. 
  2. Select the Basics tab on the Overview section. 

  3. Scroll down to the Address Information on the Basics page and locate the Sync Location Address with Members and Sync Postal Address with Members checkboxes. 

  4. Select the pencil icon located beside one of these two fields to enable the edit mode for this page. 

  5. Select the checkbox for the address type you would like to include in the sync. The Location and Postal sync checkboxes can be selected in this process, or one can remain unselected if partial sync of a specific address type is desired. 
  6. Press Save to finalize this change. 


Disabling Entity-Level Address Sync Settings

To disable the sync across all members of a Household or Organization: 

  1. Navigate to the Household or Organization record that you would like to disable the sync. 
  2. Select the Basics tab on the Overview section. 

  3. Scroll down to the Address Information on the Basics page and locate the Sync Location Address with Members and Sync Postal Address with Members checkboxes. 

  4. Click the pencil icon located beside one of these two fields to enable the edit mode for this page. 

  5. Deselect the checkbox for the sync you would like to disable. The Location and Postal sync checkboxes can be deselected in this process, or one can remain enabled if partial sync of a specific address type is desired. 
  6. Select Save to finalize this change. 


To disable the sync of a specific Household or Organization member:

  1. Navigate to the Contact record of the Household or Organization member. 
  2. On the Contact record's Basics tab, scroll down to locate the Exclude Postal Address from Sync and Exclude Location Address from Sync fields. 

  3. Click the pencil icon located beside one of these two fields to enable the edit mode for this page. 

  4. Select the checkbox for the address type you would like to exclude from the sync. The Location and Postal sync checkboxes can be selected in this process, or one can remain unselected if partial sync of a specific address type is desired. 
  5. Press Save to finalize this change. 


Configuring Organization-Wide Address Sync Settings

There is a custom setting called Contact Address Sync Control that is intended to provide more control over address syncing, reducing the risk of unintended data loss while offering flexibility for managing addresses at both the organization and record levels. When the Contact Address Sync Control setting is enabled, Entity addresses are not synced to Member addresses. To learn more about this setting, please see the Considerations section below.

For Practifi organizations created before the Vermentino release (November 2024), the Contact Address Sync Control setting is disabled by default. New Practifi organizations from November 2024 will have the Contact Accress Sync Control setting enabled by default to prevent Contact addresses from being overwritten by Entity addresses during data imports or when adding new Contacts to an Entity.

Please note the following about the implications of the Contact Address Sync Control setting:

Contact Address Sync Control Enabled Contact Address Sync Control Disabled

The Entity address to Member address sync is disabled. Address syncing is turned off across all records in the organization.

Organization-wide sync is enabled; address syncing is active across the organization.

Record-level fields are overridden. Regardless of the Sync or Exclude field settings at the record level, addresses will not sync between Entities (Accounts) and Members (Contacts).

Record-level controls are active. Users can manually control address syncing using the Sync fields on Accounts and Contacts. Sync behavior will follow the settings for each individual record.


To modify your Practifi organization's Contact Address Sync Control setting:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page and select Setup.
  2. Use the Quick Find search to search for and select Custom Settings.


  3. On the Custom Settings list, click the Manage link next to Practifi Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 11.54.51 AM.png

  4. On the Practifi Settings page, click the Edit button.

    Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 11.57.13 AM.png

  5. On the Practifi Settings Edit page, check or uncheck the Contact Address Sync Control box, depending on your desired configuration.

    Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 12.01.17 PM.png

  6. Click Save.

Contact Point Address Sync

With the data capture capabilities of Contact Points, it is possible to get a truly complete picture of complex residency scenarios, such as seasonal homes. Contact Point Addresses can be added on Individual, Contact and Key Entity records under the record's Specifics tab in the Overview section.

Select the New button in the Contact Point Address section to add a Contact Point Address. During the addition process, you can specify which field on the parent record you would like to sync the address with using the Map to Record field. Select the address type from this field's drop-down menu, and when the Contact Point Address is created, the system will update the corresponding parent record's address fields to include this information. 


  • For Household and Organization records created in your organization before the Barolo release, syncing fields will need to be checked manually. To add them to multiple Entities at once, use the Entities tab in the Data Management app. Then add the sync field checkboxes as list columns using Select Fields to Display functionality. Use the mass Edit action to complete the setup. 
  • Address Sync takes priority over any Contact Point Addresses that a member has mapped to their Contact or Individual using the Map to Record feature. If you sync an address to a member with Contact Points mapped, the system will remove those mappings.
  • For Practifi organizations created before the Vermentino release (November 2024), the Contact Address Sync Control setting is disabled by default. New Practifi organizations from November 2024 will have the Contact Accress Sync Control setting enabled by default to prevent Contact addresses from being overwritten by Entity addresses during data imports or when adding new Contacts to an Entity.
  • When the Contact Address Sync Control setting is on, address syncing between Accounts and Contacts will not occur, even after data imports.
  • When the Contact Address Sync Control setting is off, addresses will sync according to the default behavior (Sync fields on Accounts are checked and Exclude fields on Contacts are unchecked).
  • Exercise caution when disabling the Contact Address Sync Control setting, as Contact addresses may be overwritten with the Entity’s address during Account edits (depending on the record-level settings).
  • If you need different sync behavior for different records, the setting can be disabled to allow syncing. Then, you can manually adjust the sync fields on individual records to prevent or enable address syncing as needed.
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