Bring your marketing automation and business management information closer together. Our integration provides two-way sync for Client & Person records, adds timeline events from HubSpot to your client interactions, and lets you access HubSpot directly through a panel found on the client record. Here's a breakdown of how information is shared between systems:
Client |
🠜 Real-time 🠞 |
Company |
Person | Person | |
Interaction | 🠜 Real-time | Timeline Event (Email activity, form submissions, etc.) |
Enabling the integration
Complete the HubSpot integration wizard
- In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click Integrations.
- Click the Connect an app button.
- Use the search bar to locate the Salesforce integration.
- Hover over Salesforce integration and click View integration. The connector wizard will open.
- If you're connecting HubSpot to a Salesforce sandbox, select the Yes, this will connect to a sandbox checkbox.
- Click Log in to Salesforce.
- In the pop-up window, enter your Salesforce credentials and click Log In. After logging in, you'll be redirected back to the connector wizard in HubSpot.
- Next, install HubSpot in Salesforce. Click Start the Salesforce package installation to begin.
- You'll be redirected to Salesforce to install the HubSpot integration package. Select Install for All Users, then click Install.
- In the dialog box, select the Yes, grant access to these third-party web sites checkbox, then click Continue.
- Salesforce will then install the HubSpot integration package. This installation may take up to 5-10 minutes.
- You may see a message "This app is taking a long time to install. You will receive an email after the installation has completed." Click Done and wait for an email from Salesforce with the subject Package HubSpot Integration Install Successful.
- After the package has been installed in Salesforce, navigate back to the HubSpot connector wizard and click Next.
- Next, you'll see the "Bring HubSpot insights to Salesforce" page. Click Skip this step for now, as we'll need to do this in a different way for Practifi.
- Next, choose how your data will sync between HubSpot and Salesforce.
- If you select Recommended setup, click Review settings.
- If you select Advanced setup, click Next.
- On the next screen, set up your contact sync settings:
- Click to toggle the Salesforce task sync switch on to automatically create a Task in HubSpot when a task is created in Salesforce.
- In the Timeline sync table, select the Sync checkbox next to the list of HubSpot events to sync to Salesforce as a Salesforce Task, and click the Salesforce task type dropdown menu to select the Salesforce Task Type it will be created in Salesforce (three potential values). Note that native Salesforce Tasks are not used in Practifi, but rather one of a Practifi Task, or Practifi Interaction, each listed within their own tabs in Practifi.
- See section "Create Interactions rather than Tasks" below to determine whether you wish to create a Practifi Interaction or a Practifi Task on synching.
- Click Next.
- On the next screen, set up your object and property sync settings:
- Click the Contacts or Companies tab to configure the sync type for standard properties for that object (Practifi does not support sync with the Deals object). In the Companies tab, you may need to click to toggle the Enable company sync switch on before you can create field mappings.
- The table displays the standard HubSpot object properties and their Salesforce field equivalents. For each property sync, select the sync type: Prefer Salesforce (default), Always use Salesforce, or Two-way. Learn more about the sync types for Salesforce field mappings.
- Click Next.
- On the next screen, set up your contact sync settings:
- Lastly, review your selected data sync settings. To change the settings for a data sync type, click Change. When you're done, click Finish setup and begin syncing.
- You'll be redirected to your Salesforce integration settings, and data between HubSpot and Practifi will begin syncing.
Create Interactions rather than Tasks
If you wish to see Practifi Tasks created for your clients from Hubspot activity, make no changes. If you wish to see Hubspot activity appear as Practifi Interactions, carry out the next two steps.
Ensure the Legacy Activity Sync feature is ticked on under the Events > Custom Settings tab
Next, map the three Salesforce Task Types (Call, Meeting, Other, selected as the Salesforce Task Type in the Hubspot mapping panel above) back to one Interaction method, to force the creation of a Practifi Interaction. This is done by mapping the Related Picklist Value as an Interaction Method under the Edit Category panel in Practifi.
Within Practifi, under Edit Category for each of the Salesforce Task Types, change the Related Picklist Value to invoke an Interaction Method. The example here is to cause the Meeting picklist value to invoke an Interaction.
Enable automatic Company creation in HubSpot
Note: Some of the information found in this section has been sourced from a knowledge article produced by HubSpot.
People in Practifi are always associated with a parent Client record; this behaviour needs to be emulated in HubSpot to ensure the systems match. HubSpot has a setting that automates this process, to enable it:
- In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
- In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Contacts & Companies.
- Click the Companies tab.
- Click to toggle the Automatically create and associate companies with contacts switch on.

- To allow HubSpot create new company records and associations based on your existing contacts' email addresses, click Yes.
- HubSpot will begin creating company records and associating existing contacts based on their email addresses. Going forwards, HubSpot will automatically associate new contacts based on their email address to companies.
Add automation logic for new HubSpot Companies and People
In order to treat newly created Companies and People records from HubSpot as Practifi Clients and People, we need to ensure that when a Company is created as a Client, they're assigned an Orgn Type of "Client". To automate this value assignment:
- From the user menu in Practifi, go to Salesforce Setup
- Go to Create > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules and click New Rule
- For Object, select Account, then click Next
- Complete the page as above, then click Save & Next
- Click Add Workflow Action and then New Field Update
- Complete the page as above, then click Save
- Click Done to save the workflow rule. You may repeat this process if there are any additional values you'd like to set at this time, e.g. setting the Client Stage to Prospect
- Click Activate to turn the rule on
This workflow rule will apply to all Account records that are missing an Orgn Type at the time of their creation. Some of our integrations require these Accounts to have a different Orgn Type value assigned, and so this rule should not be used in those cases. If you're unsure, contact your Customer Success Manager.
Exclude non-client entities from Company sync (optional)
Note: Some of the information found in this section has been sourced from a knowledge article produced by HubSpot.
By default, all Practifi Clients, Client Entities and Providers are sent to HubSpot as Company records. Restricting this in any way requires use of Salesforce Selective Sync, a feature HubSpot provides for that purpose. Please note that enabling this feature requires a dedicated Practifi license. To enable it:
- From Salesforce Setup, go to Manage Users > Profiles and click New
- Select System Administrator as the existing profile, name the profile HubSpot Integration User and click Save
- Click Edit on the profile page, remove the permissions shown in the picture above, then click Save
- Go to Users > Roles, then click the first Add Role button visible as shown in the picture above
- Name the role HubSpot Integration, then click Save. If you have no other roles defined in your org, click Save & New, create a Practifi User role, then click Save
- Go to Manage Users > Users, then click New User. Complete the form as above, replacing the email and username, then click Save
- From the integration user's record, click Edit Assignments in the Permission Sets section
- Add the HubSpot Integration Permissions permission set, then click Save
- Add the Practifi User role to all existing users by editing their user record and assigning the role from there. This role will need to be assigned to all new users to allow them to see Client and Account records.
By default, Practifi comes with record sharing on Accounts and Contacts set to Public Read/Write. This means that every Practifi user can see the Clients and Person records owned by other users.
In order to make selective sync work, we need to restrict visibility globally to Private - which means that you can only see the records you own personally - and then selectively expose access based on the roles we defined previously so that users with the HubSpot Integration role can only see Client Accounts, while other roles can see all Accounts.
- Go to Security Controls > Sharing Settings and click Edit
- Change the value for Accounts to Private and for Contacts to Inherited by Parent, then click Save
- Go to Account Sharing Rules and click New
- Complete the page as above, then click Save. Note that you can add additional Orgn Type values if you want to send additional types to HubSpot, such as Providers
- Now we need to create a sharing rule that allows all others uses to see all other records. Create another Account Sharing Rule as above, then click Save
- In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click Integrations
- Select Salesforce, then click the Connect to a new account button
- Authorise access to your newly created HubSpot Integration User account
Add the HubSpot Intelligence panel (optional)
HubSpot provide a panel that appears on the Client record, which displays HubSpot information and functionality from within Practifi. To enable this as a menu item on the Client record:
- From Salesforce Setup, go to Create > Picklist Value Sets
- Click Menu Item Tabs, then the New button in the Values section
- Add "hubspot" as a value, tick the "Add the new picklist values to all Record Types that use this Global Value Set" checkbox, then click Save
- Go to Settings in the Practifi user menu and select Menu Items
- Click Add, complete the page as above, then click Save
You can use the shared_hubspot_view page in other contexts as well, such as in a subtab on the Client 360 page. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss your options.
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