Integration summary
Our integration with Midwinter allows you to keep your Practifi Client, People, Entity, Asset & Liability records in sync with Midwinter, as well as providing shortcuts from your Practifi clients to the corresponding Midwinter record. The information flow between systems functions as below:
Practifi |
Midwinter |
Client |
Real-time 🠞 |
Client Group |
Client Entity |
Real-time 🠞 |
Entity |
Person |
Real-time 🠞 |
Client |
Assets (Lifestyle only) & Liabilities |
Real-time 🠞 |
Personal Assets & Liabilities |
Insurance Policies |
Real-time 🠞 |
Insurance |
Assets |
🠜 Daily |
Investments |
Holdings |
🠜 Daily |
Investment Options |
Enabling the integration
NOTE: The process of enabling the Midwinter integration is somewhat technical. If you have any difficulties doing so, please contact your Customer Success Manager to help get you up and running.
1. Obtain information from Midwinter
Contact your Midwinter Account Manager and inform them that you wish to enable integration with Practifi. In order to enable your AdviceOS instance to integrate, they will provide the following:
- AdviceOS usernames for all users
- API Secret
- API Endpoint URL
2. Configure Salesforce settings
- In Practifi, click your avatar in the top-right corner to view the Settings menu and select Salesforce Setup.
- In the Quick Find/Search bar, search for and click on Custom Settings.
- Select Manage next to Midwinter Integration Settings, then click New
- Enter the following values in the form, then click Save:
- Authentication Secret: Use the one provided to you by Midwinter
- Default Midwinter Adviser: When sending a Client to Midwinter, if the record owner in Practifi doesn't have a corresponding account in Midwinter, then the record owner will be the name of the defined user (done by providing their AdviceOS username here).
- Enabled: True
- Endpoint URL: Use the one provided to you by Midwinter
- Request Timeout: 120,000
- Verbose Logging: False
3. Set up users
If you wish to keep record owners in Practifi and Midwinter in sync, you'll need to add the AdviceOS username to the relevant Salesforce user records. If you don't do this, then all AdviceOS clients sent from Practifi will be owned by the Default Midwinter Adviser defined in the previous step.
- In Salesforce Setup, go to the Quick Find/Search bar and search for and click on Users.
- Select the user you wish to set up. Before we can do this, you'll need to add the Midwinter User field to the layout so it can be edited. Click Edit Layout in the top-right corner to be taken to the Layout Editor.
- Add the Midwinter Adviser User field to the layout by dragging it from the field selector at the top onto the page, then click Save.
- You'll be taken back to the user's record page, where you can edit it to add their AdviceOS username in the Midwinter Adviser User field. Add this value for every user active in both Midwinter and Practifi.
4. Schedule synchronisation
In order to receive data from Midwinter on a regular basis, the jobs that manage the sync need to be scheduled.
- In Salesforce Setup, go to the Quick Find/Search bar and search for and click on Apex Classes.
- Click on Schedule Apex.
- Complete the form as per the screenshot below. Ensure that 'MidwinterPollHoldings' is the selected Apex Class. Be sure to set the Start Date to today's date, and the Preferred Start Time outside of your business hours. Midwinter updates their Holdings data overnight, so an ideal time to schedule this would be around 6am AEST.
- Click Save to confirm the scheduling. You can see it on the Scheduled Jobs page in Salesforce Setup.
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