Creating an Employer - SPA


Practifi's Create an Employer wizard allows you to easily create new Employers in a standardised format to make data entry easy and more accurate for your staff. 

To create an Employer using the Create an Employer wizard:

  1. Go to the Launcher menu  in the top nav bar and select Create an Employer. 
  2. Complete the Basic Details for your Employer then click Next. Mandatory fields are highlighted, if you omit any required fields, they will appear in red. 
  3. Enter details of the primary contact, which becomes part of the Employer People record. Enter any additional primary contact information, then click Next.
  4. In Step 3 of the wizard, optionally, add details of other key contacts for the Employer.
  5. Once complete, click Save & Finish. Practifi will create your new Employer and the primary and other contact person records for the Employer.

Note: You cancel out of the Create an Employer wizard at any point by simply clicking Cancel. 

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