Creating Task Templates - SPA


**Note: This content is intended for system administrators and is technical in nature**

Task Templates can be created for simple tasks. They're available for use in the Tasks tab in the sidebar.

  1. Go to Settings in the user menu.
  2. Select Task Templates from the left-hand side Navigation.
  3. Click Add to add a new template.
  4. Fill in the template. Fields outlined in red are mandatory.
  5. Select a Task Group if you want to group the template in a sub group.
  6. You can also use Priority, Due Date Interval, Description and Estimated Effort if required.
  7. Tick the Copy Fields checkbox to give you an option of copying your fields each time you create a new task from this template.
  8. If you want to add the Outcomes and Actions to the template you need to save the template and come back to it.
  9. To add Outcomes and Actions, select the template. 
  10. Select Outcomes that should be available to select from when using the template.
  11. Add Actions that may occur based on whichever outcome has occurred. 
  12. Click Save.
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