Integration summary
Our integration with Black Diamond allows you to keep your Practifi Assets & Holdings in sync with Black Diamond's Accounts & Holdings. The information flows between the two systems as per the table below:
Practifi |
Black Diamond |
Asset |
🠜 Nightly |
Account |
Holding |
🠜 Nightly |
Holding |
Using the integration
Linking accounts with Clients or Client Entities
Before viewing a Client's assets, you'll need to associate their Black Diamond accounts with their Client, or Client Entity, record. You can match accounts with Clients or Client Entities from the BD Portfolios page in the Data Management section:
- In the User menu, click Data Management.
- Select BD Portfolios from the left-hand menu to be taken to the relevant page.
- This page will show all accounts retrieved from Black Diamond, as well as the Client or Client Entity records for those already linked.
- Enter the name of the Client or the Client Entity you wish to associate with the Account, then click Save to complete.
- Where there is no corresponding record in Practifi, you can create a new Client record by clicking the pencil icon and then the Create Client checkbox.
- Click Sync from BD to update the table with any accounts that have been created in Black Diamond since the last sync.
Viewing assets and holdings
- Black Diamond assets are located on the Assets & Liabilities tab on the Client or Client Entity record
- Assets sourced from an external system have an
icon to the right of the asset name. When your mouse cursor hovers over the icon, it will display the name of the system it came from, e.g. "Sourced from Black Diamond".
- Holdings information can be seen from the asset record
Field mapping
Asset (Practifi) - Account (Black Diamond)
Practifi | Black Diamond |
Description | Name |
Account Number | Account Number |
Valuation Date | As of Date |
External Number (combination of Practifi & Black Diamond IDs) | N/A |
Current Value (sum of Holdings) |
N/A |
Holding (Practifi) - Holding (Black Diamond)
Practifi | Black Diamond |
Name | Name |
Segment Name | Segment Name |
Class Name | Class Name |
Product Code | Ticker |
Unit Balance | Units |
As At | As of Date |
External Number | Account ID |
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