Batches - SPA


**Note: This content is intended for system administrators and is technical in nature**

Batches provide a mechanism to group multiple records together. This is typically used when doing bulk operations or importing data into the system. By grouping records in a batch, they can be easily identified or viewed in a central place. 

To add a batch:

  1. Navigate to Practifi Settings (in the settings menu accessed from the logged in user  ). 
  2. Click the Batches tab (represented by  ).
  3. Click the  icon to add a batch. 
  4. Complete the fields (required fields will appear in red). 
  5. Click Save.  

To edit a batch:

  1. Navigate to Practifi Settings (in the settings menu accessed from the logged in user  ). 
  2. Click the Batches tab (represented by  ).
  3. Click the  icon to edit a batch. 
  4. Edit the fields (required fields will appear in red). 
  5. Click Save.  
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