**Note: This content is intended for system administrators and is technical in nature**
You can upload prospects in bulk using Bulk Upload Prospects which is available in the Launcher menu anywhere within Practifi. The Bulk Upload Prospects allows you to upload a file containing a list of Prospect records and all their related information e.g. Phone Numbers, Email, Entity Type, Stage, Likelihood, etc..
Considerations before uploading prospects
**A template is available to assist in preparing a prospects list, see point 2, under "Using Bulk Uploading Prospects Wizard", below**
- You can upload a maximum of 100 prospects using one file.
- The file needs to be a comma-delimited (.csv) text file with all the required columns as per the template provided, if there are any extra columns or any missing columns in the file then an error will be displayed. If the file is not a comma-delimited (.csv), then the wizard will show you an error.
- In the template, ContactFirstName and ContactLastName columns are mandatory, if a record does not have a first name or last name the prospect record will not get created in Practifi.
- If a row does not have Prospect Name, the Prospect Name will be auto-generated using "ContactLastName, ContactFirstName" of the prospect.
- If a record has an empty ProspectEntityType column, then by default entity type will be set as "Household".
- If a record has "Referral" as ProspectSource then either the ProspectReferrerContact or ProspectReferrerTeammember must have value. If both columns have values then the ProspectReferrerContact field will take the priority and will be set as a referrer to the prospect.
- If a record has "Referral" as a source and Referral Date is empty, then by default date of creation (Created Date) will be set as the Referral Date.
- If a record does not have any Stage value, then the Prospect Stage will be set default to the first Prospect Stage as listed in the Practifi Categories.
- The Stage of the related Services will be the same as Prospect Stage by default.
- If a record does not have any Owner value, then the user running the Bulk Upload will be set as the owner of the record.
Using Bulk Upload Prospects Wizard
- Go to the Launcher menu and select "Bulk Upload Prospects" under Bulk Actions.
- The template is provided in the Bulk Upload Prospects wizard's Step 1: Upload and Verify File. Clicking on the "Prospect upload template" will download the template. Note: You need to add .csv extension to the template once it's downloaded.
- Click on "Import File" and select the file. After selection, confirm the selected file and click "
" button to upload the file.
- Once the file gets imported, you can review/add/edit/delete records. Once you review the data click "Next Step".
- On Step 2: Map Reference Data, you need to do value mapping were you map Prospect Entity Type, Prospect Stage, Prospect Source, Prospect Owner, Prospect Referrer Contact, and Prospect Referrer Team Member to an existing value in Practifi. You need to map all the values (reference data) from the uploaded file to an existing value otherwise you will not proceed to the next step.
- On Step 3: Review Data and Create Records, you will review Prospects accounts and their related Contacts, Services, and Referrers. Once you review all the records click "Submit and Create Records" and all the records will get created and you will be navigated to the newly created Batch At A Glance page.
- On At A Glance page of the Batch, you can review the number of records created with your uploaded file. Clicking on any tile for example, "Prospects" will navigate you to the Data Management Prospect list of all the newly created Prospects.
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