Filters are available within Practifi to narrow the results displayed within page views, record tables and tile tables. These filters allow you to view the results of records in your organization that meet specified criteria. This article outlines where these filters are available, the differences between the types of filters and how to use this filtering functionality.
Filter Availability
Filters are available in multiple locations within your Practifi organization, most notably when selecting a tile on your Home page or a page view from your Navigation menu. Filters are also available for use on record tables within a Household, Organization or Individual record.
Tile Filters
Tile filters display on your Home page after selecting a tile to open its related tile table. These filters will vary by tile but will always display on the tile table above the column headers and under the tile name. The filters available on tile tables will apply filters in addition to the tile's criteria. For example, if you apply a filter of "Task Type = Meeting" to your Open tasks in my queues tile table, you will view tasks that are a type of Meeting assigned to the queue you are a part of and not marked as closed within your organization.Tile tables will default their filters to "All values" and "All time". This means that the system will apply only the filtering criteria established by the tile. Users can make changes by selecting the filter and modifying the options selected, either the checkboxes enabled or date ranges established. Filters will not automatically apply when selecting their options on a tile table. To apply a filter's change to a tile table, select the Apply button to finalize the change, and the tile will reload with the filter modifications applied.
Record Table Filters
Filters are available within the records tables on Household, Organization and Individual records. Record table filter availability will depend on if the Household, Organization or Individual is a Contact, Prospect or Client record. These filters will display when the record table has been selected from the record's side panel. For example, selecting the Services & Pipeline icon on a Client record's side panel will open a record table of any Services or Deals attached to the Client. Filter options will display on this record table above the results displayed.Like tile tables, the filters displayed on a record table will default to "All values" and "All time". Users can make changes by selecting the filter and modifying the options selected, either the checkboxes enabled or date ranges established. As with tile tables, filters will not automatically apply when selecting their options on a record table. Select the Apply button to finalize the change to apply a filter's change to a record table. The record table will then reload with the changes applied.
Page View Filters
Filtering is available on the page views selected from the Navigation menu within your Practifi organization. Once the page view is selected from the Navigation menu, the filter options will display in collapsed sections on the page view's side panel.
Selecting the filter's header will expand the filter's section and provide the functionality to modify the filters.
Unlike tile and record tables, filtering applied to page views will not require selecting an Apply button to have the change reflected on the table. Instead, changes will automatically be reflected on the table as checkboxes, date ranges or topic selection is made. Filter values on page views will default to "All values" and "All time". Filtering functionality is available on the following pages:
- Clients
- Directory
- Influence
- Installments
- Pipeline
- Processes
- Services
- Tasks
Applying Filters
Applying filters will depend upon the filtering type, whether it is a multi-select, a date range or a topics filter. When a change is applied to the filter, a filtering symbol will signal that the table results are filtered. When the table is restored to default filter values, the system will remove the filtering symbol. To clear any filters you've applied, click the cog above the table and select Reset Filter Values.
Multi-select filters support the functionality to select multiple values within a singular filter. These filters are displayed as multiple checkboxes available for selection or deselection to modify the filter. Within the multi-select filter, an All values checkbox is available for selection to set the filter to all available values quickly. To use the multi-select filter:
- Select the multi-select filter's name from either the page view side panel, record table or tile table to open the filter's pop-up.
- Boxes checked beside a value means that it is included in the filtering criteria for the filter. To deselect a value and no longer have records matching the criteria, click the checkbox to the left of the name of the value.
- To reselect the value after deselecting, click the checkbox to the left of the name of the value again.
- If setting a multi-select filter on a tile or record table, select Apply to add the filtering change to the table's results.
Date Range
Date range filters allow you to filter records based on a specific date or span of time. These filters are available on page views, record tables and tile tables within your organization. To use a date range filter:
- Select the date range filter name from either the record table, tile table, or the page views side panel to open the filter options.
- Select the Range field to open a drop-down menu of options. Date range filters will default to the value of All Time. Select the option that best fits the date range you would like to filter the results from the drop-down menu.
- If using a range with an N value within its name, for example, Last N Days, a Number of Days field will display. Enter the number of days you would like to insert into the N value of the filter. For example, putting 30 into the Number of Days field for the Last N Days range will look for results over the last 30 days.
- If the date range is not displaying your desired date range, select the Customize option in the lower right-hand corner of the filter.
- The filter will allow you to change the date range by selecting the calendar icons within the Start Date and End Date fields.
- Please note: Users can establish custom date ranges by selecting the Custom option from the Range drop-down menu.
- If setting a multi-select filter on a tile or record table, select Apply to add the filtering change to the table's results.
Operators and Values
Some record pages contain filters that use operators and values. These allow you to select an operator such as Greater Than or Contains and a number or text string.
You'll find these filters in the following areas:
Object | Field | Available on |
Entity |
All Entity lists that contain clients |
Potential AUM |
All Entity lists that contain clients and/or prospects |
Referred AUM |
All Entity lists that contain influencers |
Task | Subject | All Task lists |
Operator Availability
The operators available within a filter depend on the type of data captured in a field. The table below details operator availability by field type:
Field Type | Contains |
Does Not Contain |
Equals |
Does Not Equal |
Greater Than |
Greater Than or Equal To |
Less Than |
Less Than or Equal To |
Is Null |
Is Not Null |
Checkbox |
Currency |
Date |
Date/Time |
Master-Detail Relationship |
Lookup Relationship |
Lookup (single record) |
Lookup (multiple records) |
Number |
Percent |
Phone |
Picklist |
Picklist (multi-select) |
Text |
Time |
The following field types do not support Operator and Value filters:
Address (individual attributes of addresses, e.g. the State/Province or Country, are supported)
File Upload
Roll-Up Summary
Text (Encrypted)
Filtering by Topics is available within the Directory and Client page views. Topics used within your Practifi organization will display as a list available for selection to display records that have the selected Topics attached to them.To add a value to the Topics filter:
- Select the Topics filter name within the Directory or Client page view side panels to open the filter.
- Scroll through the Available list of Topics to locate the Topic you would like to add to the filtering.
- Select the Topic's name within the Available list. The Topic will highlight in light blue when selected.
- With the Topic highlighted, select the top caret button to add the Topic to the filter.
- The value will move from the Available list to the Selected list, and the table will apply this filter. A filtering icon will display to signal that the filter has been modified.
To remove a Topic value from the filter:
- Select the Topics filter name within the Directory or Client page view side panels to open the filter.
- Scroll through the Selected list of Topics to locate the Topic you would like to remove from the filtering.
- Select the Topic's name within the Selected list. The Topic will highlight in light blue when selected.
- With the Topic highlighted, select the lower caret button to remove the Topic from the filter. The value will move from the Selected list to the Available list, and the table will automatically apply this filter change.
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