Restricting File Uploads



While the Salesforce platform does not restrict the types of files users can upload, Practifi Administrators can enable an optional setting to prevent users from uploading designated file types. This article explains the setting and walks you through how to enable it.

Understanding the File Extension Blacklist

Admins can restrict file uploads using a Practifi Setting called File Extension Blacklist. Please note the following about the File Extension Blacklist setting:

  • The setting is not enabled by default for new or existing Practifi organizations.
  • All file extensions will be allowed if the custom setting is left empty.
  • If the custom setting is populated, all file extensions except those listed in the setting will be allowed.
  • Files that were already uploaded to Practifi before the setting was enabled will not be removed or impacted.
  • The setting will block the blacklisted file extensions from being uploaded to Practifi from anywhere that allows file uploads, including but not limited to:
    • Comments
    • Documents
    • Microsoft 365 Email and Calendar Sync
    • Practifi Portals
  • If a user attempts to upload a blacklisted file type, they will see an error message stating that the file was unable to be added.
  • If a synced email contains an attachment with a blacklisted file extension, the email will be synced into Practifi but the restricted attachment will be blocked. Attachments with approved file extensions will be included.
  • The File Extension Blacklist field has a 255-character limit. The pre-loaded default list is 249 characters long. If you want to block more extension types, we recommend editing the existing custom setting and removing unneeded file types to make room for the additional file extensions.
  • A corresponding Content Version trigger within Practifi Trigger Settings ensures the file type restriction rules are enforced effectively.

The File Extension Blacklist setting comes pre-configured with the following file extensions:

exe bat cmd vbs vbe js jse jar
msi msp scr pif reg com cpl msc
hta inf isn gadget msh msh1 msh2 mshxml
msh1xml msh2xml ps1 ps1xml ps2 ps2xml psc1 psc2
scf vb wsc wsh ade adp chm app
bas cab crt hlp ins isp itsmdb mde
mdz mdt mdw sct ws wsf xbap xltm


Enabling the File Extension Blacklist Setting

To enable the File Extension Blacklist setting in your Practifi instance:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup by selecting the cog icon in the upper right-hand corner and Setup from the drop-down menu.
  2. Use the Quick Find search bar to search for and select Custom Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.02.12 PM.png

  3. Click the Manage link next to Practifi Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.04.12 PM.png

  4. On the Practifi Settings page, click New.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.07.25 PM.png

  5. The File Extension Blacklist field is populated with default values automatically, as detailed in the table in the Understanding the File Extension Blacklist section above.
    • If needed, you can click into the File Extension Blacklist field to add or remove file extensions.
    • File extensions should be entered as a comma-separated list without periods. 
    • File extensions listed in this field will be blocked. Remove a file extension from the field to allow it to be uploaded.

    • Leaving the field empty means the blacklist is disabled, and all file extensions are permitted.

    • The File Extension Blacklist field has a 255-character limit. The pre-loaded default list is 249 characters long. If you want to block more extension types, we recommend editing the existing custom setting and removing unneeded file types in order to make room for the additional file extensions.

      Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.57.47 PM.png
  6. When you're done, click Save.

Editing the File Extension Blacklist Setting

To make changes to your firm's blacklist:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup by selecting the cog icon in the upper right-hand corner and Setup from the drop-down menu.
  2. Use the Quick Find search bar to search for and select Custom Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.02.12 PM.png

  3. Click the Manage link next to Practifi Settings.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.04.12 PM.png

  4. On the Practifi Settings page, click Edit.

    Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 2.00.09 PM.png

  5. On the Practifi Settings Edit page, make the desired changes to the File Extension Blacklist field, then click Save.
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