The Mass Email feature enables the users to send an email to a group of contacts at the same time. For example, if you want to send emails to all of your clients whose birthdays are coming in the next seven days.
How to enable Mass Email:
- From your user menu, select Settings.
- Click Menu Items from the sidebar and then go to Launcher Subtab.
- Change the filter to "Active/Inactive" and search "LCMASSEMAIL" in the table search and edit the row, and check the Active box. Your Mass Email will now be available in the Launcher menu.
Using Mass Email
- Go to the Launcher menu and select Mass Email.
- You will be navigated to Salesforce Classic "Mass Email" page. You can create/edit your own view.
- Refer to this link for a salesforce article about Mass Email or click here to see a demo of Mass Email.
Once you finished with Mass Email, corresponding interactions will be created for all related contacts. There will be a scheduled job that will create interactions from Mass Email.
**Note: Please contact your Practifi Account Manager to help setup your preferred schedule**
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