Enabling Campaigns - SPA


Many marketing automation platforms - such as Marketo and Pardot - integrate with Salesforce in order to share email and marketing campaign information between systems. In order to view these campaigns within Practifi, you'll need to enable the Campaigns feature. Please note that this feature requires an additional feature license for your Practifi subscription, speak to your Client Success Manager to arrange access.

Allocate licenses to users

These licenses must be allocated on a user-by-user basis, and the allocation is done directly on the Salesforce User record. From Practifi, go to Salesforce Setup in the User menu, search "Users" in the Quick Find menu on the left, select that menu item and then click Edit next to the name of the user you wish to allocate the license to.


From the Edit page, populate the Marketing User checkbox, then click Save.


Create navigation menu items

New tabs and contexts are required to support the new menu items in the integration (learn more about these here), so you'll need to update the picklist value set, which is the global list of menu item tabs used across Practifi. In the Quick Find/Search bar, search for and click on Picklist Value Sets, then click on Menu Item Tabs.

Click New, add values named "campaigns" and "campaignmembers" separated by a new line, then click Save. Do the same for Menu Item Contexts, adding "campaign" as a value.

The menu items themselves are added from Practifi Settings; go to the Menu Items page and click Add. Complete the form once for each menu item described below:


Applies to Organisation
Context Campaign
Tab basics
Header Page campaign_header
View Page campaign_basics_view
Edit and Add Page campaign_basics_edit
Active = True
Label Basics
Icon book
Order 1
Sidebar = True
Default = True

Campaign Division (sidebar)

Applies to Organisation or just to Marketing User
Context Division
Tab campaigns
Header Page division_header
View Page shared_campaign_list
Edit and Add Page n/a
Active = True
Label Campaigns
Icon mail-bulk
Order 4.9 or just before Prospect
Sidebar = True
Default = False

Campaign Team Member (sidebar)

Applies to Organisation or User (create a menu item for each user separately in this case)
Context teammember
Tab campaigns
Header Page teammember_header
View Page shared_campaign_list
Edit and Add Page n/a
Active = True
Label Campaigns
Icon mail-bulk
Order 4.9 or just before Prospect
Sidebar = True
Default = False

Campaign Member wizard

Applies to Organisation
Context wizard
Tab campaignmembers
Header Page manage_campaignmembers_header
View Page wizard_managecampaignmembers
Edit and Add Page wizard_managecampaignmembers
Active = True
Label Manage Campaign Members
Icon paper-plane
Order 9.5
Sidebar = True
Default = False

Add Launcher and User menus

In order to see Launcher and User menu items while viewing a Campaign record, the "campaign" context you created earlier needs to be added to those menu items. From the Menu Items page, go to the Launcher subtab, select all items, click the Mass Update button, add the "campaign" value in the Apply to Contexts field, then click Apply. Repeat the process for all items in the User Menu subtab as well.


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