Petit Verdot Minor Release - October 2023



The following article covers what's new in our Petit Verdot minor release to clarify what's changed or what issues have been resolved since our Petit Verdot major release as of October 2023. These included changes have been in anticipation of Salesforce's Winter '24 release. To learn more about Salesforce's Winter '24 release, please consult our What to Know about Salesforce Winter '24 article. If you're new to Practifi or our release documentation, please review our best practices for 📚 Using Practifi Release Notes

Included Changes

As of October 2023, teams will experience the following changes to their Practifi instance:

  • News component on Home pages replaced with Feed Mentions: The News component has been retired by Salesforce in all organizations as part of their Winter '24 updates. In Practifi, the News component was displayed as a tab in the left-hand sidebar of the Home page for each role-based app. We have replaced the News component with a new tab called Mentions, which displays a list of Feed (Chatter) posts where the running user is mentioned (tagged). 
  • Contacts can now have their own Topics: Topics can be added to contacts and displayed in a new right-hand sidebar on a Contact record, along with any Feed posts for that contact. While both households and contacts use a common set of global topics, they can have distinct topics. I.e., Topics recorded on a Contact record do not roll up to the household topics.
  • Feed for Contact records has moved: The Feed component for Contact records has moved to the new contact right-hand sidebar, allowing users to post directly from the Contact record. Feed posts on a Contact record will roll up to its respective Primary Entity record as per existing behavior. 
  • Active Form fixes:
    • Resolved an issue with Active Forms, which displayed a generic error message when launching a process task to prefill fields in another task when not visible. We made a code change on sharing settings in Active Forms to change the class from 'with sharing' to 'without sharing'.
    • Resolved an exception issue where an error would display when converting null values from a text string to a number during Active Form prefilling.
  •  Primary Relationship fix: Resolved an issue where a 'multiple primary contact' error would display when trying to enter a Primary Member or Primary Spouse even though no primary contacts were displayed. This was due to a Primary Member or Spouse being registered on the Parent Entity record without a matching relationship record.
  • Add Household Member action fix: Resolved an issue where the Primary Entity field on a Member record was not populating when adding them to a household or organization using the action type of 'Add Household Member'.
  • Time-Based Commencement fix: Resolved an issue where processes were not launching where Time-Based Commencement criteria were set and a Business Role had been defined. 
  • Related Process fix for large databases: Resolved an issue where clearing the 'Related Process' value on a task displayed a 'Non-selective query against large object' error when there were more than one million tasks. We have now excluded non-process tasks from the query to significantly reduce the volume of tasks queried. 
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