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Practifi Basics
Practifi Overview - SPA
Navigation & Search - SPA
Logging In - SPA
Reset Your Forgotten Password - SPA
Service Providers
Providers Overview - SPA
Adding a Provider - SPA
Editing a Provider - SPA
Employers Overview - SPA
Creating an Employer - SPA
Editing an Employer - SPA
Members & Member Accounts
Members and Member Accounts Overview - SPA
Creating a Member / Member Account - SPA
Editing a Member - SPA
Editing a Member Account - SPA
Fund Structure
Fund Structure Overview - SPA
Creating a Subfund - SPA
Editing a Subfund - SPA
Services Overview - SPA
Creating a Service - SPA
Editing a Service - SPA
Interactions Overview - SPA
Adding an Interaction - SPA
Editing an Interaction - SPA
Processes & Tasks
Processes & Tasks Overview - SPA
Starting a Task - SPA
Managing a Task - SPA
Starting a Process - SPA
Managing a Process - SPA
Insurance Overview - SPA
Adding Policies & Benefits - SPA
Editing Insurance Policies - SPA
Feed Overview - SPA
Using the Feed - SPA
Team Members, Divisions & Groups
Team Members, Divisions & Groups Overview - SPA
Analytics & Reporting
Analytics & Reporting Overview - SPA
Create a Member Account Wizard - SPA
Bulk Create Tasks Wizard - SPA
Bulk Create Interactions Wizard - SPA
Bulk Launch Processes Wizard - SPA