The following article covers what’s new in our Petit Verdot release (beginning in September 2023) to provide a detailed understanding of what’s changing, how new features work, how to enable them and any additional factors your team should consider. If you’re new to Practifi or our release documentation, please review our best practices for 📚 Using Practifi Release Notes.
With Petit Verdot, we’re rolling out the Rulebook, introducing several enhancements to Active Forms, updating workflows for use in Practifi Portals and more.
- Using the Petit Verdot Release
- Release Highlights
- Proactive Automated Client Engagement with the Rulebook
- Capture Data from Parties Outside Your Firm with Workflows for Portals
- Active Forms Enhancements
- Quickly Create and Update Multiple Records with Tables
- Control Displayed Information with Multi-Screen Forms
- Validation Rules for Fields
- Contextual In-Form Messaging With Prompts
- Alternative Picklist Display Options
- Precise Field Size Controls With the Size Field
- Better Data Capture for Addresses With a Dedicated Field Type
- Display Smarter Selection Options with Dynamic Picklists
- Enhanced Prefill for Active Form Fields
- Hidden Fields Populate Prefilled Values without Cluttering the Form
- Use Picklist Value Labels to Present Options with Custom Language
- Define Field Display Logic with Rule Builder
- Include Predefined Values in the Save to Related Record Action
- Use the Save to Related Record Action with Records Named in the Active Form
- Additional Options for File Upload Fields
- Pinned Fields within Active Forms
- Filter Criteria for Active Form Lookup Fields
- Configure Suggestions for Active Form Lookup Fields
- Workflow Enhancements
- Updates to the Related To Field on Process Types
- New Available Workflow Object
- Advanced Execution Management for Active Forms, Checklists and Task Completion
- Quicker Access to Workflows from the Start a Process Action
- More Streamlined Task Completion
- Configure Help Text for Preset Checklist Items
- Prevent Unwanted Changes to Process Tasks
- Better Completion Information for Checklist Items
- Execution Criteria for Actions
- New Create a Record Action
- Access Active Forms within the Start a Process and New Task (from template) Actions
- Assign Order to Multiple Workflow Actions
- Noticeboard Additions
- Record List Enhancements
- Sentiment Analysis Added to Microsoft 365 Email Sync
- Envestnet Integration Enhancements
- Rule-Based Actions for Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables
- Add Context to Workflow Notifications with Practifi Merge Language
- Store Changes to Entity and Contact Fields as Contact Points
- Customizable Mapping Options for Contact Points and Preferred Phone
- Resolved Issues
- Change Log
Using the Petit Verdot Release
The Rule Builder
Several features in this release require System Administrators to specify criteria, such as when creating rules in the Rulebook or validation rules for Active Form Fields. The Rule Builder is a tool that assists in creating complex criteria logic by breaking it down into a series of conditions that are each made up of individual settings.
Within the Rule Builder, a drop-down menu is included to specify a rule’s evaluation logic. Rule logic is built to trigger when any condition is met, all conditions are met, or custom logic is met. Each new rule starts with a single blank condition for System Administrators to fill in. Adding more conditions is available to suit your firm’s necessary logic. Each condition in the Rule Builder is comprised of Resouces, Operators and Values. To learn more about the Rule Builder, please consult our 📚Understanding and Using the Rule Builder knowledge base article.
Practifi Merge Language
With the introduction of the Rulebook and Rule-Based Actions in this release, there are more ways to send preformatted text to employees and, in combination with the Workflow for Portals, portal users. These actions often need to use merge fields—data dynamically sourced from related records—to be contextually relevant. For example, you can use merge fields to include the Subject and Due Date for an overdue task.
Merge field compatibility varies across Practifi’s alert channels:
- Emails natively support merge fields using Salesforce’s Email Template Builder. However, their capabilities are limited, and different URLs are required for portal users vs. Practifi users.
- Notifications support merge fields through some automation methods, but they also have limitations, and those methods are incompatible with some Practifi features.
- Noticeboard posts have no built-in support for merge fields.
To make it possible to achieve all the desired merge field use cases across our alert channels, we’ve introduced Practifi Merge Language (PML) in this release. PML is very similar to the syntax used in Salesforce formula fields, which provides power and familiarity to the way in which merge fields are specified. With PML, two types of merge fields are available: advanced or simple. To learn more about PML, please consult our 📚Understanding and Using Practifi Merge Language (PML) article.
Release Highlights
Proactive Client Engagement with the Rulebook
With this release, we’re introducing the Rulebook, a tool for flexibly defining organization-wide rule criteria that can trigger a number of different actions. With the Rulebook, the following types of actions can be triggered when your firm’s rule criteria are met:
- Create a Task
- Post to Noticeboard
- Send a Notification
- Send an Email
- Start a Process
The Rulebook provides a way for your firm to implement its existing internal “rulebook” of engaging your clients and prospects as automated system logic. Your firm’s members won’t need to remember what to do; the system can be built to tell them.
Three types of rules can be built by teams within the Rulebook:
- Time-based execution - The need for execution is evaluated based on the number of days between today and a specified target field defined using fields on the Rule Criteria record page. Rules are evaluated once a day, outside of business hours. These rules will only ever run once.
- Record-based execution - The need for execution is evaluated based on whether the record meets specific field-level criteria defined using the Rule Builder component on the Rule Criteria record page. Rules can be evaluated when a record is created, a record is created or updated, or a record is created or updated to meet the evaluation criteria. A record is “updated to meet the evaluation criteria” if it did not meet the criteria before the record update but does meet the criteria after updating.
- Time- and record-based execution - Evaluation occurs similarly to time-based execution. However, the criteria specified in the Rule Builder must also apply to execute the rule.
Record-based execution is not compatible with all Practifi objects. For a complete list of all compatible Practifi objects, please consult our 📚Understanding the Rulebook article. The Rulebook can be accessed through the Settings app, where the Rulebook page allows System Administrators to view a list of all active and inactive rules created in your Pracitfi instance.
Once on the Rulebook page within the Settings app, System Administrators can create or modify rules in your organization. The Practifi - Manage Rules permission set controls access to the Rulebook, and the Administrator permission set group includes this permission by default. This permission can be extended to other users to grant access to this functionality.
To create a new rule, users will select the New button on the Rulebook page to create a Rule Criteria record, which contains the criteria that cause the rule to execute. What actions are executed are also established on the Rule Criteria record page by establishing Rule Action records. For more information about creating a rule within the Rulebook and rule considerations, please consult our 📚Using the Rulebook article.
We also have 13 pre-built Rulebook rules for various scenarios:
- Client Anniversary
- Client Death
- Deal Close Date Past Due
- Dependent Turns 18
- Expiring Reference Document
- Expired Reference Document
- Expired Reference Document - Escalation
- Lost Client
- Negative Email Sentiment
- New Referral
- Platinum Client Not Contacted in 90 Days
- Platinum Client Not Contacted in 120 Days
- Promote to Prospect
In the event that these pre-built rules are not visible in your organization after the Petit Verdot upgrade, please reach out to Practifi Support for assistance.
Capture Data Directly from Parties Outside Your Firm with Workflows for Portals
A common use case for Practifi Portals is to allow people outside the firm to self-service effectively, whether for account transactions, updating details or booking appointments. With this release, we’re adding workflows for Portals. This functionality allows your firm to present a simplified view of tasks within the Practifi workflow engine to users within your portal, focused on the task’s Active Form. Fine-grained controls over on-screen text ensure your firm retains full control of the tone and language used during the form-filling process.
Using workflows for Portals, your firm can benefit from the following:
- Improving the quality of information you capture about people by obtaining it from them directly
- Enabling portal users to submit requests to your firm without requiring a phone call or email
- Connecting the data captured in the portal to additional workflow actions, such as system notifications and Noticeboard posts
When a workflow created internally has a task assigned to a portal user, it appears in your portal’s My Incomplete Forms component. You can optionally use rules-based actions, another feature found in this release, to notify the portal user of the new task with an email, a notification or both. The My Incomplete Forms component allows portal users to access forms they’ve partially completed and those assigned to them. We recommend placing this component on portal home pages to make these forms easily accessible and prominent. The component has a range of settings available to control its behavior, which is more highly detailed in our 📚Understanding and Using Workflows for Portals article.
The contents of form fields are automatically saved as the user progresses through the form. This means once a user starts completing a form, a Task record is created to represent them. If the user navigates to another page or closes the browser tab, the form can be reopened from the My Incomplete Forms component. Once the form’s required fields are all completed, the Submit button becomes available. Selecting this button takes the user to a confirmation page and completes the process. If the Enable Receipt Numbers checkbox is checked within the workflow settings, then every Task record created based on the workflow task will generate a receipt number. This number will display on the task’s confirmation page.
Portal users can access unfinished forms from the My Incomplete Forms component. Your firm can also report on unfinished forms using the Portal Form Completion Rate field, which tracks the number of available fields with values in them as a percentage. The Incomplete Portal Forms report has been included as a part of this feature, which provides a simple list of incomplete forms for follow-up.
To learn more about how to set up a workflow for portal use and considerations around these workflows, please consult our 📚Understanding and Using Workflows for Portals article.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
New Task (from template) action |
Process Task record page |
Process Type record page |
Task record page |
Active Forms Enhancements
With the introduction of Workflows for Portals, there’s an increased need to ensure the form-filling experience is intuitive and user-friendly. After all, there are plenty of things vying for your portal users’ attention and any speedbumps they encounter with a form may lead them to abandon it. To address this, we’ve introduced a range of new Active Forms capabilities that take these speedbumps away, resulting in forms that are easy to understand and complete.
The following sections outline the enhancements to Active Forms functionality in Practifi with the Petit Verdot release. For more detailed instructions on working with Active Forms, see our 📚Configuring Active Forms article.
Please note: As a part of this release, Practifi will execute scripts to update new Active Form Fields introduced by Petit Verdot. These scripts will not overwrite existing data.
Quickly Create and Update Multiple Records with Tables
In situations where multiple records from the same object are being created and updated at once—for example, when specifying the beneficiaries of a new account—a table-based approach makes the process straightforward and efficient.
Unlike Form Fields, Tables are not assigned to Active Form Actions. Instead, the table displays a collection of fields from a chosen object. The user either updates the fields of existing records or creates new records (or both), and then the specified changes are written to the object upon Task completion. Tables do not support some automation behavior, such as sending notifications, but their setup process becomes more streamlined and supports the entire breadth of the Practifi data model. To learn more about Active Form Table functionality, please consult our 📚Understanding and Using Active Form Tables article.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Active Form Field Section object |
Process Task record page |
Control Displayed Information with Multi-Screen Forms
A primary concern when designing forms for portal users is ensuring that they fully complete the form. Inundating users with form elements all at once can feel overwhelming and often negatively impacts completion rates. A HubSpot survey found that marketers who used multi-screen forms had “17% higher satisfaction rates with their lead generation efforts, and their self-reported conversion rates are 86% higher”.
This enhancement makes it possible to place Active Form Sections across multiple screens, each with its name displayed in a progress indicator at the top of the form. Your firm controls how much information is displayed as your portal users navigate the form completion process. Portal users will have clarity on their progress as they complete your form. For information about creating a multi-screen form in your Practifi organization, please consult our 📚Using Active Form Multi-Screen Forms article.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Section record page |
Process Task record page |
Validation Rules for Fields
Data integrity requirements become more critical when working with portal users, as it is harder to follow up after the fact and clarify the intentions behind the information they entered. Validation rules obviate this need by ensuring data quality is where it needs to be before the user can proceed.
Workflow builders create validation rules for a specific field by adding an Active Form Validation Rule record from the field’s record page. While creating the rule, the error message contents are defined. Then once the rule record is created, the validation rule’s logic can be set on the record page through the Rule Builder.
When a workflow user fills in a field, all of that field’s validation rules are checked. If the criteria for any rules are met, then an error message is displayed. The user cannot proceed to the next form screen or complete the assigned task until the error is resolved.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Contextual In-Form Messaging with Prompts
Since portal users know less about the inner workings of your firm, there’s less scope to guide them on how to execute a form properly. Adding prompts within the form solves this issue by placing visually prominent text at key points, which also has practical applicability for internal users.
There are six prompt types available for adding to a form:
- General
- Informational (Light)
- Informational (Dark)
- Success
- Warning
- Error
We’ve harnessed the design stylings from Salesforce’s Lightning Design System for these prompts. The General prompt is a card with no header or footer. All other prompts use the scoped notification of the same name and appear with an icon alongside them to indicate their purpose. Prompts also support Practifi Merge Language.
For information on adding a prompt to a workflow, please consult our 📚Understanding and Using Active Form Prompts article.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Process Task record page |
Alternative Picklist Display Options
Picklists are currently displayed as drop-down menus (single-select) or dueling picklists (multi-select). This release enhancement allows you to choose different display methods for single- and multi-select picklists, meaning you can select the best display method for your firm’s goals and needs.
The alternate picklist options are as follows:
- Single-select: Button group, drop-down menu and radio buttons
- Multi-select: Button group, checkbox group and dueling picklists
💡 Here are some helpful tips when considering which style of picklist your firm should use:
- Button groups provide large targets and let users select from multiple options in a single click, making them great for mobile. However, because the group has to fit on a single row, long picklist values will truncate and therefore are not a good fit for this picklist style.
- Drop-down menus require multiple clicks to select an option but can contain many picklist values within a small space.
- Radio buttons and checkbox groups select with one click and do not truncate values, but they are harder to select on mobile devices.
- Dueling picklists are more space-efficient than checkbox groups for multi-select picklists with many values, but the item selection is not as streamlined as checkbox groups.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Precise Field Size Controls With the Size Field
Certain fields within a form benefit from a larger display, such as a Description field intended to contain multiple sentences or paragraphs. Introducing field size as a setting for Active Form Fields makes this fine-grained control possible.
The Size field on the Active Form Field record page, introduced in this release, can be used to determine whether a field will be sized to fit the section’s column or expanded to the full width of the section. This setting only appears for sections with a two-column layout.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Better Data Capture for Addresses With a Dedicated Field Type
An everyday use case for form filling is updating contact details. However, implementing an address field within an Active Form requires each of its composite parts—Street, City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code—to be created as separate fields. To streamline this process, we’re introducing Address as an Active Form Field Type in this release. This field type will support Google Maps autocomplete to streamline data capture further and improve quality.
Address fields are not supported by Active Form Tables. The existing Validation Check on whether an Active Form Field is mapped to a record field with a compatible type has been extended to check that Address fields on Active Forms are only mapped to other Address fields. For more about the Validation Check in Practifi, see Understanding the Validation Check.
Display Smarter Selection Options with Dynamic Picklists
Currently, picklist selection options in Active Forms are predefined by Practifi Administrators. This method has limitations; picklists configured this way cannot display different options in different Tasks based on their Related Entities or give users lookup capabilities with filtering applied to remove the risk of capturing incorrect values.
Dynamic Picklists solve this problem by sourcing values directly from an object rather than a form’s configuration. Filter criteria are applied as needed to limit the available options, meaning picklist options change automatically alongside the data in your Practifi instance. Better still, because the picklist displays a list of records, the selected value can be mapped to a Lookup field, providing an end result similar to lookup filters in Salesforce.
To learn more, see our article on 📚Configuring Active Form Picklists.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Enhanced Prefill for Active Form Fields
Prefilling Active Form Fields with data from previous workflow steps makes it easier to pass information between different team members as a process progresses. Prefilling with static values makes creating new records with an Active Form more efficient and less susceptible to user error.
When configuring an Active Form Field, a new field called Prefill this field defines the prefilling method used. Four options are available:
- With a value from a related record
- With a value from another Active Form Field in this workflow
- With a static value
- With the ID of another record created by this task (lookup fields only)
Enhanced prefill supports Dynamic Picklists. If the field is prefilling from a Dynamic Picklist, it can return either one or more record IDs, a static value or a comma-separated string, based on the Field Type of the field being prefilled and whether the Dynamic Picklist is single- or multi-select.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Hidden Fields Populate Prefilled Values without Cluttering the Form
The values used when creating new records are sometimes predefined and require no input from the workflow user, such as the Entity field on Contact Point Email. Hiding such fields from an Active Form table preserves valuable real estate on the screen, allowing users to focus on the fields they need to consider. The Display As field on the Active Form Field record page has a new option—Hidden—which hides the field from view when selected.
Use Picklist Value Labels to Present Options with Custom Language
Picklists in Active Forms currently require their values to mirror the labels stored in the data model, but presenting options to portal audiences sometimes requires those values to be named differently. Picklist Value Labels bring this flexibility to picklists. With this release, the Picklist Value Labels field appears when configuring a picklist with predefined values. Administrators can specify a set of comma-separated values mirroring the options entered in Picklist Values.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Define Field Display Logic with Rule Builder
Field display logic was introduced to users in our Cinsault release with the Active Form Display Criteria object. Still, this approach had some limitations, such as applying complex filter logic with multiple criteria. In this release, we’ve brought this functionality into the Rule Builder, accessible from the Visibility Rules tab. This provides more resources to utilize within your criteria and support for complex filter logic.
Any existing display criteria will continue to work as they do today, and there are no plans to deprecate them.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Include Predefined Values in the Save to Related Record Action
Certain workflow-based record updates should be the same every time, such as updating the Stage for an Asset or checking a box. Currently, all updates to related records need to be included in the Active Form. This enhancement allows specific values to be predefined and included alongside the form every time, saving users from unnecessary data entry.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Action record page |
Use the Save to Related Record Action with Records Named in the Active Form
Sometimes you don’t know which record you want to update until you’re completing an Active Form, such as when changing the value of a held away asset. Previously, the workflow engine’s Save to Related Record action was limited to records related to the Task record, but this enhancement enables the action to work with records named in Active Form Fields on the same Task.
If you’re configuring an Action record with an Action Type of Save to Related Record, the How will this record be located? field allows you to use either an Active Form lookup or a Preset lookup. Preset lookups use the existing record location methods, while Active Form lookups provide a search field for specifying the field in the form where the lookup will be captured.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Action record page |
Additional Options for File Upload Fields
In certain situations, firms need to be precise about the file formats and the number of files provided by workflow users. For example, a service request task might require no more than one PDF file to be attached. To this end, the following options have been added for Active Form Fields with a Type of File Upload:
- Supported File Types: Optionally specify the file types supported by this field as a comma-separated list, e.g., “.pdf, .xlsx, .csv.”
- Upload a single file only: Check this box to restrict the file upload field to a single file.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Active Form Field record page |
Pinned Fields within Active Forms
Keeping the different team members involved in a workflow informed about what others are doing is of critical importance, but it can be challenging. We’ve introduced pinned fields within Active Forms to make the sharing process easier. Practifi Administrators can create a set of pinned fields for the process as a whole, rather than for specific tasks within it.
Each task within the process displays those pinned fields at the top of its Active Form. Fine-tuned controls can be optionally used to determine which tasks contain which pinned fields and other display settings. Pinned fields are created from the Process Type record page on the new Pinned Active Form Fields tab.
Pinned fields are included in the Active Form alongside any form elements that are part of the process task’s configuration. Sections containing pinned fields appear above sections containing task-specific fields and are clearly indicated with Pinned Fields and Task Fields headings.
Please note: Repeating field sections are not compatible with pinned fields, and pinned fields will not be visible to users in Portals.
Filter Criteria for Active Form Lookup Fields
Administrators can now set filter criteria to control which records are visible in Active Form lookup fields. The Available Values tab on the Form Field’s record page has a Rule Builder to set the criteria.
Filter criteria for lookup fields are based on field-level information located in the lookup field’s object, e.g. an Entity lookup field can be filtered so that only Platinum Clients are available for selection. As such, when adding criteria to the field, the starting point for field selection is the object defined in the Lookup Object field.
Configure Suggestions for Active Form Lookup Fields
To provide more information about the record being selected in a lookup field, this enhancement allows for the replacement of the second line that appears below record names in the lookup field with a set of fields that can be configured. Administrators can use the new Additional Fields for Suggested Records field on the Active Form Field record page to specify a comma-separated list of API Names for fields to be displayed.
Workflow Enhancements
Please note: As a part of this release, Practifi will execute scripts to update new fields in task templates, Action records and Checklist items introduced by Petit Verdot. These scripts will not overwrite existing data.
Updates to the Related To Field on Process Types
The Related To field on Process Types controls access based on objects and record types, but it currently doesn’t support every object or record type where workflows are available. This enhancement updates the Related To field so it can handle all the items it should and extends it to work with standalone Task Templates in the same way it does for Process Tasks. This includes support for Other Definitions, allowing firms to tailor workflow availability to the definitions unique to their team.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Process Task record page |
New Available Workflow Object
There are many reasons a firm may want greater control over who sees what workflows, such as different teams handling business processes differently. This enhancement removes the risk of choosing the wrong workflow by limiting what users have access to. To make this possible, Practifi Administrators can use a new object—Available Workflow—to relate Process Types and Task Templates to Team Members, Divisions and Financial Products. Each of these relationships has a different impact on workflow availability:
- If a Process Type/Task Template is related to a Team Member, that user will see the item appear in the Start a Process and New Task (from template) actions wherever it’s been exposed (as per the item’s Related To options).
- If a Process Type/Task Template is related to a Division, any user who’s a member of that Division will see that item appear in the Start a Process and New Task (from template) actions wherever it’s been exposed (as per the item’s Related To options).
- If a Process Type/Task Template is related to a Financial Product, any user will see that item appear in the Start a Process and New Task (from template) actions for an Entity that has one or more related Asset/Liability records which are themselves related to that Financial Product (via either the Financial Product or Parent Financial Product lookup fields).
For more information, see our articles on 📚Creating and Using Task Templates and 📚Creating Processes.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Division record page |
Financial Product record page |
Process Task record page |
Process Type record page |
Team Member record page |
Advanced Execution Management for Active Forms, Checklists and Task Completion
Currently, Active Forms and Checklist items on the Task record page can only be modified by the task’s owner. While this is expected behavior, there may be situations where other team members need to modify Active Forms and Checklist items, like when collaborating on a task or when a user is covering for a colleague who’s out of the office. Advanced execution management makes this possible.
We’ve added two new fields—Roles that can execute this Task and Business Roles that can execute this Task—to the Process Task record page. Members of the Servicing Team who have one of the selected roles or business roles for the task’s related Entity will be able to modify Active Form Fields, complete Checklist items and use the Mark as Complete action.
For more information, please see our 📚 Understanding Advanced Execution Management for Tasks article.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Process Task record page |
Quicker Access to Workflows from the Start a Process Action
Currently, once the Start a Process action is completed, the user has to close the window and refresh the Open Tasks list view to see the newly-created workflow steps, which require extra clicks. Additionally, the user is expected to know which items were just added.
With this release, a confirmation page has been added to the Start a Process action, replacing the pop-up notification with a screen that includes direct links to the workflow items, saving users time and effort. For more on working with processes, see our 📚Using Processes article.
Please note: Active Forms are not displayed when using mass actions to create multiple processes, as there is no way to handle form capabilities like prefilling.
More Streamlined Task Completion
The confirmation page has been removed from the Mark as Complete action. Those details now appear on the Task record. This both reduces clicks in the completion process and keeps confirmation details handy for future reference.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Task record page |
Configure Help Text for Preset Checklist Items
It can be challenging to include instructions in a Checklist item’s label without taking up several lines of text in the Checklist component on a task. To address this, we’ve added a Help Text field to the Preset Checklist Item object, allowing administrators to enter supplemental text that appears as a tooltip at the end of the item’s label.
Prevent Unwanted Changes to Process Tasks
Currently, users can make changes to Task records that aren’t recommended, such as reopening completed tasks (which can lead to actions being executed multiple times) and modifying due dates on tasks created by the workflow engine (which can interfere with reporting on task completion). We’re adding access controls to prevent users from making these types of changes.
For existing organizations, all super and standard users will have these two permissions added as part of the Petit Verdot update:
- Practifi - Processes & Tasks - Reopen completed workflow tasks
- Practifi - Processes & Tasks - Modify due dates for workflow tasks
For new Practifi organizations, the above permissions will be added only for admin users by default. Validation rules on Task records check if users have these permission sets assigned and block users from updating the status on completed workflow tasks or modifying due dates if they don’t have the relevant permissions. Tasks that aren’t part of a workflow will continue to be editable. For more about permission sets, see Managing User Permissions.
Better Completion Information for Checklist Items
We’ve added Completed By and Completed On fields to Checklist items, making it possible to report on them with the ability to audit rather than rely on the parent task’s information alone. This is particularly important with the introduction of advanced execution management, as the owner of the task and the user who completes the Checklist item will not always be the same.
Execution Criteria for Actions
Whether or not an action is executed when a task is completed can currently be controlled by selecting different outcomes. This enhancement significantly expands on what’s possible by allowing execution criteria to come from Active Form Fields and values taken from the task and/or its related records. On the Action record page, Administrators can define execution criteria using the Rule Builder on the Execution Rules tab.
New Create a Record Action
Using the new Create a Record action type, Administrators can specify the object the action is creating a record in, as well as the record type. The Action Field Value related list allows you to specify any predefined values you wish to include in the object’s fields as part of the action. To set up dynamically captured field values, Active Form Fields can be mapped to the Create a Record action in the same way as they are to others.
For more detailed information about our available action types, see Understanding Action Types.
Access Active Forms More Easily within Processes and Task Templates
If a task template or the first task in a process contains an Active Form, that form can now be surfaced within the Start a Process and New Task (from template) workflows. This allows users to jot down important details while they’re top-of-mind, saving them extra clicks. If a task template includes an Active Form, it will automatically appear in the New Task (from template) workflow. For more on working with task templates, see Using Tasks.
An Active Form will not appear in the Start a Process workflow if the process has more than one initial task that includes forms. Additionally, an Active Form will not be displayed in the Start a Process workflow if a user is creating more than one instance of a process.
System Administrators can choose whether or not to display the Active Form for the launch task in a process within the Start a Process workflow. For more information, see Creating Processes.
Assign Order to Multiple Workflow Actions
When the actions executed by a workflow task become complicated and interdependent, such as when creating a record that’s related to another record being created at the same time, ensuring they run in the correct order becomes critical. We’ve added an Order field to the Action record page so you can specify the order in which these actions are executed.
If actions are not interdependent, there’s no need to order them. If they are, then execution is controlled by the date/time that the Action record was created, which may or may not cause the dependent actions to be executed first. If this occurs, those actions will return an error.
All task actions do not have to be ordered. You can order some and not others as needed. Actions without an Order value always run after those where one is specified.
Noticeboard Additions
Broader Notifications for Critical Posts
When a Noticeboard post is marked as critical, you want to ensure that anyone who looks at something related to the Entity sees it, regardless of whether they’re looking at the main Entity record or a related record like an Asset, Task or Email.
This enhancement makes the toast notification that accompanies critical posts appear whenever a record is opened as a subtab within the Entity workspace, not just when the Entity record page is accessed directly, meaning everyone involved in managing the relationship will receive critical alerts regardless of what records they open.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
All record pages other than Entities |
Noticeboard Added to All Entity Records
It’s not only clients who have important alerts to be shared. All of your firm's relationships can benefit from being able to highlight the crucial details related to them. This enhancement brings the Noticeboard to all Entity record pages, making it easier than ever to share those details and ensure that everyone is informed of them.
Because the Noticeboard is part of the Key Records tab in the Overview section, we’ve introduced this tab to all Entity record pages to make it appear. Within the Key Records tab, you’ll find the Noticeboard, but also other important records such as open tasks and processes.
To learn more about working with the Noticeboard, see our article on 📚Understanding and Using the Noticeboard.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Prospect, Entity, Organization and Individual record pages |
Share Noticeboard Posts Across Related Entities
Sometimes you need to make a post that’s relevant to more than just a single Entity, such as when an advisor is out of the office for an extended period of time. This enhancement introduces the Noticeboard to the Division, User and Financial Product record pages, and makes it possible to push a post made there to all of its related Entities via the Post to related entities? toggle switch.
Because the Noticeboard is part of the Key Records tab in the Overview section, we’ve introduced this tab to the Division, User and Financial Product record pages.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Division, User and Financial Product record pages |
Record List Enhancements
Expandable, Stackable Record Lists
To avoid an unwieldy amount of tabs on record pages and to enable fields and records lists to appear within the same tab, we're updating the Record List component to allow it to appear within an expandable/collapsible section like fields do currently. We're also adding an attribute to determine how many records the Record List component displays at once, providing greater control over its height. We've used this new display style to streamline the number of tabs on our Asset and Contact record pages and to add new functionality to the Financial section for Client records.
On the Asset record page, we've introduced a new tab named Additional Information that consolidates multiple tabs into one with the following sections displayed depending on your firm's settings:
- Holdings
- Roles
- Installments
- Objectives
On the Client record page, we've added the same Additional Information tab to the Financials page section, allowing you to explore the same information across a client's entire portfolio. We've also added an Asset filter to assist in drilling down information as needed.
On the Contact record page, we've reorganized the tabs to streamline the number of tabs and align terminology with page sections found on Entity record pages. The new tab structure and notes on what is contained in each section are as follows:
- Basics
- Contact Points
- Activities
- Relationships
- Processes & Tasks: Contains Processes, Open Tasks and Task History
- Documents: Contains Notes, Files and Reference Documents
- Financials: Contains Assets, Liabilities and Income & Expenses
- Feed
- Campaigns
- History
We've also made this expandable and stackable display style available for custom record lists. To switch a record list to the expandable section display style, JSON-experienced System Administrators can add the below snippet to the tableConfig section in the list's JSON file:
"maxTableHeight": 700,
"displayStyle": "Expandable Section",
"expandableSectionName": "{Name of your choice}",
"expandableSectionVisibleRecords": {Number of records to display before a scrollbar appears}
More Filtering Options for Record Lists
We've made it easier to surface the most relevant records by introducing Operator and Value filters for record lists. These filters use an operator (such as “equals,” “less than“ or “contains“) and a value to determine what to show. Because this approach works for any type of data you might have in your system, these filters are compatible with most fields in Practifi.
You'll find the new filtering options in the following areas:
Object | Field | Available on |
Entity |
All Entity lists that contain clients |
Potential AUM |
All Entity lists that contain clients and/or prospects |
Referred AUM |
All Entity lists that contain influencers |
Task | Subject | All Task lists |
The following field types are not supported:
Address (individual attributes of addresses, e.g. the State/Province or Country, are supported)
File upload
Roll-Up Summary
Text (Encrypted)
To define an operator and value filter in your record use, set the filterType attribute to operatorFilter.
For more on working with filters and operator availability, see our 📚Using Filters article.
Portal Compatibility for Record Lists, Specifics and Tear Sheets
A richer and more varied set of use cases are possible with Practifi Portals, with our Record List, Specifics and Tear Sheet components now available for use within them. The Specifics and Record List components are available within Experience Builder, and are configured in the same way they are when used in Lightning App Builder for internal pages. The Tear Sheet is available by configuring the Practifi - Printable View component.
Please note: The work to add these features is highly technical in nature. If you need assistance enabling these components in your portal, contact your Client Success Manager.
Sentiment Analysis Added to Microsoft 365 Email Sync
Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning analyzes emails sent to your firm and reports on their sentiment, telling you if they’re mostly positive, neutral or negative or whether sentiment is mixed. This takes the guesswork out of understanding how your clients feel about their experience with your firm and provide a more objective, data-driven understanding.
Please note: Use of this feature requires the Microsoft 365 Sync add-on service. Emails are analyzed as part of the transfer from Microsoft 365 to Practifi, handled by that add-on. Emails sent to Practifi using other tools, such as Salesforce’s Outlook integration, are not supported.
We've added a Sentiment section to the Email Message record page layout. Additionally, the sentiment of the most recent email related to a Person or a Key Entity and the date it was sent are displayed in the new Most Recent Email Sentiment and Most Recent Email Sentiment Date fields on their respective record pages. These new fields can also be surfaced in record lists. Two reports have also been included to get you started on analyzing this data:
- Client Email Sentiment by Member: A list containing the Most Recent Email Sentiment of each member within a Client record, grouped by Client Segment and Name.
- Key Entity Email Sentiment Last 90 Days: All Key Entities who have an email with sentiment data from the last 90 days. Includes a bar chart grouped by Most Recent Email Sentiment.
To learn more about this integration, see our articles on 📚Using and 📚Enabling Microsoft 365 Email Sync.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Email Message page layout |
All Entity, Individual and Contact page layouts |
Envestnet Integration Enhancements
Our improved integration with Envestnet offers a range of enhancements, significantly expanding upon what was previously possible and integrating Envestnet proposals more deeply into your firm’s workflows in Practifi.
The benefits of the improved integration with Envestnet proposals in Practifi include the following:
- Getting a complete understanding of a proposal without having to leave Practifi.
- Storing the managing firms of investment products as Key Entities, making it easier to manage paperwork or log phone calls related to them.
- Working seamlessly with the household linking wizard in the Envestnet Salesforce app, allowing you to use the two systems side-by-side.
Investment Proposal Creation (Envestnet) Workflow Action
We’ve built a collection of enhancements that bring proposal management capabilities - such as creating them, updating their status and retrieving service request tasks - into the workflow engine, meaning all the tasks related to executing a proposal live alongside the rest of your Practifi tasks rather than being siloed in another system. These capabilities have all been leveraged in a pre-built workflow, Investment Proposal Creation (Envestnet).
This action, when executed, creates an Envestnet Proposal record in Practifi which is then sent across to Envestnet. Once this process is completed, you’re presented with a link to the record in Envestnet, allowing you to easily switch across and fill out the proposal.
The action supports the Active Form feature for the Proposal Name, Status, Risk Tolerance and Amount fields, meaning you can include them as part of the form the user fills in when completing the task. These fields are mapped to the existing object within the Practifi data model (practifi__Envestnet_Proposal__c), so use the field API names from that object when mapping Active Form Fields to this workflow action.
Please note: If your firm makes changes to Risk Tolerance and Risk Score in Envestnet, these changes will take a day before they’re reflected in Practifi. To sync the changes immediately, go to the Integrations page and use the Sync Envestnet Risk Tolerance action.
Comprehensive Data Sync
Proposals now return a much broader data set than ever before, giving you access to richly-detailed information about the proposal without opening Envestnet at all. As much as possible we’ve replicated the field layout found in Envestnet, to minimize relearning.
Data is synchronized on a daily basis, but if you want to see if anything’s changed during the day, the Check for Updates button on the Proposal record page can help. Please note that this information is synchronized one-way only, from Envestnet to Practifi.
The data sync spans the following categories:
These fields have been added to the existing Envestnet Proposal object.
Date Created
Date Generated
Date Expires
Date Updated
Funding Sources
Registration Types
Risk Tolerance
Proposal Registration
A proposal registration is an investment product registered within a proposal. These have been captured using a new object called Envestnet Proposal Registration. A list of each proposal’s registrations is visible on the Proposal record page. The below fields have been included in the sync:
Custodian Name
Joint Owner
Primary Owner
Program Name
The existing Financial Product object now catalogues Envestnet products, using a new record type named Envestnet Investment. One record is created for each investment product registered across all proposals. The below fields have been included in the sync:
Managing Firm
Quick Facts
Account Minimum
Asset Class
Avg. Annual Turnover
Inception Date
Risk Rating
Risk Score
Strategist Style
Fee Notes
Billing Mode
Fee Disclosures
Portfolio Characteristics
Adjusted Price/Earning Ratio
Average Market Cap
Current Yield
Debt to Total Capital
EPS Growth - Past 5 Years
Median Market Cap
Model Weighted Avg Gross Expense Ratio
Model Weighted Avg Net Expense Ratio
Price/Book Ratio
Return on Equity (1 yr)
Product Asset Allocation
How a product’s funds are allocated into asset classes. One record is created for each asset class a product allocates funding to. A list of these classes is visible on the Financial Product record page. The below fields have been included in the sync:
Allocation Type
Asset Class
Product Fees
How a product’s fees are structured, using tiered pricing. One record is created for each AUM range that has a unique fee amount. A list of these classes is visible on the Financial Product record page. The below fields have been included in the sync:
Lower Range
Upper Range
Rule-Based Actions for Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables
The introduction of the Rulebook in this release makes it possible to automate alerts for any record in Practifi easily. Still, in other product features that create record templates, like Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables, the automation will work better when it’s more deeply integrated into the feature. This enhancement introduces a Rule-Based Actions section to each record page of the above templates, providing an intuitive way to include automated alerts as a part of each record.
Rule-based actions can be added from the new Rule-Based Actions section on Process Type, Task Template or Deliverable Type records. Rule creation and execution work the same way as they do within the Rulebook.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | What’s Changed? |
Deliverable Type record page |
Process Task record page |
Process Type record page |
Add Context to Workflow Notifications with Practifi Merge Language
The Send a Notification workflow action is a great way to notify servicing team members about workflow-related activity. With the introduction of Practifi Merge Language, it’s now possible to include contextual details within these notifications, such as information captured using a task’s Active Form, the client’s name or other data stored in the system. Practifi Merge Language works as described in the Using the Petit Verdot Release section above.
Store Changes to Entity and Contact Fields as Contact Points
We've made it easier to manage current and historical addresses, emails and phone numbers in Contact Points. This enhancement automatically creates and updates Contact Point records based on changes you make to Entities and Contacts, allowing you total flexibility over where you manage the data while retaining a comprehensive data set for things like reporting and updating details within workflows using our new Active Form Tables.
Because a significant amount of records are created as a by-product of this enhancement, which could cause some Practifi instances to reach their data storage limit, it is not enabled automatically. To learn more about using Contact Points, see our 📚Managing Contact Details article.
Customizable Mapping Options for Contact Points and Preferred Phone
Adding custom address, email and phone fields to Practifi can help bring completeness to contact details, but currently, these fields aren’t compatible with Practifi features such as Contact Points and the Preferred Phone picklist for Contact and Individual records. This enhancement makes it possible to map those custom fields to the Preferred Phone picklist and Contact Points, making them as fully featured as the standard fields.
Please note: The Preferred Phone picklist on Entity records is not included in this enhancement. Individuals use the ones found on the Contact object, so they are included.
Resolved Issues
- When executing a Save to Related Record workflow action while completing a Task, the name of the record to be updated did not appear.
- When executing a Save to Related Record workflow action while completing a Task, actions appeared in the list even if the record itself wasn’t updated, such as when the conditionally-displayed fields that would have updated the record did not appear.
- When mapping phone numbers to household and organization members using the Contact Points feature, the values mapped to one member were incorrectly applied to all others within the household or organization.
- Prefill logic for Date/Time fields in Active Forms was not working as expected.
- There were problems with @ mentions and adding users to Feed comments on the Entity and Process record pages.
- Notifications created by the Send a Notification action weren’t opening a record when clicked. Click-through behavior now works as follows:
- If the Task is not related to an Entity, clicking the notification opens the Task record.
- If the Task is related to an Entity and nothing else, clicking the notification opens the Entity record.
- If the Task is related to an Entity and one additional related record, clicking the notification opens the related record.
- If the Task is related to an Entity and two or more records related to it, then clicking the notification opens the Entity record.
- When opening one of an Entity’s related records as a subtab, the navigation panel disappeared, but a blank space was still visible.
- When updating the Preferred Phone field on an Entity from “Household Phone” to any other value, the value previously captured was lost. The same issue occurred for the Preferred Email field.
- Fixed an issue where a Setup Bundle created from a Process Step caused it to be added as a Task within the same Process.
- Resolved an issue with Contact Point Addresses where a new address was overriding existing addresses rather than creating a new one.
- Fixed a ‘Filter Set Component Error’ that displayed for some clients where a member of a queue opened a table via one of the Task-related tiles.
- The ‘Next Event’ field on the Entity object displays the Date/Time of the nearest scheduled Event record related to an Entity. We fixed the rollup for this field so that when added as a column on the Clients list views, it shows Client records who have their Meetings/Events scheduled next with a Date/Time that is not in the Past and closer in the future.
- Fixed a layout issue where non-admin users could not view the Servicing Team on a client record.
- Fixed an ‘Unhandled fault’ error displayed in the 'Save to Bundle' flow which was displayed when creating a bundle under the process task.
- Updated Directory and Client list views to correctly update the 'Definitions' value in the column for the Entity records when the ‘Mark as Lost Prospect’ / Client actions are invoked on entities.
- Updated the success message displayed on invoking the ‘Change stage’ action as it stated the entity had no stage regardless of the chosen stage value.
- Added a new Administrator permission, ‘Practifi - Additional Features - Security Check,’ to avoid deployment failures. This includes adding Field Level Security for the Security Check feature fields into the Administrator permission sets.
- Fixed an issue where a Task could be completed despite a mandatory Active Form field not being populated.
- Removed a permission that prevented various users from being able to view a Client Tear Sheet.
- Resolved an issue where the Record Type for a Firm / Advisor was not populating properly for the Business Development app.
- Resolved an ‘Unhandled Fault’ error in the Business Development App when customizing Deal stages and the picklist didn't have a default value.
- Fixed a ‘Filter Set Component Error’ on the ‘All Firms & Advisors’ list view in the Business Development app, which displayed when there were 50,000 or more account records.
- Made it mandatory to specify either an Entity or a Person when creating a role on the following objects:
- Asset
- Liability
- Policy
- Policy Coverage
- Income
- Expenses
Change Log
For any feature or enhancement in this release that modifies configurable product areas, the affected areas are called out in the respective sections of the release notes. This section consolidates that information into a singular table, making it easier to understand the changes made by this release as a whole.
🔧 Implementation Details The below product areas have changed as a part of delivering these enhancements. If you’ve customized them, you won’t receive the changes automatically. A copy of the updated item will be made available in your Practifi instance. You can either replicate the changes or switch to the updated item and replicate your customizations. |
Product Area | Feature/Enhancement | What's Changed? |
Action record page | Use the Save to Related Record Action with Records Named in the Active Form |
Include Predefined Values in the Save to Related Record Action |
Active Form Field record page |
Alternative Picklist Display Options |
Use Picklist Value Labels to Present Options with Custom Language |
Active Form Field Section object
Active Form Section record page |
All Entity, Individual and Contact page layouts |
All record pages other than Entities |
Client record page |
Deliverable Type record page |
Rule-Based Actions for Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables |
Division record page |
Division, User and Financial Product record pages |
Email Message page layout |
Entity record page |
Envestnet Proposal record page |
Financial Product record page |
Household page layouts |
New Task (from template) action |
Organization page layouts |
Process Task record page |
Rule-Based Actions for Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables |
Advanced Execution Management for Active Forms, Checklists and Task Completion |
Process Type record page |
Rule-Based Actions for Processes, Task Templates and Deliverables |
Prospect record page |
Prospect, Entity, Organization and Individual record pages | Noticeboard Changes |
Task record page |
Team Member record page |
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